1.    背景

鉴于网上使用MonkeyImage的实例除了方法sameAs外很难找到,所以本人把实践各个API的过程记录下来然自己有更感性的认识,也为往后的工作打下更好的基础。同时也和上一篇文章《MonkeyDevcie API 实践全记录》起到相互呼应的作用。

因为并没有MonkeyRunner的项目背景,所以这里更多的是描述各个API是怎么一回事,而不是描述在什么场景下需要用到。也就是说是去回答What,而不是How。 首先我们先看下官方给出的MonkeyImage的API描述,对比我现在反编译的最新的源码是一致的:

Return Type




convertToBytes (string format)Converts the current image to a particular format and returns it as a string that you can then access as an iterable of binary bytes.  


getRawPixel (integer x, integer y)Returns the single pixel at the image location (x,y), as an a tuple of integer, in the form (a,r,g,b).  


getRawPixelInt (integer x, integer y)Returns the single pixel at the image location (x,y), as a 32-bit integer.  


getSubImage (tuple rect)Creates a new MonkeyImage object from a rectangular selection of the current image.  


sameAs (MonkeyImage other, float percent)Compares this MonkeyImage object to another and returns the result of the comparison. Thepercent argument specifies the percentage difference that is allowed for the two images to be "equal".  


writeToFile (string path, string format)Writes the current image to the file specified by filename, in the format specified by format.  

2.      String convertToBytes(string format)

2.1  示例

img = device.takeSnapshot()

png1 = img.convertToBytes()

png2 = img.convertToBytes()

bmp = img.convertToBytes('bmp')

jpg = img.convertToBytes('JPG')

gif = img.convertToBytes('gif')

raw = img.convertToBytes('raw')

invalid = img.convertToBytes('xxx')

#is the 2 pngs equal?
print "Two png is equal in bytes:",png1 == png2 #is the png equals to bmp?
print "png and bmp is equal in bytes:", png1 == bmp #is the jpg eqals to the raw?
print "jpg and bmp is equals in bytes:",jpg == bmp #is the jpg eqals to the xxx?
print "jpg is a valid argument:",jpg != invalid #is the gif eqals to the xxx?
print "gif is a valid argument:",gif != invalid #is the bmp eqals to the xxx?
print "bmp is a valid argument:",bmp != invalid #is the raw equas to xxxx? aims at checking whether argument 'raw' is invalid like 'xxx'
print 'raw is a valid argument:',raw != invalid #would invalid argument drop to png by default?
print 'Would invalid argument drop to png by default:',png1 == invalid


2.2 分析


3. tuple getRawPixel(integer x, integer y)和Integer getRawPixelInt (integer x, integer y)

3.1 示例

viewer = device.getHierarchyViewer()
note = viewer.findViewById('id/title')
text = viewer.getText(note)
print text.encode('utf-8') point = viewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(note)
x = point.x
y = point.y img = device.takeSnapshot() pixelTuple = img.getRawPixel(x,y)
pixelInt = img.getRawPixelInt(x,y)
print "Pixel in tuple:",pixelTuple
print "Pixel in int:", pixelInt


3.2 分析


4. MonkeyImage getSubImage(tuple rect)

4.1 示例

from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner,MonkeyDevice,MonkeyImage
from com.android.monkeyrunner.easy import EasyMonkeyDevice,By
from com.android.chimpchat.hierarchyviewer import HierarchyViewer
from com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.models import ViewNode, Window
from java.awt import Point #from com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.device import #Connect to the target targetDevice
targetDevice = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() easy_device = EasyMonkeyDevice(targetDevice) #touch a button by id would need this
targetDevice.startActivity(component="com.example.android.notepad/com.example.android.notepad.NotesList") #invoke the menu options
#targetDevice.press('KEYCODE_MENU', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP); '''
public ViewNode findViewById(String id)
* @param id id for the view.
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.
#MonkeyRunner.alert("Continue?", "help", "Ok?") pic = targetDevice.takeSnapshot()
pic = pic.getSubImage((0,38,480,762)) newPic = targetDevice.takeSnapshot()
newPic = newPic.getSubImage((0,38,480,762)) print (newPic.sameAs(pic,1.0))

4.2 分析

  • 打开NotePad的NotesList Activity
  • 按下Menu Options按钮弹出“Add note”这个Menu Entry
  • 截取一个屏幕
  • 调用getSubImage来取得去掉屏幕最上面的状态栏(因为有时间不断变化,所以每截屏一次可能都会有所改变)和最下面的Menu Options的一个Image
  • 再重复以上两个步骤取得另外一个Image
  • 比较以上两个image是否相同
  • 把第二个image写到本地。

5 boolean sameAs(MonkeyImage other, float percent)

5.1 示例


5.2 分析

流程见4.1,这里要注意第二个浮点型的参数是从0.0到1.0, 1.0代表必须100%相同,0.5代表可以有50%的Error Tolerance.

6. void writeToFile (string path, string format)

6.1 示例


6.2 分析

作者 自主博客 微信服务号及扫描码 CSDN
天地会珠海分舵 http://techgogogo.com 服务号:TechGoGoGo扫描码: http://blog.csdn.net/zhubaitian

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