1155. Can I Post the letter


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I am a traveler. I want to post a letter to Merlin. But because there are so many roads I can walk through, and maybe I can’t go to Merlin’s house following these roads, I must judge whether I can post the letter to Merlin before starting my travel.

Suppose the cities are numbered from 0 to N-1, I am at city 0, and Merlin is at city N-1. And there are M roads I can walk through, each of which connects two cities. Please note that each road is direct, i.e. a road from A to B does not indicate a road from B to A.

Please help me to find out whether I could go to Merlin’s house or not.


There are multiple input cases. For one case, first are two lines of two integers N and M, (N<=200, M<=N*N/2), that means the number of citys and the number of roads. And Merlin stands at city N-1. After that, there are M lines. Each line contains two integers i and j, what means that there is a road from city i to city j.

The input is terminated by N=0.


For each test case, if I can post the letter print “I can post the letter” in one line, otherwise print “I can't post the letter”.

Sample Input

0 1
1 2
0 1

Sample Output

I can post the letter
I can't post the letter 利用Dijiskra算法解决问题
using namespace std; const int MAX = 205;
int edge[MAX][MAX];
bool visited[MAX];
int n, m; void DFS(int current)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
} int main()
memset(edge, 0, sizeof(edge));
memset(visited, false, sizeof(visited));
int a, b; for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
visited[0]=true; DFS(0); if(visited[n-1])cout<<"I can post the letter\n";
else cout<<"I can't post the letter\n";
} return 0;

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