【翻译】使用Visual Studio在Azure上部署Asp.Net Core Web应用
- Install the latest Azure SDK for Visual Studio. The SDK installs Visual Studio if you don't already have it.
- 安装Azure SDK for Visual Studio,如果你的Visual Studio还没有安装这个SDK的话
Verify your Azure account. You can open a free Azure account or Activate Visual Studio subscriber benefits.
验证你的Azure账号。你可以注册一个免费的Azure账号也可以激活你的Visual Studio的Azure信用额度。
In the Visual Studio Start Page, tap New Project....
在Visual Studio启示页面,点击New Project…
Alternatively, you can use the menus to create a new project. Tap File > New > Project....
你也可以通过菜单来创建一个新的项目。点击File > New > Project…
Complete the New Project dialog:
In the left pane, tap Web
In the center pane, tap ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core)
在中间的面板,点击选择Asp.Net Core Web Application(.Net Core)
Tap OK
In the New ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core) dialog:
在New Asp.Net Core Web Application(.Net Core)对话框中:
Tap Web Application
点击Web Application
Verify Authentication is set to Individual User Accounts
Authentication设置成Individual User Accounts
Verify Host in the cloud is not checked
不选中Host in the Cloud
Tap OK
Press Ctrl-F5 to run the app locally
Tap the About and Contact links. Depending on the size of your device, you might need to tap the navigation icon to show the links
- Tap Register and register a new user. You can use a fictitious email address. When you submit, you'll get the following error:
- 点击注册链接注册一个新的用户。你可以输入虚拟的Email地址,当你点击提交的时候,你会看到错误:
You can fix the problem in two different ways:
Tap Apply Migrations and, once the page updates, refresh the page;
点击Apply Migrations,等待更新后,刷新页面
Run the following from a command prompt in the project's directory:
dotnet ef database update
The app displays the email used to register the new user and a Log off link.
刷新页面后,页面会显示我们注册的新用户和看到一个Log off的链接。
Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select Publish....
在Solution Explorer右键项目,点击Publish
In the Publish dialog, tap Microsoft Azure App Service.
在Publish对话框中,点击Microsoft Azure App service.
Tap New... to create a new resource group. Creating a new resource group will make it easier to delete all the Azure resources you create in this tutorial.
Create a new resource group and app service plan:
添加一个新的Resource group和app service plan:
Tap New... for the resource group and enter a name for the new resource group
在resource group点击New,然后为这个资源组取名
Tap New... for the app service plan and select a location near you. You can keep the default generated name
在app service plan点击New,选择一个
Tap Explore additional Azure services to create a new database
点击Explore additional Azure services去创建一个新的数据库
- Tap the green + icon to create a new SQL Database
- 点击绿色的加号图标创建一个新的Sql数据库
- Tap New... on the Configure SQL Database dialog to create a new database server.
- 在Configure Sql Database对话框中点击New创建一个新的数据库
- Enter an administrator user name and password, and then tap OK. Don't forget the user name and password you create in this step. You can keep the default Server Name
- 输入一个管理员名和密码,点击OK。不要忘记你设置的用户名和密码。ServerName可以保持默认的。
- Tap OK on the Configure SQL Database dialog
- 在Configure SQL Database对话框点击OK
- Tap Create on the Create App Service dialog
- 在Creat App Service对话框点击Create
- Tap Next in the Publish dialog
- 在Publish对话框点击Next
On the Settings stage of the Publish dialog:
Expand Databases and check Use this connection string at runtime
扩展Databases,选中Use this connection string at runtime
Expand Entity Framework Migrations and check Apply this migration on publish
扩展Entity Framework Migrations,选中Apply this migration on publish
Tap Publish and wait until Visual Studio finishes publishing your app
点击Publish,等待Visual Studio完成发布你的应用。
Visual Studio will publish your app to Azure and launch the cloud app in your browser.
Visual Studio会在发布到Azure后通过浏览器打开你在云端部署的应用。
Test the About and Contact links
Register a new user
- Edit the
Razor view file and change its contents. For example: - 编辑Views/Home/About.cshtml文件,修改它。参考:
ViewData["Title"] = "About";
<h3>@ViewData["Message"]</h3> <p>My updated about page.</p>
- Right-click on the project and tap Publish... again
- 再次右键项目点击Publish
- After the app is published, verify the changes you made are available on Azure
- 发布后,检查下在Azure端的应用是否改变
When you have finished testing the app, go to the Azure portal and delete the app.
- Select Resource groups, then tap the resource group you created
- 选择Resource groups,然后选中你创建的资源组
- In the Resource group blade, tap Delete
- 在Resource group选项卡中,点击Delete
- Enter the name of the resource group and tap Delete. Your app and all other resources created in this tutorial are now deleted from Azure
- 输入资源组名点击Delete。你的应用和创建的资源在Azure中将会被删除。
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