Future Works on P4

  • P4 and NV: MPvisor, Hyper4, HyperV, Flex4
  • P4 and NFV
  • P4 and Network Cache
  • P4 and Forwarding with Stateful: P5(NSDI 2017), OpenState.p4, etc.
  • P4 and NF: heavy hitters, DPI, middleboxes etc.
  • P4 and TE
  • P4 and DataCenter
  • P4 and AI(?)
  • P4 and FPGA
  • P4 and Applications: AppSwitch(APNet, 2017)
  • Moreover...

Future Works on P4的更多相关文章

  1. A Zero Flow Entry Expiration Timeout P4 Switch

    文章名称:A Zero Flow Entry Expiration Timeout P4 Switch 零流表项期满超时P4交换机 发表时间:2018 期刊来源:SOSR ABSTRACT (摘要) ...

  2. DC.p4: programming the forwarding plane of a data-center switch

    Name of article:Dc. p4: Programming the forwarding plane of a data-center switch Origin of the artic ...

  3. Superpixel Based RGB-D Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field——阅读笔记

    1.基本信息 题目:使用马尔科夫场实现基于超像素的RGB-D图像分割: 作者所属:Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(Iron) 发表:2015 International ...

  4. 论文翻译:BinaryConnect: Training Deep Neural Networks with binary weights during propagations

    目录 摘要 1.引言 2.BinaryConnect 2.1 +1 or -1 2.2确定性与随机性二值化 2.3 Propagations vs updates 2.4 Clipping 2.5 A ...

  5. 论文笔记:Auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification

    Auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification 2019-03-26 15:27:10 Paper ...

  6. tcp.cc

    ns2-tcp-tcp.cc /* -*- Mode:C++; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- */ /* * Copyri ...

  7. Even uploading a JPG file can lead to Cross-Site Content Hijacking (client-side attack)!

    Introduction: This post is going to introduce a new technique that has not been covered previously i ...

  8. Event StoryLine Corpus 论文阅读

    Event StoryLine Corpus 论文阅读 本文是对 Caselli T, Vossen P. The event storyline corpus: A new benchmark fo ...

  9. PP: Time series clustering via community detection in Networks

    Improvement can be done in fulture:1. the algorithm of constructing network from distance matrix. 2. ...


  1. (3.12)mysql基础深入——mysql日志文件/其他文件(socket/pid/表结构/Innodb)

    (3.12)mysql基础深入——mysql日志文件/其他文件(socket/pid/表结构/Innodb) 关键词:mysql日志文件,mysqldumpslow分析工具 目录:日志文件的分类 1. ...

  2. 奇特的Local System权限(转载)

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  3. POJ3009:Curling 2.0(dfs)

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  4. [LeetCode] 476. Number Complement_Easy tag: Bit Manipulation

    这个题目思路就是比如101 的结果是010, 可以从111^101 来得到, 那么我们就需要知道刚好比101多一位的1000, 所以利用 while i <= num : i <<= ...

  5. OpenCV Mat数据类型及位数总结(转载)

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  6. 摘要JSR168 PORLET标准手册汉化整理

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  7. UVM中的driver组件

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  8. java opencv使用相关

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  9. jq ajax传参的两种方式

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  10. MSF渗透测试-CVE-2017-11882(MSOffice漏洞)

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