re了20多发 还是我在测试数据上操作最后了10多发才发现的



using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int MAXN = 100005;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; int sh[1005][1005];
int flag[1005];
int sum[1005];
int all;
int vis[MAXN];
vector<int> mp[MAXN];
int n,m,q; struct Node{
int ty; int x,y; int ans;
}as[MAXN]; int cc = 0;
const int Ed = 26;
void dfs(int po,int fa) { int x1,x2; int y1,y2,y3,y4; // sh[x1][x2], all, sum[x1], flag[x1]
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mp[po].size(); ++i) {
int tt = mp[po][i];
int t1 = as[tt].ty; int t2 = as[tt].x; int t3 = as[tt].y; if(t1 == 4) t2 = 0; // 这地方不写会越界 谨记啊
x1 = t2; x2 = t3; y1 = sh[x1][x2]; y2 = all; y3 = sum[x1]; y4 = flag[x1]; if(t1 == 1) {
if( (flag[t2] ^ sh[t2][t3]) == 0) {
all ++; sh[t2][t3] ^= 1; sum[t2] ++;
}else if(t1 == 2) {
if( (flag[t2] ^ sh[t2][t3]) == 1){
all--; sh[t2][t3] ^= 1; sum[t2] --;
}else if(t1 == 3) {
flag[t2] ^= 1;
all += m-sum[t2]*2;
sum[t2] = m-sum[t2];
} as[tt].ans = all;
dfs(tt,po); sh[x1][x2] = y1; all = y2; sum[x1] = y3; flag[x1] = y4;
int main(){
while(~scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&m,&q)){
all = 0;
cc = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= q; ++i) mp[i].clear(); for(int i = 1; i <= q; ++i) {
as[i].y = 0;
if(as[i].ty < 3) scanf("%d %d",&as[i].x,&as[i].y);
else scanf("%d",&as[i].x); if(as[i].ty == 4) mp[as[i].x].push_back(i);
else mp[i-1].push_back(i);
} dfs(0,-1);
for(int i = 1; i <= q; ++i) printf("%d\n",as[i].ans);
return 0;

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