Hdu-3487 Splay树,删除,添加,Lazy延迟标记操作
题意:给出n和q,n代表1-n的序列,接下来q有两种操作,Cut a b c:表示把区间[a,b]截掉然后放在第c个数的后面,Flip a b 表示把区间[a,b]反转,经过一系列的q操作,最后输出操作后的序列:
- #include"stdio.h"
- #include"iostream"
- #include"queue"
- using namespace std;
- struct Link_cut
- {
- queue<int>q;
- struct node //节点结构体
- {
- int key,val,son,flag;
- node *lson,*rson,*fa; //左儿子,右儿子,以及父节点
- node()
- {
- key=val=flag=;
- son=;
- lson=rson=fa=NULL;
- }
- };
- node *top,*root,*x,*y;
- void init() //建立根节点root的父节点top
- {
- top=new node();
- }
- int getNum(node *x) //以x为根的子树一共有多少个节点
- {
- if(x==NULL)return ;
- return x->son;
- }
- void push_up(node *rt)
- {
- rt->son=getNum(rt->lson)+getNum(rt->rson)+;
- }
- void push_down(node *rt)
- {
- if(rt==NULL)return;
- if(rt->flag)
- {
- rt->flag^=;
- Reversal(rt);
- if(rt->lson!=NULL)
- rt->lson->flag^=;
- if(rt->rson!=NULL)
- rt->rson->flag^=;
- }
- }
- void Rotate(node *x,int k) //k=0左旋k=1右旋
- {
- node *y=x->fa;
- if(k==)
- {
- y->rson=x->lson;
- if(y->rson!=NULL)
- y->rson->fa=y;
- push_up(y);
- if(y->fa->rson==y)
- y->fa->rson=x;
- else
- y->fa->lson=x;
- x->fa=y->fa;
- x->lson=y;
- y->fa=x;
- }
- else
- {
- y->lson=x->rson;
- if(y->lson!=NULL)
- y->lson->fa=y;
- push_up(y);
- if(y->fa->lson==y)
- y->fa->lson=x;
- else
- y->fa->rson=x;
- x->fa=y->fa;
- x->rson=y;
- y->fa=x;
- }
- }
- void Splay(node *x,node *f)//把x旋转到f的下面
- {
- while(x->fa!=f)
- {
- node *y=x->fa;
- node *z=y->fa;
- if(z==f)
- {
- if(y->rson==x)
- Rotate(x,);
- else
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- else
- {
- if(z->rson==y)
- {
- if(y->rson==x)
- {
- Rotate(y,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- else
- {
- Rotate(x,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(y->lson==x)
- {
- Rotate(y,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- else
- {
- Rotate(x,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(f==top)
- root=x;
- }
- void RotateTo(node *x,node *f)
- {
- Splay(x,f);
- push_up(x);
- }
- void RotateTo(int k,node *f)
- {
- node *x=root;
- k++;
- while()
- {
- push_down(x);
- int temp=getNum(x->lson)+;
- if(k==temp)break;
- if(k<temp)
- x=x->lson;
- else
- {
- k-=temp;
- x=x->rson;
- }
- }
- Splay(x,f);
- push_up(x);
- }
- void creatTree(int l,int r,int k,node *f) //初始化一颗二叉树
- {
- if(l>r)return;
- int mid=(l+r)/;
- node *rt=new node();
- if(f==top)
- root=rt;
- if(k==)
- {
- f->lson=rt;
- rt->fa=f;
- rt->key=mid;
- }
- else
- {
- f->rson=rt;
- rt->fa=f;
- rt->key=mid;
- }
- creatTree(l,mid-,,rt);
- creatTree(mid+,r,,rt);
- push_up(rt);
- }
- void Reversal(node *x)//交换x左右儿子的结点
- {
- if(x==NULL)return;
- node *y=x->lson;
- x->lson=x->rson;
- x->rson=y;
- }
- node *Find(int k) //找到第k的结点
- {
- node *x=root;
- k++;
- while()
- {
- push_down(x);
- int temp=getNum(x->lson)+;
- if(k==temp)break;
- else if(k<temp)
- x=x->lson;
- else
- {
- k-=temp;
- x=x->rson;
- }
- }
- return x;
- }
- node *FindRight(node *rt) //找到以rt为根节点的最右一个结点
- {
- node *x=rt;
- while()
- {
- push_down(x);
- if(x->rson==NULL)
- break;
- x=x->rson;
- }
- return x;
- }
- node *FindLeft(node *rt) //找到以rt为根节点的最左一个结点
- {
- node *x=rt;
- while()
- {
- push_down(x);
- if(x->lson==NULL)break;
- x=x->lson;
- }
- return x;
- }
- void Link(node *rt,int k) //把rt为根的子树连接到第k个结点的后面
- {
- root->rson->lson=NULL; //把区间砍掉
- node *x=Find(k);
- RotateTo(x,top);
- node *y=FindLeft(root->rson);
- RotateTo(y,root);
- root->rson->lson=rt;
- rt->fa=root->rson;
- }
- void Output(node *x,int n)
- {
- if(x==NULL)return;
- push_down(x);
- Output(x->lson,n);
- if(x->key>=&&x->key<=n)
- q.push(x->key);
- Output(x->rson,n);
- }
- }h;
- int main()
- {
- int n,q;
- while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&q)!=-)
- {
- if(n==-&&q==-)break;
- h.init();
- h.creatTree(,n+,,h.top);
- char op[];
- int a,b,c;
- while(q--)
- {
- scanf("%s%d%d",op,&a,&b);
- if(op[]=='C')
- {
- scanf("%d",&c);
- h.RotateTo(a-,h.top);
- h.RotateTo(b+,h.root);
- h.Link(h.root->rson->lson,c);
- }
- else
- {
- h.RotateTo(a-,h.top);
- h.RotateTo(b+,h.root);
- h.root->rson->lson->flag^=;
- }
- }
- while(!h.q.empty())
- {
- h.q.pop();
- }
- h.Output(h.root,n);
- printf("%d",h.q.front());
- h.q.pop();
- while(!h.q.empty())
- {
- printf(" %d",h.q.front());
- h.q.pop();
- }
- puts("");
- }
- }
- /*
- 8 1
- CUT 3 5 4
- 5 1
- CUT 2 3 1
- 8 3
- Cut 3 6 3
- Cut 2 6 2
- Cut 3 6 4
- 8 1
- Flip 2 6
- 10 5
- Cut 2 6 3
- Flip 4 9
- Flip 5 8
- Cut 6 7 3
- Flip 4 5
- */
- #include"stdio.h"
- #include"iostream"
- #include"queue"
- #include"string.h"
- #define M 3000005
- using namespace std;
- struct Text
- {
- int son[M][],fa[M],flip[M],num[M];
- int top;
- int root;
- vector<int>p;
- void init(int n)
- {
- top=n+;
- for(int i=;i<=n+;i++)
- {
- num[i]=;
- flip[i]=;
- son[i][]=son[i][]=-;
- fa[i]=-;
- }
- }
- void Rotate(int x,int k)
- {
- int y=fa[x];
- if(k==)
- {
- son[y][]=son[x][];
- if(son[y][]!=-)
- fa[son[y][]]=y;
- push_up(y);
- if(son[fa[y]][]==y)
- son[fa[y]][]=x;
- else
- son[fa[y]][]=x;
- fa[x]=fa[y];
- son[x][]=y;
- fa[y]=x;
- }
- else
- {
- son[y][]=son[x][];
- if(son[y][]!=-)
- fa[son[y][]]=y;
- push_up(y);
- if(son[fa[y]][]==y)
- son[fa[y]][]=x;
- else
- son[fa[y]][]=x;
- fa[x]=fa[y];
- son[x][]=y;
- fa[y]=x;
- }
- }
- int Find(int k)
- {
- k++;
- int x=root;
- while()
- {
- push_down(x);
- int temp=getNum(son[x][])+;
- if(temp==k)break;
- else if(k<temp)
- x=son[x][];
- else
- {
- k-=temp;
- x=son[x][];
- }
- }
- return x;
- }
- void splay(int x,int f)
- {
- if(x==-)return;
- while(fa[x]!=f)
- {
- int y=fa[x];
- int z=fa[y];
- if(z==f)
- {
- if(son[y][]==x)
- Rotate(x,);
- else
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- else
- {
- if(son[z][]==y)
- {
- if(son[y][]==x)
- {
- Rotate(y,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- else
- {
- Rotate(x,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(son[y][]==x)
- {
- Rotate(y,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- else
- {
- Rotate(x,);
- Rotate(x,);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(f==top)
- root=x;
- }
- void RotateTo(int x,int f,int type)
- {
- if(!type)
- x=Find(x);
- splay(x,f);
- push_up(x);
- }
- void Reversal(int x)
- {
- if(x==-)return;
- int y=son[x][];
- son[x][]=son[x][];
- son[x][]=y;
- }
- void creat(int l,int r,int k,int f)
- {
- if(l>r)return;
- int mid=(l+r)/;
- if(f==top)
- root=mid;
- son[f][k]=mid;
- fa[mid]=f;
- creat(l,mid-,,mid);
- creat(mid+,r,,mid);
- push_up(mid);
- }
- int getNum(int x)
- {
- if(x==-)return ;
- return num[x];
- }
- void push_up(int rt)
- {
- num[rt]=getNum(son[rt][])+getNum(son[rt][])+;
- }
- void push_down(int rt)
- {
- if(rt==-)return;
- if(flip[rt])
- {
- flip[rt]^=;
- Reversal(rt);
- if(son[rt][]!=-)
- flip[son[rt][]]^=;
- if(son[rt][]!=-)
- flip[son[rt][]]^=;
- }
- }
- int findLeft(int rt)
- {
- int x=rt;
- while()
- {
- push_down(x);
- if(son[x][]==-)break;
- x=son[x][];
- }
- return x;
- }
- void CUT(int a,int b,int c)
- {
- RotateTo(a-,top,);
- RotateTo(b+,root,);
- int rt=son[son[root][]][];
- son[son[root][]][]=-;
- RotateTo(c,top,);
- int x=findLeft(son[root][]);
- RotateTo(x,root,);
- son[son[root][]][]=rt;
- fa[rt]=son[root][];
- }
- void FLIP(int a,int b)
- {
- RotateTo(a-,top,);
- RotateTo(b+,root,);
- int x=son[son[root][]][];
- flip[x]^=;
- }
- void dfs(int rt,int n)
- {
- if(rt==-)return;
- push_down(rt);
- dfs(son[rt][],n);
- if(rt>=&&rt<=n)
- p.push_back(rt);
- dfs(son[rt][],n);
- }
- void Output(int n)
- {
- dfs(root,n);
- printf("%d",p[]);
- for(int i=;i<(int)p.size();i++)
- printf(" %d",p[i]);
- puts("");
- p.clear();
- }
- }text;
- int main()
- {
- int n,q;
- while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&q)!=-)
- {
- if(n==q&&n==-)break;
- text.init(n);
- text.creat(,n+,,text.top);
- int a,b,c;
- char op[];
- while(q--)
- {
- scanf("%s%d%d",op,&a,&b);
- if(op[]=='C')
- {
- scanf("%d",&c);
- text.CUT(a,b,c);
- }
- else
- text.FLIP(a,b);
- }
- text.Output(n);
- }
- return ;
- }
- /*
- 10 5
- Cut 2 6 3
- Flip 4 9
- Flip 5 8
- Cut 6 7 3
- Flip 4 5
- 10 5
- Flip 4 9
- Flip 5 8
- Cut 6 7 3
- Flip 4 5
- 10 1
- Flip 2 9
- */
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