HTML 支持的数学符号

结果 描述 实体名称 实体编号
for all ∀
part ∂
exists &exists;
empty ∅
nabla ∇
isin ∈
notin ∉
ni ∋
prod ∏
sum ∑
minus −
lowast ∗
square root √
proportional to ∝
infinity ∞
angle ∠
and ∧
or ∨
cap ∩
cup ∪
integral ∫
therefore ∴
simular to ∼
approximately equal ≅
almost equal ≈
not equal ≠
equivalent ≡
less or equal ≤
greater or equal ≥
subset of ⊂
superset of ⊃
not subset of ⊄
subset or equal ⊆
superset or equal ⊇
circled plus ⊕
cirled times ⊗
perpendicular ⊥
dot operator ⋅

HTML 支持的希腊字母

结果 描述 实体名称 实体编号
Α Alpha Α Α
Β Beta Β Β
Γ Gamma Γ Γ
Δ Delta Δ Δ
Ε Epsilon Ε Ε
Ζ Zeta Ζ Ζ
Η Eta Η Η
Θ Theta Θ Θ
Ι Iota Ι Ι
Κ Kappa Κ Κ
Λ Lambda Λ Λ
Μ Mu Μ Μ
Ν Nu Ν Ν
Ξ Xi Ξ Ξ
Ο Omicron Ο Ο
Π Pi Π Π
Ρ Rho Ρ Ρ
  Sigmaf   undefined
Σ Sigma Σ Σ
Τ Tau Τ Τ
Υ Upsilon Υ Υ
Φ Phi Φ Φ
Χ Chi Χ Χ
Ψ Psi Ψ Ψ
Ω Omega Ω Ω
α alpha α α
β beta β β
γ gamma γ γ
δ delta δ δ
ε epsilon ε ε
ζ zeta ζ ζ
η eta η η
θ theta θ θ
ι iota ι ι
κ kappa κ κ
λ lambda λ Λ
μ mu μ μ
ν nu ν Ν
ξ xi ξ ξ
ο omicron ο ο
π pi π π
ρ rho ρ ρ
ς sigmaf ς ς
σ sigma σ σ
τ tau τ τ
υ upsilon υ υ
φ phi φ φ
χ chi χ χ
ψ psi ψ ψ
ω omega ω ω
ϑ theta symbol ϑ ϑ
ϒ upsilon symbol ϒ ϒ
ϖ pi symbol ϖ ϖ

HTML 支持的其他实体

结果 描述 实体名称 实体编号
Œ capital ligature OE Œ Œ
œ small ligature oe œ œ
Š capital S with caron Š Š
š small S with caron š š
Ÿ capital Y with diaeres Ÿ Ÿ
ƒ f with hook ƒ ƒ
ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent ˆ ˆ
˜ small tilde ˜ ˜
en space  
em space  
thin space  
zero width non-joiner ‌
zero width joiner ‍
left-to-right mark ‎
right-to-left mark ‏
en dash –
em dash —
left single quotation mark ‘
right single quotation mark ’
single low-9 quotation mark ‚
left double quotation mark “
right double quotation mark ”
double low-9 quotation mark „
dagger †
double dagger ‡
bullet •
horizontal ellipsis …
per mille  ‰
minutes ′
seconds ″
single left angle quotation ‹
single right angle quotation ›
overline ‾
euro €
trademark ™
left arrow ←
up arrow ↑
right arrow →
down arrow ↓
left right arrow ↔
carriage return arrow ↵
left ceiling ⌈
right ceiling ⌉
left floor ⌊
right floor ⌋
lozenge ◊
spade ♠
club ♣
heart ♥
diamond ♦

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