


drop table testtb;
id integer,
"name" character varying(2)
ALTER TABLE testtb OWNER TO gpadmin;
--WITH 用来说明表的存储属性,比如表的压缩
--DISTRIBUTED BY 定义表的分布键,这个键最好唯一,如果表中没有唯一键字段,可以定义DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY作为分布建。 --表的创建
create table testTBbak (like testTB) -- like 复制表结构
create table testtbbak1 as select * from testtb distributed by (name) -- 数据保留,可以指定分布键。
select * into testtbbak2 from testTB -- into 保留数据,不能指定分布键
select * from testtbbak2 /**分区表**/
-- 按照时间分区 -- --创建视图
create view v_testtb as select * from testtb -- 删除数据
delete from testtb -- 速度慢,会写日志。
truncate testtb -- 速度快,但不会写日期。 /**序列的使用**/
drop sequence myseq
create sequence myseq start 1
insert into testTB values(nextval('myseq'),'小明')
select setval('myseq',1)
select id,name from testTB order by 1 -- explain 用于查看sql执行计划
explain select * from testtb /**字符串函数**/
-- || 字符串连接
select '胡' || '黄' || '腾'
-- length 字符长度
select length('')
-- substring 字符串截取,从那位开始,截几位
select substring('' from 2 for 3)
-- trim去字符前后空格
select trim(' 234 fds ')
-- lowere 字符转小写
select lower('RER')
-- upper 字符转大写
select upper('rer')
-- replace 替换字符
select replace('aabbddee','aa','mm')
-- position 查找指定字符位置
select position('de' in 'abdeaf')
-- split_part 根据指定字符查找给定字符的位置
select split_part('aaa|bbb|ccc|eee','|',2) /**时间的函数**/
-- age求俩日期之差
select age(timestamp '1987-12-03',timestamp '2015-06-17')
-- age如果一个日期则和当前日期求差
select age(timestamp '1987-12-03')
-- current_date 当前日期
select current_date
-- current_time 当前时间
select current_time
-- current_timestamp 当前时间戳
select current_timestamp
-- now 当前时间
select now()
-- extract 获取指定时间的具体某个参数
select extract(day from date '2015-06-18')
select extract(day from now())
-- 时间相加
select '2015-04-2 10:00:52'::timestamp + interval '10 days 2 hours 10 seconds'
-- 时间相减
select current_date - interval '10 days' /**gp中其他函数**/
-- greatest 取两值中的最大值
select greatest(3,9)
-- 列转行
insert into testtb(id,name)values (1,'ha');
insert into testtb(id,name)values (1,'he');
insert into testtb(id,name)values (1,'hi');
insert into testtb(id,name)values (2,'xb');
insert into testtb(id,name)values (2,'xh');
insert into testtb(id,name)values (2,'xm');
select id,string_agg(name,'|' order by name) from testtb group by id;
-- 行转列
select id,regexp_split_to_table(string_agg,E'\\|') str from texttb_m /**开窗函数**/
create table empsalary
depname varchar(20),
empno integer,
salary integer
distributed by (empno) insert into empsalary values ('develop',9,4500);
insert into empsalary values ('develop',1,3200);
insert into empsalary values ('develop',4,1000);
insert into empsalary values ('develop',2,9100);
insert into empsalary values ('develop',6,1000);
insert into empsalary values ('person1',5,3100);
insert into empsalary values ('person1',7,4100);
insert into empsalary values ('sales',3,2400);
insert into empsalary values ('sales',8,1200);
insert into empsalary values ('sales',10,5100); -- rank 及 row_number 函数的应用
select depname
,rank() over (partition by depname order by salary desc)
,row_number() over (partition by depname order by salary desc)
from empsalary
-- rank 识别重复记录
-- row_number 不识别重复记录 select *
,sum(salary) over () sum1
,sum(salary) over (order by salary) sum2
,sum(salary) over (partition by depname) sum3
,sum(salary) over (partition by depname order by salary) sum4
from empsalary -- grouping by 的使用(其实就是简化了union)
select depname ,sum(empno)
from empsalary
group by depname
union all
select depname ,sum(salary)
from empsalary
group by depname --等效于
select depname,sum(empno),sum(salary)
from empsalary
group by grouping sets(depname)


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