- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- /* ==============================================================================
- * 功能描述:创建三角形Mesh
- * 创 建 者:Eci
- * 创建日期:2016/09/04
- * ==============================================================================*/
- [RequireComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshFilter))]
- public class TestTriangle : MonoBehaviour {
- public float sideLength = 2;
- public float angleDegree = 100;
- private MeshFilter meshFilter;
- [ExecuteInEditMode]
- private void Awake()
- {
- meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
- meshFilter.mesh = Create (sideLength, angleDegree);
- }
- private void Update()
- {
- }
- private Mesh Create(float sideLength, float angleDegree)
- {
- Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
- Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[3];
- float angle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleDegree;
- float halfAngle = angle / 2;
- vertices [0] = Vector3.zero;
- float cosA = Mathf.Cos (halfAngle);
- float sinA = Mathf.Sin (halfAngle);
- vertices [1] = new Vector3 (cosA * sideLength, 0, sinA * sideLength);
- vertices [2] = new Vector3 (cosA * sideLength, 0, -sinA * sideLength);
- int[] triangles = new int[3];
- triangles [0] = 0;
- triangles [1] = 1;
- triangles [2] = 2;
- mesh.vertices = vertices;
- mesh.triangles = triangles;
- Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Length; i++)
- {
- uvs[i] = Vector2.zero;
- }
- mesh.uv = uvs;
- return mesh;
- }
- }
- void OnDrawGizmos()
- {
- Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
- DrawMesh();
- }
- void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
- {
- Gizmos.color = Color.green;
- DrawMesh();
- }
- private void DrawMesh()
- {
- Mesh mesh = Create(sideLength, angleDegree);
- int[] tris = mesh.triangles;
- Gizmos.DrawLine(mesh.vertices[tris[0]], mesh.vertices[tris[1]]);
- Gizmos.DrawLine(mesh.vertices[tris[0]], mesh.vertices[tris[2]]);
- Gizmos.DrawLine(mesh.vertices[tris[1]], mesh.vertices[tris[2]]);
- }
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- /* ==============================================================================
- * 功能描述:创建三角形Mesh
- * 创 建 者:Eci
- * 创建日期:2016/09/04
- * ==============================================================================*/
- [RequireComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshFilter))]
- public class TestTriangle : MonoBehaviour {
- public float sideLength = 2;
- public float angleDegree = 100;
- private static readonly int ANGLE_DEGREE_PRECISION = 1000;
- private static readonly int SIDE_LENGTH_PRECISION = 1000;
- private MeshFilter meshFilter;
- private TriangleMeshCreator creator = new TriangleMeshCreator();
- [ExecuteInEditMode]
- private void Awake()
- {
- meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
- }
- private void Update()
- {
- meshFilter.mesh = creator.CreateMesh(sideLength, angleDegree);
- }
- void OnDrawGizmos()
- {
- Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
- DrawMesh();
- }
- void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
- {
- Gizmos.color = Color.green;
- DrawMesh();
- }
- private void DrawMesh()
- {
- Mesh mesh = creator.CreateMesh(sideLength, angleDegree);
- int[] tris = mesh.triangles;
- Gizmos.DrawLine(transformToWorld(mesh.vertices[tris[0]]), transformToWorld(mesh.vertices[tris[1]]));
- Gizmos.DrawLine(transformToWorld(mesh.vertices[tris[0]]), transformToWorld(mesh.vertices[tris[2]]));
- Gizmos.DrawLine(transformToWorld(mesh.vertices[tris[1]]), transformToWorld(mesh.vertices[tris[2]]));
- }
- private Vector3 transformToWorld(Vector3 src)
- {
- return transform.TransformPoint(src);
- }
- private class TriangleMeshCreator
- {
- private float _sideLength;
- private float _angleDegree;
- private Mesh _cacheMesh ;
- public Mesh CreateMesh(float sideLength, float angleDegree)
- {
- if (checkDiff(sideLength, angleDegree))
- {
- Mesh newMesh = Create(sideLength, angleDegree);
- if (newMesh != null)
- {
- _cacheMesh = newMesh;
- this._sideLength = sideLength;
- this._angleDegree = angleDegree;
- }
- }
- return _cacheMesh;
- }
- private Mesh Create(float sideLength, float angleDegree)
- {
- Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
- Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[3];
- float angle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleDegree;
- float halfAngle = angle / 2;
- vertices [0] = Vector3.zero;
- float cosA = Mathf.Cos (halfAngle);
- float sinA = Mathf.Sin (halfAngle);
- vertices [1] = new Vector3 (cosA * sideLength, 0, sinA * sideLength);
- vertices [2] = new Vector3 (cosA * sideLength, 0, -sinA * sideLength);
- int[] triangles = new int[3];
- triangles [0] = 0;
- triangles [1] = 1;
- triangles [2] = 2;
- mesh.vertices = vertices;
- mesh.triangles = triangles;
- Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Length; i++)
- {
- uvs[i] = Vector2.zero;
- }
- mesh.uv = uvs;
- return mesh;
- }
- private bool checkDiff(float sideLength, float angleDegree)
- {
- return (int)((sideLength - this._sideLength) * SIDE_LENGTH_PRECISION) != 0 ||
- (int)((angleDegree - this._angleDegree) * ANGLE_DEGREE_PRECISION) != 0;
- }
- }
- }
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