1. #
  2. #
  3. # Process Records Config File
  4. #
  5. # <RECORD-TYPE> <NAME> <TYPE> <VALUE (till end of line)>
  6. #
  8. # NAME: name of variable
  10. # VALUE: Initial value for record
  11. #
  12. #
  13. # *NOTE*: All options covered in this file should be documented in the
  14. # administration guide or the addendum:
  15. #
  16. #
  17. ##############################################################################
  18. #
  19. # System Variables
  20. #
  21. ##############################################################################
  22. CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_name STRING localhost.localdomain
  23. CONFIG proxy.config.config_dir STRING etc/trafficserver
  24. CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_binary_opts STRING -M
  25. CONFIG proxy.config.env_prep STRING example_prep.sh
  26. CONFIG proxy.config.temp_dir STRING /tmp
  27. CONFIG proxy.config.alarm_email STRING trafficserver
  28. CONFIG proxy.config.syslog_facility STRING LOG_DAEMON
  29. CONFIG proxy.config.output.logfile STRING traffic.out
  30. CONFIG proxy.config.snapshot_dir STRING snapshots
  31. CONFIG proxy.config.system.mmap_max INT 2097152
  32. ##############################################################################
  33. #
  34. # Main threads configuration (worker threads). Also see configurations for
  35. # SSL threads, disk I/O threads and task threads in their respective areas.
  36. #
  37. ##############################################################################
  38. CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig INT 1
  39. CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig.scale FLOAT 1.000000
  40. CONFIG proxy.config.exec_thread.limit INT 2
  41. CONFIG proxy.config.accept_threads INT 2
  42. ##############################################################################
  43. #
  44. # Local Manager
  45. #
  46. ##############################################################################
  47. CONFIG proxy.config.admin.admin_user STRING admin
  48. CONFIG proxy.config.admin.number_config_bak INT 3
  49. CONFIG proxy.config.admin.user_id STRING trafficserver
  50. ##############################################################################
  51. #
  52. # Process Manager
  53. #
  54. ##############################################################################
  55. CONFIG proxy.config.admin.autoconf_port INT 8883 #服务PAC文件的端口。默认为8083
  56. CONFIG proxy.config.process_manager.mgmt_port INT 8884
  57. ##############################################################################
  58. #
  59. # In order to only bind a specific IP, use the following config, as in
  60. # the example below. Note - this can contain two addresses, one for IPv4
  61. # sockets and one for IPv6 sockets.
  62. #
  63. ##############################################################################
  64. #LOCAL proxy.local.incoming_ip_to_bind STRING
  65. #LOCAL proxy.local.incoming_ip_to_bind STRING fc07:192:168:101::17
  66. ##############################################################################
  67. #
  68. # Alarm Configuration
  69. #
  70. ##############################################################################
  71. # execute alarm as "<abs_path>/<bin> "<MSG_STRING_FROM_PROXY>""
  72. CONFIG proxy.config.alarm.bin STRING example_alarm_bin.sh
  73. CONFIG proxy.config.alarm.abs_path STRING NULL
  74. ##############################################################################
  75. #
  76. # HTTP Engine
  77. #
  78. ##############################################################################
  79. ##########
  80. # basics #
  81. ##########
  82. # The server ports are listed here. These are separated by spaces or commas.
  83. # Each port is a colon separated list of values, which must include a
  84. # port number. Other options are
  85. # ipv4 - Use IPv4 (default)
  86. # ipv6 - Use IPv6
  87. # tr-in - Transparent inbound.
  88. # tr-out - Transparent outbound.
  89. # tr-full - Fully transparent (inbound and outbound).
  90. # ssl - SSL terminated port.
  91. # blind - Blind tunnel port.
  92. # ip-in=[addr] - Bind inbound IP address (listen for client).
  93. # ip-out=[addr] - Bind outbound IP address (connect to origin server).
  94. #
  95. # note - address types must agree with each other and the ipv4/ipv6
  96. # option if specified. IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets.
  97. # ip-out can be repeated as long as each address is a different family.
  98. # The '=' is optional.
  99. #
  100. # Example: Port 8080 IPv6 inbound transparent, and port 80 IPv4
  101. # "8080:ipv6:tr-in 80"
  102. CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports STRING 8828 80 81 82 8080 8081 9999
  103. # Ports on the origin server to which a blind tunnel may connect.
  104. CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_ports STRING 563
  105. # The via settings have four values
  106. # 0 - Do not modify / set this via header
  107. # 1 - Update the via, with normal verbosity
  108. # 2 - Update the via, with higher verbosity
  109. # 3 - Update the via, with highest verbosity
  110. CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_request_via_str INT 1
  111. CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_response_via_str INT 0
  112. # Insert a Server: header, this has three values
  113. # 0 - Don't add or modify the Server: header
  114. # 1 - Add a Server: header
  115. # 2 - Only add a Server: header if one doesn't exist already
  116. CONFIG proxy.config.http.response_server_enabled INT 0
  117. CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_age_in_response INT 0
  118. CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_url_expandomatic INT 0
  119. CONFIG proxy.config.http.no_dns_just_forward_to_parent INT 0
  120. CONFIG proxy.config.http.uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent INT 0
  121. CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_enabled_in INT 1
  122. CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_enabled_out INT 1
  123. CONFIG proxy.config.http.chunking_enabled INT 1
  124. # send http11 requests:
  125. # 0 - Never
  126. # 1 - Always
  127. # 2 - if the server has returned http1.1 before
  128. # 3 - if the client request is 1.1 & the server
  129. # has returned 1.1 before
  130. CONFIG proxy.config.http.send_http11_requests INT 1
  131. # Share server connections
  132. # 0 - Never
  133. # 1 - Share, with a single global connection pool
  134. # 2 - Share, with a connection pool per worker thread
  135. CONFIG proxy.config.http.share_server_sessions INT 2
  136. CONFIG proxy.config.http.origin_server_pipeline INT 1
  137. CONFIG proxy.config.http.user_agent_pipeline INT 8
  138. ##########################
  139. # HTTP referer filtering #
  140. ##########################
  141. CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_filter INT 0
  142. CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_format_redirect INT 0
  143. CONFIG proxy.config.http.referer_default_redirect STRING http://www.example.com/
  144. ##############################
  145. # parent proxy configuration #
  146. ##############################
  147. CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy_routing_enable INT 0 #父节点缓存选项
  148. CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.retry_time INT 300
  149. # Parent fail threshold is the number of request that must
  150. # fail within the retry window for the parent to be marked
  151. # down
  152. CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.fail_threshold INT 10
  153. CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts INT 4
  154. CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts INT 2
  155. CONFIG proxy.config.http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout INT 30
  156. CONFIG proxy.config.http.forward.proxy_auth_to_parent INT 0
  157. ###################################
  158. # HTTP connection timeouts (secs) #
  159. ###################################
  160. # in: ua -> proxy connection
  161. # out: proxy -> origin server connection
  162. # note: active_timeout is for the total elasped time of the connection,
  163. # inactivity_timeout is the elapsed time from the time a read or a write
  164. # was scheduled during which the connection was unable to sink/provide data.
  165. #
  166. # proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_in is not available,
  167. # i think because ua can always active if data not send-out.
  168. # 0 means not time-out scheduled
  169. #
  170. CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in INT 115
  171. CONFIG proxy.config.http.keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out INT 120
  172. CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_in INT 30
  173. CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_no_activity_timeout_out INT 60
  174. CONFIG proxy.config.http.transaction_active_timeout_out INT 0
  175. CONFIG proxy.config.http.accept_no_activity_timeout INT 60
  176. CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_active_timeout INT 14400
  177. CONFIG proxy.config.http.background_fill_completed_threshold FLOAT 0.000000
  178. ##################################
  179. # origin server connect attempts #
  180. ##################################
  181. CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries INT 3
  182. CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server INT 3
  183. CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_rr_retries INT 3
  184. CONFIG proxy.config.http.connect_attempts_timeout INT 30
  185. CONFIG proxy.config.http.post_connect_attempts_timeout INT 900
  186. CONFIG proxy.config.http.down_server.cache_time INT 300
  187. CONFIG proxy.config.http.down_server.abort_threshold INT 10
  188. ##################################
  189. # congestion control #
  190. ##################################
  191. CONFIG proxy.config.http.congestion_control.enabled INT 0 #拥塞控制选项
  192. #############################
  193. # negative response caching #
  194. #############################
  195. CONFIG proxy.config.http.negative_caching_enabled INT 0
  196. CONFIG proxy.config.http.negative_caching_lifetime INT 1800
  197. #########################
  198. # proxy users variables #
  199. #########################
  200. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_from INT 0
  201. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_referer INT 0
  202. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_user_agent INT 0
  203. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_cookie INT 0
  204. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_remove_client_ip INT 0
  205. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_insert_client_ip INT 0
  206. CONFIG proxy.config.http.anonymize_other_header_list STRING NULL
  207. CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_squid_x_forwarded_for INT 1
  208. ############
  209. # security #
  210. ############
  211. CONFIG proxy.config.http.push_method_enabled INT 1
  212. # ###################################
  213. # # HTTP Quick filtering (security) #
  214. # ###################################
  215. # this functionality is moved to ip_allow.config
  216. #################
  217. # cache control #
  218. #################
  219. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.http INT 1 #对象缓存功能
  220. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_no_cache INT 1 #1为忽略客户端请求旁路缓存
  221. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ims_on_client_no_cache INT 1
  222. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_server_no_cache INT 0 #1为忽略服务器请求旁路缓存
  223. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_client_cc_max_age INT 1
  224. CONFIG proxy.config.http.normalize_ae_gzip INT 1
  225. # cache responses to cookies has 5 options:
  226. # 0 - do not cache any responses to cookies
  227. # 1 - cache for any content-type
  228. # 2 - cache only for image types
  229. # 3 - cache for all but text content-types
  230. # 4 - cache for all but text content-types except OS response
  231. # without "Set-Cookie" or with "Cache-Control: public"
  232. # See also cache-responses-to-cookies in cache.config.
  233. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies INT 3 #指定ATS缓存cookied内容的方式:0=不缓存任何cookies响应;1=缓存所有的cookies响应。2=只缓存图片类型的cookies响应。3=缓存除了文本内容类型的所有cookies响应。
  234. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_authentication INT 0 #1为缓存带www-Authenticate头部的对象
  235. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.cache_urls_that_look_dynamic INT 1 #1为缓存动态内容
  236. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.enable_default_vary_headers INT 1
  237. # when_to_revalidate has 5 options:
  238. # 0 - default. use cache directives or heuristic
  239. # 1 - stale if heuristic
  240. # 2 - always stale (always revalidate)
  241. # 3 - never stale
  242. # 4 - always revalidate if request is conditional, else default is used
  243. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_revalidate INT 4 #重新生效HTTP对象
  244. # Some old MSIE browsers don't send no-cache headers to
  245. # reverse proxies or transparent caches, this variable controls
  246. # when to add no-cache headers to MSIE requests:
  247. # -1 - no-cache is never added, stats are not updated
  248. # 0 - default; no-cache not added to MSIE requests
  249. # 1 - no-cache added to IMS MSIE requests
  250. # 2 - no-cache added to all MSIE requests
  251. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.when_to_add_no_cache_to_msie_requests INT -1
  252. # required headers: three options:
  253. # 0 - No required headers to make document cachable
  254. # 1 - "Last-Modified:", "Expires:", or "Cache-Control: max-age" required
  255. # 2 - explicit lifetime required, "Expires:" or "Cache-Control: max-age"
  256. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers INT 0 #指定头部;0=对头部没有特殊要求
  257. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.max_stale_age INT 604800
  258. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.range.lookup INT 1
  259. ########################
  260. # heuristic expiration #
  261. ########################
  262. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_min_lifetime INT 3600 #指定没有截止时间的HTTP对象在缓存中有效期的最小值
  263. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_max_lifetime INT 86400 #指定没有截止时间的HTTP对象在缓存中有效期的最大值
  264. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.heuristic_lm_factor FLOAT 0.100000 #指定计算有效期的老化因子。traffic server存储对象的时间依赖于这个变量。默认值为0.1
  265. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.fuzz.time INT 240
  266. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.fuzz.probability FLOAT 0.005000
  267. #########################################
  268. # dynamic content & content negotiation #
  269. #########################################
  270. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_text STRING NULL
  271. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_images STRING NULL
  272. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.vary_default_other STRING NULL
  273. ##############################################################
  274. # The HTTP stats are expensive, turn off you don't need them #
  275. ##############################################################
  276. CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_http_stats INT 1
  277. ##############################################################################
  278. #
  279. # Customizable User Response Pages
  280. #
  281. ##############################################################################
  282. # 0 - turn off customizable user response pages
  283. # 1 - enable customizable user response pages in only the "default" directory
  284. # 2 - enable language-targeted user response pages
  285. CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.enable_customizations INT 0
  286. CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.enable_logging INT 0
  287. # 0 - never suppress generated responses
  288. # 1 - always suppress generated responses
  289. # 2 - suppress responses for intercepted traffic
  290. CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.response_suppression_mode INT 0
  291. ##############################################################################
  292. #
  293. # Net Subsystem
  294. #
  295. ##############################################################################
  296. CONFIG proxy.config.net.connections_throttle INT 300000
  297. # Enable defer accept / accept filtering. On Linux, this is a timeout, sec.
  298. CONFIG proxy.config.net.defer_accept INT 45
  299. ##############################################################################
  300. #
  301. # Cluster Subsystem
  302. #
  303. ##############################################################################
  304. # cluster type requires restart to change
  305. # 1 is full clustering, 2 is mgmt only, 3 is no clustering
  306. LOCAL proxy.local.cluster.type INT 3
  307. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.cluster_port INT 8086
  308. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.rsport INT 8088
  309. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mcport INT 8089
  310. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mc_group_addr STRING
  311. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.mc_ttl INT 1
  312. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.log_bogus_mc_msgs INT 1
  313. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.ethernet_interface STRING lo
  314. ##############################################################################
  315. #
  316. # Cache
  317. #
  318. ##############################################################################
  319. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.permit.pinning INT 0
  320. # default the ram cache size to AUTO_SIZE (-1) based on cache size
  321. # (approximately 1 MB of RAM cache per GB of disk cache)
  322. # alternatively, set to a fixed value such as 20971520 (20MB)
  323. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size INT 6324355072 #指定RAM缓存的大小
  324. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache_cutoff INT 10485760
  325. # Replacement algorithm
  326. # 0 : Clocked Least Frequently Used by Size (CLFUS) w/optional compression
  327. # 1 : LRU w/o optional compression - trivially simple
  328. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.algorithm INT 1
  329. # Filter inserts into the RAM cache to ensure that they have been seen at
  330. # least once. For LRU, this provides scan resistance. Note that CLFUS
  331. # already requires that a document have history before it is inserted, so
  332. # for CLFUS, setting this option means that a document must be seen three
  333. # times before it is added to the RAM cache.
  334. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.use_seen_filter INT 0
  335. # Compress the content of the ram cache:
  336. # 0 : no compression
  337. # 1 : fastlz (extremely fast, relatively low compression)
  338. # 2 : libz (moderate speed, reasonable compression)
  339. # 3 : liblzma (very slow, high compression)
  340. # NOTE: compression runs on task threads. To use more cores for
  341. # compression, increase proxy.config.task_threads.
  342. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.compress INT 0
  343. # The maximum number of alternates that are allowed for any given URL.
  344. # It is not possible to strictly enforce this if the variable
  345. # 'proxy.config.cache.vary_on_user_agent' is set to 1.
  346. # The default value for 'proxy.config.cache.vary_on_user_agent' is 0.
  347. # (0 disables the maximum number of alts check)
  348. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.limits.http.max_alts INT 5
  349. # The target size of a contiguous fragment on disk.
  350. # Acceptable values are powers of 2, e.g. 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152.
  351. # Larger could waste memory on slow connections, smaller could waste seeks.
  352. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.target_fragment_size INT 1048576
  353. # The maximum size of a document that will be stored in the cache.
  354. # (0 disables the maximum document size check)
  355. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.max_doc_size INT 0 #指定缓存中对象允许的最大(字节)。0表示没有大小限制
  356. # enable the cache to read from an object while it is being added to the cache
  357. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.enable_read_while_writer INT 1
  358. # This controls how many objects (average) the disk caches can hold, and
  359. # how much memory it'll consume for the directory structure.
  360. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.min_average_object_size INT 32768
  361. # How many I/O threads to allocate per disk (spindle). Be aware that RAID
  362. # disks would show up to TS as a single spindle.
  363. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.threads_per_disk INT 8
  364. # Time (in ms) to delay until retrying to acquire a cache lock. Setting
  365. # this low can reduce latencies in some cases, but can consume more CPU.
  366. # If you experience CPU spinning, try increasing this setting.
  367. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.mutex_retry_delay INT 2
  368. # The ssd storage disks. This must be raw disks.
  369. LOCAL proxy.config.cache.ssd.storage STRING NULL
  370. # The transistor range threshold to hold hot doc in ssd (defalut: 1G).
  371. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ssd.transistor_range_threshold INT 1073741824
  372. ##############################################################################
  373. #
  374. # DNS
  375. #
  376. ##############################################################################
  377. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.search_default_domains INT 0
  378. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.splitDNS.enabled INT 0 #分离DNS
  379. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.max_dns_in_flight INT 2048
  380. # Additional URL expansions for http DNS lookup
  381. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.url_expansions STRING NULL
  382. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.round_robin_nameservers INT 0
  383. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.nameservers STRING NULL
  384. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.resolv_conf STRING /etc/resolv.conf
  385. # This provides additional resilience against DNS forgery, particularly in
  386. # forward or transparent proxies, but requires that the resolver populates
  387. # the queries section of the response properly.
  388. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.validate_query_name INT 0
  389. ##############################################################################
  390. #
  391. # HostDB
  392. #
  393. ##############################################################################
  394. # in entries, may not be changed while running
  395. # note that in order to increase hostdb.size, hostdb.storage_size should
  396. # also be increase. These are best guesses, you will have to monitor this.
  397. CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.size INT 50000
  398. CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.storage_size INT 104857600
  399. # ttl modes:
  400. # 0 = obey
  401. # 1 = ignore
  402. # 2 = min(X,ttl)
  403. # 3 = max(X,ttl)
  404. CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.ttl_mode INT 2
  405. # in minutes...
  406. CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.timeout INT 5
  407. # round-robin addresses for single clients
  408. # (can cause authentication problems)
  409. CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.strict_round_robin INT 0
  410. ##############################################################################
  411. #
  412. # Logging Config
  413. #
  414. ##############################################################################
  415. # possible values for logging_enabled:
  416. # 0: no logging at all
  417. # 1: log errors only
  418. # 2: log transactions only
  419. # 3: full logging (errors + transactions)
  420. CONFIG proxy.config.log.logging_enabled INT 3
  421. CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_secs_per_buffer INT 5
  422. CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs INT 111147
  423. CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_orphan_logs INT 25
  424. CONFIG proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom INT 1000
  425. CONFIG proxy.config.log.hostname STRING localhost
  426. CONFIG proxy.config.log.logfile_dir STRING var/log/trafficserver
  427. CONFIG proxy.config.log.logfile_perm STRING rw-r--r--
  428. CONFIG proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled INT 1
  429. CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled INT 0
  430. CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii INT 0
  431. CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_name STRING squid
  432. CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_header STRING NULL
  433. CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_enabled INT 0
  434. CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_is_ascii INT 1
  435. CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_name STRING common
  436. CONFIG proxy.config.log.common_log_header STRING NULL
  437. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_enabled INT 0
  438. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_is_ascii INT 0
  439. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_name STRING extended
  440. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended_log_header STRING NULL
  441. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_enabled INT 0
  442. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_is_ascii INT 1
  443. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_name STRING extended2
  444. CONFIG proxy.config.log.extended2_log_header STRING NULL
  445. CONFIG proxy.config.log.separate_icp_logs INT 0
  446. CONFIG proxy.config.log.separate_host_logs INT 0
  447. # Log collation allows you to do "remote logging"
  448. LOCAL proxy.local.log.collation_mode INT 0
  449. CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_host STRING NULL
  450. CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_port INT 8085
  451. CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_secret STRING foobar
  452. CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_host_tagged INT 0
  453. CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_retry_sec INT 5
  454. CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled INT 1
  455. CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec INT 86400
  456. CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr INT 0
  457. CONFIG proxy.config.log.rolling_size_mb INT 10
  458. CONFIG proxy.config.log.auto_delete_rolled_files INT 1
  459. CONFIG proxy.config.log.sampling_frequency INT 1
  460. ##############################################################################
  461. #
  462. # Reverse Proxy
  463. #
  464. ##############################################################################
  465. CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled INT 0 #HTTP反向代理模式
  466. CONFIG proxy.config.header.parse.no_host_url_redirect STRING NULL
  467. ##############################################################################
  468. #
  469. # URL Remap Rules
  470. #
  471. ##############################################################################
  472. CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.default_to_server_pac INT 0
  473. CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.default_to_server_pac_port INT -1
  474. # To enable forward proxy, you must turn off remap_required
  475. CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required INT 1
  476. # Pristine host header is the "original" (request) header. Make sure your
  477. # origin expects them in reverse proxy.
  478. CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.pristine_host_hdr INT 0
  479. ##############################################################################
  480. #
  481. # SSL Termination
  482. #
  483. ##############################################################################
  484. # proxy.config.ssl.enabled should be:
  485. # 0 - none
  486. # 1 - SSL enabled
  487. # Deprecated. SSL is enabled automatically if an SSL port is configured
  488. # in config.proxy.http.server_ports.
  489. #CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.enabled INT 0
  490. # The number of SSL threads is a multiplier of number of CPUs and
  491. # proxy.config.exec_thread.autoconfig.scale by default. You can
  492. # override that here (set it to a non-zero value).
  493. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.number.threads INT 0
  494. # The following three variables can be
  495. # set to 0 to disable SSLv2, SSLv3, and/or TLSv1.
  496. # SSLv2 is disabled by default for security concern.
  497. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.SSLv2 INT 0
  498. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.SSLv3 INT 1
  499. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.TLSv1 INT 1
  500. # The following two variables control the Cipher Suite traffic Server
  501. # uses for HTTPS connnections and whether to prefer the client
  502. # selected (default) or the server selected
  503. # Our default SSL Cipher Suite tries to be reasonably fast and strong.
  504. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cipher_suite STRING RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:AES256-SHA:ALL:!aNULL:!EXP:!LOW:!MD5:!SSLV2:!NULL
  505. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.honor_cipher_order INT 0
  506. # Control if SSL should perform content compression or not
  507. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.compression INT 0
  508. # Deprecated.
  509. # SSL ports should now be configured via proxy.config.http.server_ports
  510. #CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server_port INT 443
  511. # Client certification level should be:
  512. # 0 no client certificates
  513. # 1 client certificates optional
  514. # 2 client certificates required
  515. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.certification_level INT 0
  516. # Server cert chain filename is the name of the cert chain file
  517. # for a single cert system.
  518. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cert_chain.filename STRING NULL
  519. # This is the path that SSL certificates files are relative to. Certificate
  520. # names specified in ssl_multicert.config will be located relative to this path.
  521. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
  522. # If any private key is not contained in the certificate file, you must
  523. # fill in the private key path. Private key names specified in
  524. # ssl_multicert.config will be located relative to this path.
  525. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.private_key.path STRING etc/trafficserver
  526. # The CA file name and path are the
  527. # certificate authority certificate that
  528. # client certificates will be verified against.
  529. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.filename STRING NULL
  530. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
  531. ################################
  532. # client related configuration #
  533. ################################
  534. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.verify.server INT 0
  535. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.cert.filename STRING NULL
  536. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
  537. # Fill in private key file and path only if the client's
  538. # private key is not contained in the client certificate file.
  539. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.private_key.filename STRING NULL
  540. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.private_key.path STRING etc/trafficserver
  541. # The CA file name and path are the
  542. # certificate authority certificate that
  543. # server certificates will be verified against.
  544. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.filename STRING NULL
  545. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver
  546. ##############################################################################
  547. #
  548. # ICP Configuration. NOTE! ICP is currently broken NOTE!
  549. #
  550. ##############################################################################
  551. # icp modes
  552. # enabled=0 ICP disabled
  553. # enabled=1 Allow receive of ICP queries
  554. # enabled=2 Allow send/receive of ICP queries
  555. CONFIG proxy.config.icp.enabled INT 0
  556. CONFIG proxy.config.icp.icp_interface STRING NULL
  557. CONFIG proxy.config.icp.icp_port INT 3130
  558. CONFIG proxy.config.icp.multicast_enabled INT 0
  559. CONFIG proxy.config.icp.query_timeout INT 2
  560. ##############################################################################
  561. #
  562. # Scheduled Update Configuration
  563. #
  564. ##############################################################################
  565. CONFIG proxy.config.update.enabled INT 0 #指定是否开启更新
  566. CONFIG proxy.config.update.force INT 0 #设置强制立刻更新 0为关闭 1为开启
  567. CONFIG proxy.config.update.retry_count INT 10
  568. CONFIG proxy.config.update.retry_interval INT 2
  569. CONFIG proxy.config.update.concurrent_updates INT 100
  570. ##############################################################################
  571. #
  572. # Socket send/recv buffer sizes (0 == don't call setsockopt() )
  573. #
  574. ##############################################################################
  575. # out: proxy -> os connection
  576. # in : ua -> proxy connection
  577. CONFIG proxy.config.net.sock_send_buffer_size_in INT 262144
  578. CONFIG proxy.config.net.sock_recv_buffer_size_in INT 0
  579. CONFIG proxy.config.net.sock_send_buffer_size_out INT 0
  580. CONFIG proxy.config.net.sock_recv_buffer_size_out INT 0
  581. ##############################################################################
  582. #
  583. # User Overridden Configurations Below
  584. #
  585. ##############################################################################
  586. CONFIG proxy.config.core_limit INT -1
  587. ##############################################################################
  588. #
  589. # Debugging
  590. #
  591. ##############################################################################
  592. # Uses a regular expression to match the debugging topic name, performance
  593. # will be affected!
  594. CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.enabled INT 0
  595. CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.tags STRING http.*|dns.*
  596. # Great for tracking down memory leaks, but you need to use the
  597. # ink allocators
  598. CONFIG proxy.config.dump_mem_info_frequency INT 0
  599. ##############################################################################
  600. #
  601. # Configuration for Reclaimable InkFreeList memory pool
  602. #
  603. # NOTE: The following options are no meaningful unless compiles TrafficServer
  604. # with '--enable-reclaimable-freelist' option. Looks like:
  605. # $ ./configure --enable-reclaimable-freelist
  606. #
  607. ##############################################################################
  608. # Dump debug information according bit mask of debug_filter, if a bit is set
  609. # in the mask, then debug information of the corresponding action are dumped:
  610. # bit 0: reclaim memory in ink_freelist_new
  611. # bit 1: allocate memory from partial-free Chunks(if exist) or OS
  612. # NOTE: This option make no sense unless compiles TrafficServer
  613. # with '--enable-reclaimable-freelist' option.
  614. CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.debug_filter INT 0
  615. # The value of enable_reclaim should be 0 or 1. Default 1, reclaim enabled.
  616. # NOTE: This option make no sense unless compiles TrafficServer
  617. # with '--enable-reclaimable-freelist' option.
  618. CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.enable_reclaim INT 1
  619. # The value of reclaim_factor should be in 0.0 ~ 1.0, allocator use it to
  620. # calculate average value of idle memory in InkFreeList, which will determine
  621. # when to reclaim memory. The larger the value, the faster the reclaiming.
  622. # This value is effective only when enable_reclaim is 1.
  623. # NOTE: This option make no sense unless compiles TrafficServer
  624. # with '--enable-reclaimable-freelist' option.
  625. CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.reclaim_factor FLOAT 0.300000
  626. # Allocator will reclaim memory only when it continuously satisfy the reclaim
  627. # condition for max_overage times. This value is effective only when
  628. # enable_reclaim is 1.
  629. # NOTE: This option make no sense unless compiles TrafficServer
  630. # with '--enable-reclaimable-freelist' option.
  631. CONFIG proxy.config.allocator.max_overage INT 3
  632. ##############################################################################
  633. #
  634. # Slow Log
  635. #
  636. ##############################################################################
  637. # Log any request that takes more then x number of milliseconds, needs
  638. # to be > 0 to be enabled
  639. CONFIG proxy.config.http.slow.log.threshold INT 0
  640. ##############################################################################
  641. #
  642. # Thread pool for "misc" tasks, plugins etc. 2 is a good minimum.
  643. #
  644. ##############################################################################
  645. CONFIG proxy.config.task_threads INT 2
  646. CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.cluster_configuration STRING cluster.config
  647. CONFIG proxy.config.http_ui_enabled INT 3
  648. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_mismatch INT 2
  649. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_language_mismatch INT 2
  650. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_encoding_mismatch INT 2
  651. CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_accept_charset_mismatch INT 2
  652. CONFIG proxy.config.http.enable_http_info INT 1
  653. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.lookup_timeout INT 10
  654. CONFIG proxy.config.dns.dedicated_thread INT 1
  655. CONFIG proxy.config.hostdb.lookup_timeout INT 20
  656. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.read_while_writer.max_delay INT 5000
  657. CONFIG proxy.config.http.range_read_ww_enabled INT 1
  658. CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.template_sets_dir STRING etc/trafficserver/body_factory
  659. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.control.filename STRING cache.config
  660. CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ip_allow.filename STRING ip_allow.config
  661. CONFIG proxy.config.log.xml_config_file STRING logs_xml.config
  662. CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.filename STRING remap.config
  663. CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.multicert.filename STRING ssl_multicert.config


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