1. Security Goal

- Confidentiality

- Integrity

- Availability

- Authenticity

- Non-repudiation

- Authorisation

- Accounting

2. Cryptography


Understanding Cryptography, Christof Paar

Security Engineering for Vehicular IT Systems, Marko Wolf

3. Cryptographic Libraries

3.1. 商业库

提供商:escrypt, POLAR SSL, crypto vision, easycore, Elektrobit, wolfSSL

Embedded vs IT-System

大部分CL提供商只专注一个应用领域。Stock market, Public transport

对于Automotive,不同的安全需求需要满足。Deeply embedded device,embedded device, IT


3.2. 免费库

OpenSSL, S2n, Labor CryptoLib ARM, NaCI



- 不需要官方许可

Public domain, BSD, MIT, Apache 1.0, Apache 1.1, Apache 2.0, Artistic License, PHP License, Python Software Foundatin License, zlib/libpng License, OpenLDAP License, Boost Software License, SSLeay

- 可以内部使用。需要legal approval如果商业使用

Apache 2.0, Mozilla 1.0, Mozilla 2.0, CDDL, CPL or IBM, EPL, FLTK, GPL, OpenSSL

- 需要legal approval如果商业使用

GPL 2.0, LGPL 3.0, GP3.0, Affero GPL v3, Sleepycat


Automotive requirments:Misra-C, ASIL level, Spice level, AUTOSAR

Security requirements: NIST FIPS 140-2, ISO/IEC 15408, Support of HSM

4. Resources

Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar,需FQ。系列视频。推荐。


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