A letter to a good guy in USA
Hi Nick:
Busy recently forgetting to check Yammer in box.
Really nice of you to agree to provide help on my subject.
The case is like this:
I’m a Chinese native. I was born in northern China in a village and got my Bachelor’s degree of network engineering in 2010.
After that, I did not take further College education. I attended job and worked as a computer related engineer ever since, now a software engineer.
It was in last October that I got a job of Vendor developer in Microsoft Shanghai. It had been not easy for a Chinese to become capable of all these English stuffs. In my past, I tried hard to gain the knowledge.
But, it still seems not easy to master something, even speaking English makes me feel not easy, every day, what I ‘m doing is coding with my co-workers, we are all Chinese. It is fine, but I think maybe I can go further, I’m already about to be 30 years old. In fact, I had had a plan to go to the world. Besides, a vendor employee’s contract has an expiration, I was told that I may get canceled, so, in fact, I’m ready for risks. I’m doing my work well. But I should also prepare for my future. This is just one aspect.
As to America, in my concept, America is indeed a very good place, in China, even just the name seems to have a halo. When I move forward, as I’m knowing more, things begin to become real.
Not long after the beginning of this year, a friend of mine who’s talented went to America, and worked in Apple for half an year. When I first knew of her situation, despite of the reputation, my first reaction is worry. Not a long time ago, she told me she was back.
In fact, I do not really know how it feels to stay in a western country, but I do know that living and working in an unfamiliar environment can really be a challenge. I have ever worked in a small city in China where I even had communication obstacles since people there say their localism more, it was not easy for a negative person like me. Concluded from information that I got from web, America is a free country, but there seems also to be many adverse aspects. I know I should be brave, when I’m still young. In my opinion, I think if you want to do something, a foresight is needed, and proper pre-preparation, because every decision matters. Maybe when I know more, one day when I have a job chance or I can go there all by myself for a travel.
Maybe now, I’m preparing.
Curious about the everyday, education, consumption, places to travel, etc. The movies did not give me a thorough reveal of these things. Especially things about programmers, maybe this is a job career curiosity, aha.
Best Regard
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