[Angular Directive] Assign a Structual Directive a Dynamic Context in Angular 2
, you can pass in any value into your structural directive so that it can render templates based on those values. It's crucial to understand how the *directive
syntax expands into a <template>
and adds a custom @Input
based on the syntax you use so that you can use your own data.<h2 *three="let message from messages">{{message.to}} - {{message.message}}</h2>
For template it would looks like:
<template [threeFrom]="messages"></template>
It combimes 'three' and 'from' keywords.
So the directive would looks like:
import {Directive, Input, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef} from "@angular/core";
selector: '[three]'
export class ThreeDirective {
@Input() set threeFrom({one, two, three}) {this.view.createEmbeddedView(this.template, {
$implicit: {
to: "People" + Math.random(),
message: two
}); this.view.createEmbeddedView(this.template, {
$implicit: {
to: "People" + Math.random(),
message: three
}); this.view.createEmbeddedView(this.template, {
$implicit: {
to: "People" + Math.random(),
message: one
} constructor(private template: TemplateRef<any>, private view: ViewContainerRef) { }
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