

        robotium框架支持WebView,在robotium中有getWebElements()、getWebElements(By by)等方法来获取android中的WebView的元素。并提供了 clickOnWebElement方法来完毕点击事件.android中的原生控件是比較好攻取的,那么对于WebView这个框架是怎么获取的呢。

         在PC上,获取网页的元素能够通过注入javascript元素来完毕,以Chrome浏览器为例,打开工具——JavaScript控制台(快捷方式:Ctrl+Shift+J)。输入 javascript:prompt(document.URL)即会弹出含当前页面的URL的提示框,因此通过编写适当的JS脚本是能够在这个弹出框中显示全部页面元素的。


	public ArrayList<WebElement> getWebElements(boolean onlySufficientlyVisible){
boolean javaScriptWasExecuted = executeJavaScriptFunction("allWebElements();"); return getWebElements(javaScriptWasExecuted, onlySufficientlyVisible);
	private boolean executeJavaScriptFunction(final String function){
final WebView webView = viewFetcher.getFreshestView(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(WebView.class, true)); if(webView == null){
return false;
final String javaScript = prepareForStartOfJavascriptExecution(); activityUtils.getCurrentActivity(false).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(webView != null){
webView.loadUrl("javascript:" + javaScript + function);
return true;
function allWebElements() {
for (var key in document.all){
promptElement(document.all[key]); //调用promptElement(element)函数
finished(); //运行完后,调用finished()函数
} function promptElement(element) {
var id = element.id;
var text = element.innerText;
if(text.trim().length == 0){
text = element.value;
var name = element.getAttribute('name');
var className = element.className;
var tagName = element.tagName;
var attributes = "";
var htmlAttributes = element.attributes;
for (var i = 0, htmlAttribute; htmlAttribute = htmlAttributes[i]; i++){
attributes += htmlAttribute.name + "::" + htmlAttribute.value;
if (i + 1 < htmlAttributes.length) {
attributes += "#$";
} var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
if(rect.width > 0 && rect.height > 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.top >= 0){
prompt(id + ';,' + text + ';,' + name + ";," + className + ";," + tagName + ";," + rect.left + ';,' + rect.top + ';,' + rect.width + ';,' + rect.height + ';,' + attributes); //弹出包括id、text、name等字段的提示框
function finished(){
prompt('robotium-finished'); //弹出包括robotium-finished字符串的提示框,用于标识脚本注入运行结束

        在Android的Webkit包中有个WebChromeClient类,这个类中的onJsPrompt方法就是用于处理WebView中的提示框的,当WebView中有JS提示框时,会回调该方法。String message參数将包括提示框中的信息,因此robotium写了个继承自WebChromeClient类的RobotiumWebClient类。覆写了onJsPrompt
onJsPrompt(WebView view, String url, String message, String defaultValue, JsPromptResult result)
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String url, String message, String defaultValue, JsPromptResult r) { if(message != null && (message.contains(";,") || message.contains("robotium-finished"))){
webElementCreator.createWebElementAndAddInList(message, view);//有人提示框中的内容。那么就能够对提示框中的内容进行处理了
return true;
else {
if(originalWebChromeClient != null) {
return originalWebChromeClient.onJsPrompt(view, url, message, defaultValue, r);
return true;
} }




	public void enableJavascriptAndSetRobotiumWebClient(List<WebView> webViews, WebChromeClient originalWebChromeClient){
this.originalWebChromeClient = originalWebChromeClient; for(final WebView webView : webViews){ if(webView != null){
inst.runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
webView.setWebChromeClient(robotiumWebClient); }
第三步:将提示框中的消息存入WebElement Java bean中

	private WebElement createWebElementAndSetLocation(String information, WebView webView){
String[] data = information.split(";,"); //将消息按;,符号切割,当中;,符号是在前面运行JS时增加的
String[] elements = null;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
Hashtable<String, String> attributes = new Hashtable<String, String>();
x = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[5]));
y = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[6]));
width = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[7]));
height = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[8]));
elements = data[9].split("\\#\\$");
}catch(Exception ignored){} if(elements != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < elements.length; index++){
String[] element = elements[index].split("::");
if (element.length > 1) {
attributes.put(element[0], element[1]);
} else {
attributes.put(element[0], element[0]);
} WebElement webElement = null; try{
webElement = new WebElement(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], attributes);//将id、text、name等字段存入
setLocation(webElement, webView, x, y, width, height);
}catch(Exception ignored) {} return webElement;
* Sets the location of a {@code WebElement}
* @param webElement the {@code TextView} object to set location
* @param webView the {@code WebView} the text is shown in
* @param x the x location to set
* @param y the y location to set
* @param width the width to set
* @param height the height to set
*/ private void setLocation(WebElement webElement, WebView webView, int x, int y, int width, int height ){
float scale = webView.getScale();
int[] locationOfWebViewXY = new int[2];
webView.getLocationOnScreen(locationOfWebViewXY); int locationX = (int) (locationOfWebViewXY[0] + (x + (Math.floor(width / 2))) * scale);
int locationY = (int) (locationOfWebViewXY[1] + (y + (Math.floor(height / 2))) * scale); webElement.setLocationX(locationX);



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