
cd D:\MongoDB\bin


mongodump -h dbhost -d dbname -o dbdirectory





mongodump -h -d wlwdb -o D:\MongoDB\data\dump


mongodump --help

--help produce help message
-v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
--version print the program's version and exit
-h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to ( /s1,s2 for
--port arg server port. Can also use --host hostname:port
--ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
-u [ --username ] arg username
-p [ --password ] arg password
--dbpath arg directly access mongod database files in the given
path, instead of connecting to a mongod server -
needs to lock the data directory, so cannot be used
if a mongod is currently accessing the same path
--directoryperdb if dbpath specified, each db is in a separate
--journal enable journaling
-d [ --db ] arg database to use
-c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)
-o [ --out ] arg (=dump) output directory or "-" for stdout
-q [ --query ] arg json query
--oplog Use oplog for point-in-time snapshotting
--repair try to recover a crashed database
--forceTableScan force a table scan (do not use $snapshot)


mongorestore -h dbhost -d dbname –directoryperdb dbdirectory






mongorestore -h -d wlwdb –directoryperdb D:\MongoDB\data\dump\wlwdb

mongorestore的官方说明(可通过mongorestore --help查看):
--help produce help message
-v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
--version print the program's version and exit
-h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to ( /s1,s2 for sets)
--port arg server port. Can also use --host hostname:port
--ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
-u [ --username ] arg username
-p [ --password ] arg password
--dbpath arg directly access mongod database files in the given
path, instead of connecting to a mongod server -
needs to lock the data directory, so cannot be used
if a mongod is currently accessing the same path
--directoryperdb if dbpath specified, each db is in a separate
--journal enable journaling
-d [ --db ] arg database to use
-c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)
--objcheck validate object before inserting
--filter arg filter to apply before inserting
--drop drop each collection before import
--oplogReplay replay oplog for point-in-time restore
--oplogLimit arg exclude oplog entries newer than provided timestamp
--keepIndexVersion don't upgrade indexes to newest version
--noOptionsRestore don't restore collection options
--noIndexRestore don't restore indexes
--w arg (=1) minimum number of replicas per write


mongoexport -h dbhost -d dbname -c collectionname -f collectionKey -o dbdirectory

-h: MongoDB所在服务器地址

-d: 需要恢复的数据库实例

-c: 需要恢复的集合

-f: 需要导出的字段(省略为所有字段)

-o: 表示导出的文件名

mongoexport的官方说明(可通过mongoexport --help查看):
--help produce help message
-v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
--version print the program's version and exit
-h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to ( /s1,s2 for
--port arg server port. Can also use --host hostname:port
--ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
-u [ --username ] arg username
-p [ --password ] arg password
--dbpath arg directly access mongod database files in the given
path, instead of connecting to a mongod server -
needs to lock the data directory, so cannot be used
if a mongod is currently accessing the same path
--directoryperdb if dbpath specified, each db is in a separate
--journal enable journaling
-d [ --db ] arg database to use
-c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)
-f [ --fields ] arg comma separated list of field names e.g. -f
--fieldFile arg file with fields names - 1 per line
-q [ --query ] arg query filter, as a JSON string
--csv export to csv instead of json
-o [ --out ] arg output file; if not specified, stdout is used
--jsonArray output to a json array rather than one object per
-k [ --slaveOk ] arg (=1) use secondaries for export if available, default
--forceTableScan force a table scan (do not use $snapshot)


mongoimport -d dbhost -c collectionname –type csv –headerline –file

-type: 指明要导入的文件格式

-headerline: 批明不导入第一行,因为第一行是列名

-file: 指明要导入的文件路径

mongoimport的官方说明(可通过mongoimport --help查看):
--help produce help message
-v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
--version print the program's version and exit
-h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to ( /s1,s2 for sets)
--port arg server port. Can also use --host hostname:port
--ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
-u [ --username ] arg username
-p [ --password ] arg password
--dbpath arg directly access mongod database files in the given
path, instead of connecting to a mongod server -
needs to lock the data directory, so cannot be used
if a mongod is currently accessing the same path
--directoryperdb if dbpath specified, each db is in a separate
--journal enable journaling
-d [ --db ] arg database to use
-c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands)
-f [ --fields ] arg comma separated list of field names e.g. -f name,age
--fieldFile arg file with fields names - 1 per line
--ignoreBlanks if given, empty fields in csv and tsv will be ignored
--type arg type of file to import. default: json (json,csv,tsv)
--file arg file to import from; if not specified stdin is used
--drop drop collection first
--headerline CSV,TSV only - use first line as headers
--upsert insert or update objects that already exist
--upsertFields arg comma-separated fields for the query part of the
upsert. You should make sure this is indexed
--stopOnError stop importing at first error rather than continuing
--jsonArray load a json array, not one item per line. Currently
limited to 16MB.


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