
Oracle 8i

Bulk Binds - Improve performance by reducing the overhead associated with context switches between the PL/SQL and SQL engines.

Collections in Oracle PL/SQL - Use collections in PL/SQL to perform array processing.

Complex Recordsets - Build complex recordsets using temporary or PL/SQL tables within stored procedures.

Data Encryption - DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT - Encrypt and decrypt data using the DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT package.

DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO - Track session and long operation activity more accurately using thes built-in procedures and views.

The DBMS_SYSTEM Package - The DBMS_SYSTEM package contains a number of routines that can be useful on occasion.

Export BLOB - A simple method for exporting the contents of a BLOB datatype to the filesystem.

Export CLOB - A simple method for exporting the contents of a CLOB datatype to the filesystem.

File Handling From PL/SQL - Perform basic file manipulation from PL/SQL using this simple API.

Import BLOB - A simple method for importing the contents of a file into a BLOB datatype.

Import CLOB - A simple method for importing the contents of a file into a CLOB datatype.

InterMedia - Import-Export Of Images - Prior to Oracle 8.1.7 the interMedia support for import and export of data was a little flunky. Even now the API forces you to use directory object to access the file system. The code supplied here will free you from the constraints of inter

Parse XML Documents - Explode unstructured XML documents into relational tables using the XDK for PL/SQL.

Shell Commands From PL/SQL - Use this simple method to perform shell commands from within PL/SQL.

Oracle 9i

ANYDATA Type - This article presents an overview of the ANYDATA type.

Associative Arrays - Oracle9i Release 2 allows you to index-by string values using this renamed collection.

Bulk Binds (BULK COLLECT & FORALL) and Record Processing in Oracle9i Release 2 - Take advantage of bulk binds (BULK COLLECT & FORALL) for performance improvements whilst using record structures.

CASE Expressions And Statements - Learn how to use CASE expressions in both SQL and PL/SQL. In addition, learn how to use the CASE statement in PL/SQL.

Consuming Web Services - Access web services directly from PL/SQL using this simple API.

DBMS_PROFILER - Profile the run-time behaviour of PL/SQL code to identify potential bottlenecks.

DBMS_TRACE - Trace the run-time behaviour of PL/SQL code to identify potential bottlenecks.

DBMS_XPLAN - Easily format the output of an explain plan with this replacement for the utlxpls.sql script.

Dynamic Binds Using Contexts - Simplify dynamic variable binds within dynamic SQL using contexts.

Dynamic Binds Using Query Transformation - Simplify dynamic variable binds within dynamic SQL using query transformation.

Export BLOB Contents Using UTL_FILE - Use the new UTL_FILE functionality to write binary data to files.

Images from Oracle Over HTTP - Retrieve images directly from the database over HTTP.

Metadata API (DBMS_METADATA) - Extract DDL or XML definitions of all database objects using this simple API.

Mutating Table Exceptions - A simple method to prevent triggers producing mutating table exceptions.

Parse XML Documents - Explode unstructured XML documents into relational tables using the new integrated XDB packages.

Pipelined Table Functions - Improve performance of ETL processes by pipelining all transformation functions.

PL/SQL Native Compilation - Improve the performance of PL/SQL procedural code by compiling it to native shared libraries.

PL/SQL Server Pages - Use PL/SQL as a scripting language to generate web pages directly from the database.

PL/SQL Web Toolkit - Generate web pages directly from the database using this simple toolkit.

Stateless Locking Methods - Learn how to avoid data loss in stateless environments.

Storing Passwords In The Database - Store passwords securely in the database using this simple hashing technique.

Useful Procedures And Functions - Procedures and functions you may have overlooked which can come in useful during development.

UTL_FILE Enhancements - Oracle9i Release 2 includes some long overdue enhancements including basic file handling and support for NCHAR and RAW data.

UTL_FILE - Random Access of Files - Use the UTL_FILE package for random access of files from PL/SQL.

Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) - Reduce data migration and replication issues by replacing sequence generated IDs with UUIDs.

XML Generation In Oracle9i Using DBMS_XMLQuery, DBMS_XMLGen, Sys_XMLGen And Sys_XMLAgg - Generate XML and perform XSL transformations with ease using the new XML features of Oracle9i.

XML-Over-HTTP - XML-over-HTTP was the precursor to web services allowing easy access to XML via HTTP GETs and POSTs.

XMLType Datatype - Store XML documents in tables and query them using SQL.

Oracle 10g

Commit Enhancements in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - Use the WRITE clause of the COMMIT command
or the COMMIT_WRITE parameter to influence the way redo information is processed by commit operations.

DBMS_ASSERT - Sanitize User Input to Help Prevent SQL Injection - The DBMS_ASSERT package contains
a number of functions that can be used to sanitize user input and help to guard against SQL injection.

DBMS_CRYPTO - Learn how to use the replacement for the DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT package.

- The Embedded PL/SQL Gateway in Oracle 10g Database Release 2
 - Run mod_plsql applications directly from the database using the XML DB HTTP server, rather than Apache.

PL/SQL Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Get to grips with the Oracle 10g enhancements to PL/SQL using simple
cut & paste examples.

SQL trace, 10046, trcsess and tkprof in Oracle - An article that combines all previous SQL Trace,
event 10046 and tkprof information, along with information on trcsess and DBMS_MONITOR from Oracle 10g Onward.

UTL_DBWS - Consuming Web Services in Oracle 10g - Use the UTL_DBWS package to consume web services from PL/SQL.

The WRAP Utility and the DBMS_DDL Package - Learn how to use the enhanced DBMS_DDL package to
dynamically wrap PL/SQL source in Oracle 10g Release 2.

Oracle 11g

APPEND_VALUES Hint in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 - Use the APPEND_VALUES hint to perform direct-path
inserts when using the FORALL statement.

Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 - Improve
the performance of PL/SQL functions across the whole database instance by caching return values.

DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE - Use the DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE package to break down large workloads into manageable
chunks that can be run in parallel.

DBMS_XA - Process a single transaction across multiple sessions using the DBMS_XA package.

Edition Based Redefinition in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 - Upgrade database components online
using this new feature or Oracle Database 11g Release 2.

Native Oracle XML DB Web Services in Oracle 11g Release 1 - Present your exisitng PL/SQL
procedures and functions as web services using XML DB in Oracle 11g.

PL/SQL Hierarchical Profiler in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 - Use the DBMS_HPROF package and
the plshprof utility to generate and analyze hierarchical profiler data for PL/SQL programs.

PL/SQL New Features and Enhancements in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 - Get to grips with
the new features and enhancements to PL/SQL in Oracle 11g Release 1.

Trigger Enhancements in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 - Learn about the enhancements to triggers in Oracle
Database 11g Release 1.

UTL_MATCH : String Matching by Testing Levels of Similarity/Difference - Use the UTL_MATCH package
to determine the similarity between two strings.

Oracle 12c

Code Based Access Control (CBAC) : Granting Roles to PL/SQL Program Units in Oracle Database 12 Release
1 (12.1)
 - Discover how Oracle Database 12c allows you to grant roles directly to PL/SQL program units.

Control Invoker Rights Privileges for PL/SQL Code in Oracle Database 12c Release
 - Learn how to plug security holes related to invoker rights PL/SQL code in Oracle Database 12c Release 1.

Control Invoker Rights Privileges in Views in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) (BEQUEATH
 - This article describes support for invoker rights function calls in views in Oracle Database 12c Release 1.

WITH Clause Enhancements in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) - Define PL/SQL functions and procedures
in the WITH clause of SQL statements.

PL/SQL White Lists Using the ACCESSIBLE BY Clause in Oracle Database 12c Release
1 (12.1)
 - Use the ACCESSIBLE BY clause to create white lists, adding an extra layer of security to your PL/SQL objects.


Autonomous Transactions - A brief overview of autonomous transactions.

AutoNumber And Identity Functionality - Implement AutoNumber or Identity column behaviour in Oracle.

Database Triggers Overview - An introduction to database triggers in Oracle.

DBMS_PIPE - For Inter-Session Communication - This article presents a brief description of the DBMS_PIPE package,
explaining how it can be used for non-secure inter-session mesaging.

DBMS_SESSION : Managing Sessions From a Connection Pool in Oracle Databases - A guide to using the DBMS_SESSION package
to manage sessions that form part of a connection pool.

Decoupling to Improve Performance - Learn how to decouple processing to give the impression of
improved performance.

Efficient Function Calls From SQL - This article presents a number of solutions for making calls
to PL/SQL functions from SQL more efficient.

Email From Oracle PL/SQL (UTL_SMTP) - Email from PL/SQL using UTL_SMTP rather than using external procedures
or Java.

FTP From PL/SQL - A description of two methods for triggering FTP jobs directly from PL/SQL.

HTML with Embedded Images from PL/SQL - Use PL/SQL to create HTML with embedded images.

Identifying Host Names and IP Addresses - This article presents a mixed bag of Oracle functionality
relating to the identification of host names and IP addresses for Oracle clients and servers.

Implicit vs. Explicit Cursors in Oracle PL/SQL - A comparison of the relative performance
of implicit and explicit cursors in Oracle PL/SQL.

Instrumenting Your PL/SQL Code - No matter who you are or how cool you think you are at programming,
you can never know exactly what is going on in your code unless you instrument it.

Introduction to PL/SQL - A brief overview of some of the important points you should consider when first trying
to learn PL/SQL.

Logic/Branch Ordering in PL/SQL - This article demonstrates the affect of branch ordering on the
performance of CASE and ELSIF statements.

NOCOPY Hint to Improve Performance of OUT and IN OUT Parameters in PL/SQL
 - This article discusses the benefits of using the NOCOPY hint for passing large or complex OUT and IN OUT parameters in PL/SQL.

of the functions available for handling NULL values.

Oracle Dates, Timestamps and Intervals - An overview of the usage of dates, timestamps and
intervals in Oracle databases.

Overlapping Date Ranges - This article presents simple methods to test for overlapping date ranges.

Performance of Numeric Data Types in PL/SQL - This article demonstrates the relative
performance of the numeric data types in PL/SQL.

PL/SQL : Stop Making the Same Performance Mistakes - This article describes the
common PL/SQL performance mistakes I see people making time and time again.

PL/SQL Vs. Oracle JVM: Speed Comparison for Mathematical Operations -
This article does a side-by-side speed comparison of PL/SQL and the Oracle JVM for some basic mathematical operations.

Populating Master-Detail Foreign Key Values Using Sequences - This article presents
some safe methods for populating master-detail foreign key columns when using sequences.

 - Using regular expressions to solve some questions I've been asked over the years.

Retrieving HTML and Binaries into Tables Over HTTP - This article gives two brief
examples of how HTML pages and Binaries, such as images or documents, can be downloaded over HTTP and placed directly into tables.

ROWIDs for PL/SQL Performance - This article demonstrates how using ROWIDs in transactions can improve

Schema Owners and Application Users - Protect your schema objects by defining application users
with the necessary privileges on those objects, rather than allowing direct connections to the schema owner.

Short-Circuit Evaluation in PL/SQL - This article describes how short-circuit evaluation can be
used to improve the performance of some boolean expressions.

Using Ref Cursors To Return Recordsets - Return recordsets from Oracle stored procedures.

UTL_HTTP and SSL (HTTPS) using Oracle Wallets - This article describes how to use the UTL_HTTP package to interact
with resources secured by SSL (HTTPS).

XML-Over-HTTP (REST Web Services) From PL/SQL - XML-over-HTTP was the precursor to web services allowing easy access
to XML via HTTP GETs and POSTs.

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