Compress a Folder/Directory via Perl5

tested in Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu16.04

#nultiple folder
use IO::Dir;
use Archive::Tar;
use v5.16; die "Give me some Folder\n" if ! @ARGV;
&tar_bz2(@ARGV); sub tar_bz2 {
my @haystack = ();
my $fname = join ',', map { $_=~s/\/$//;$_ } @_;
#the compressed file name
$fname = @_.";".$fname;
while(my $dir = shift){ #iterate the given list
$dir =~ s|/$||;
if (! -d $dir){
push @haystack, $dir;
#not a dir/folder, file hodoooor
sub haystack {
my $dir = shift; # current dir name
my $pat = shift; # under where
my $d = IO::Dir->new("$dir");
if (defined($d)) {
chdir $dir;
while (defined($_ = $d->read)) {
next if ($_ =~ /^\.\.?$/);
if (-f "$_"){
push @haystack, "$pat/$dir/$_";
if (-d "$_") {
chmod 0755, "$_";
# __SUB__ not work in windows
# no matter `use feature "current_sub"`
# or `use v5.16`
# run under perl v5.18.2
$fname =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.;]+/_/g;
$fname = substr($fname,0,15) if $fname > 14;
# create a Archive::Tar object
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
# add files
$tar->add_files(@haystack) or die "$!";
# say STDERR "$_" for (@haystack);
say "Saved to $fname.tbz";


$ perl ./ font/
Saved to 1;font.tbz font/
|-- A/
|-- A File 2.txt
|-- AFile1.txt
|-- B/
|-- C/
|-- CFile.txt
The sturcture


  • Options Getopt::Long -o(outdir),-t(compress method,gzip bz2,7z,xz),-f(tar filename), -l(compress level)

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