Strict Mode (JavaScript)
你可以宣布严格模式通过添加“use strict”;在一个文件、一个程序或一个函数的开始。这种声明称为指令序言。严格模式声明的范围取决于它的上下文。如果它是宣布在全局上下文(一个函数的范围之外),程序的所有代码在严格的模式下执行。如果在一个函数内声明它,则函数内所有的代码在严格模式下执行。例如,在下面的示例中所有的代码都是在严格模式下,函数外声明的变量导致语法错误“变量未定义的严格模式”。
"use strict";
function testFunction(){
var testvar = 4;
return testvar;
// This causes a syntax error.
testvar = 5;
function testFunction(){
"use strict";
// This causes a syntax error.
testvar = 4;
return testvar;
testvar = 5;
- 如果浏览器不支持严格模式会忽略"use strict"这个字符串。这样就允许跨浏览器的使用严格模式语法,这是为了保证向前兼容,防止有一天某些浏览器仅仅支持严格模式。测试你的浏览器是否支持严格模式
- 当严格模式的方法调用了一个非严格方法时,该非严格方法不会启用严格模式,因为非严格方法被当作参数传递或是通过call和apply调用
- 当严格模式的方法调用了一个非严格方法时,该非严格方法不会启用严格模式,因为非严格方法被当作参数传递或是通过call和apply调用
- 优点:
消除代码运行的一些不安全之处,保证代码运行的安全 - 缺点:
Language element |
Restriction |
Error |
Example |
Variable |
Using a variable without declaring it. |
SCRIPT5042: Variable undefined in strict mode |
testvar = 4; |
Read-only property |
Writing to a read-only property. |
SCRIPT5045: Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode |
var testObj = Object.defineProperties({}, { |
Non-extensible property |
Adding a property to an object whoseextensibleattribute is set to false. |
SCRIPT5046: Cannot create property for a non-extensible object |
var testObj = new Object(); Object.preventExtensions(testObj); = "Bob"; |
delete |
Deleting a variable, a function, or an argument. Deleting a property whoseconfigurableattribute is set to false. |
SCRIPT1045: Calling delete on <expression>is not allowed in strict mode |
var testvar = 15;function testFunc() {};delete testvar;delete testFunc; Object.defineProperty(testObj, "testvar", { |
Duplicating a property |
Defining a property more than once in an object literal. |
SCRIPT1046: Multiple definitions of a property not allowed in strict mode |
var testObj = { |
Duplicating a parameter name |
Using a parameter name more than once in a function. |
SCRIPT1038: Duplicate formal parameter names not allowed in strict mode |
function testFunc(param1, param1) { return 1; |
Future reserved keywords |
Using a future reserved keyword as a variable or function name. |
SCRIPT1050: The use of a future reserved word for an identifier is invalid. The identifier name is reserved in strict mode. |
Octals |
Assigning an octal value to a numeric literal, or attempting to use an escape on an octal value. |
SCRIPT1039: Octal numeric literals and escape characters not allowed in strict mode |
var testoctal = 010;var testescape = \010; |
this |
The value ofthis is not converted to the global object when it is null orundefined. |
function testFunc() { In non-strict mode, the value of testvar is the global object, but in strict mode the value is undefined. |
evalas an identifier |
The string "eval" cannot be used as an identifier (variable or function name, parameter name, and so on). |
var eval = 10; |
Function declared inside a statement or a block |
You cannot declare a function inside a statement or a block. |
SCRIPT1047: In strict mode, function declarations cannot be nested inside a statement or block. They may only appear at the top level or directly inside a function body. |
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; |
Variable declared inside an evalfunction |
If a variable is declared inside anevalfunction, it cannot be used outside that function. |
SCRIPT1041: Invalid usage of 'eval' in strict mode |
eval("var testvar = 10"); Indirect evaluation is possible, but you still cannot use a variable declared outside the eval function. var indirectEval = eval; This code causes an error SCRIPT5009: 'testVar' is undefined. |
Argumentsas an identifier |
The string "arguments" cannot be used as an identifier (variable or function name, parameter name, and so on). |
SCRIPT1042: Invalid usage of 'arguments' in strict mode |
var arguments = 10; |
argumentsinside a function |
You cannot change the values of members of the localargumentsobject. |
function testArgs(oneArg) { In non-strict mode, you can change the value of the oneArgparameter by changing the value of arguments[0], so that the value of both oneArg and arguments[0] is 20. In strict mode, changing the value of arguments[0] does not affect the value of oneArg, because the arguments object is merely a local copy. |
arguments.callee |
Not allowed. |
function (testInt) { |
with |
Not allowed. |
SCRIPT1037: 'with' statements are not allowed in strict mode |
with (Math){ |
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