priority_queue member function
// priority_queue::emplace
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <queue> // std::priority_queue
#include <string> // std::string int main ()
std::priority_queue<std::string> mypq; mypq.emplace("orange");
mypq.emplace("pear"); std::cout << "mypq contains:";
while (!mypq.empty())
std::cout << ' ' <<;
std::cout << '\n'; return ;
//Ooutput:mypq contains: strawberry pear orange apple
// priority_queue::push/pop
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <queue> // std::priority_queue int main ()
std::priority_queue<int> mypq; mypq.push();
mypq.push(); std::cout << "Popping out elements...";
while (!mypq.empty())
std::cout << ' ' <<;
std::cout << '\n'; return ;
//Output:Popping out elements... 100 40 30 25
// priority_queue::swap
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <queue> // std::priority_queue int main ()
std::priority_queue<int> foo,bar;
foo.push (); foo.push(); foo.push();
bar.push (); bar.push(); foo.swap(bar); std::cout << "size of foo: " << foo.size() << '\n';
std::cout << "size of bar: " << bar.size() << '\n'; return ; /*Output:
size of foo: 2
size of bar: 3*/
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