一、CentOS 7.9 Related Software Directory

  1. Installing VMware Workstation Pro on Windows

  2. Installing CentOS 7.9 in VMware Workstation Pro 16
  3. CentOS 7.9 Configures Yum Local Source Everything

  4. Installing JDK-8u333 on CentOS 7.9

  5. Installing Maven-3.8.6 on CentOS 7.9

  6. Installing MySQL-5.7.35 on CentOS 7.9

  7. Installing Redis-6.2.0 on CentOS 7.9

  8. Installing MongoDB-5.0.13 on CentOS 7.9

  9. Installing Nginx-1.22.0 on CentOS 7.9

  10. Installing Git-2.21.0 on CentOS 7.9

  11. Installing Node-v14.16.0 on CentOS 7.9

  12. Installing Jenkins-2.361.2 on CentOS 7.9

  13. Installing Consul-1.9.14 CentOS 7.9

  14. Installing Python-3.9.5 on CentOS 7.9

  15. Installing Sqlite3 on CentOS 7.9

  16. Installing Django-3.2.10 on CentOS 7.9

  17. Installing RocketMQ-4.9.2 on CentOS 7.9

  18. Installing RabbitMQ-3.10.2 on CentOS 7.9

  19. Installing Kafka-2.13 CentOS 7.9

  20. Upgrading gcc-9.3.0 on CentOS 7.9

  21. Installing glibc-2.30 CentOS 7.9

  22. Installing Docker-20.10.12 on CentOS 7.9

  23. Installing docker-compose on CentOS 7.9

  24. Installing FastDFS-6.08 on CentOS 7.9

  25. Installing Zookeeper-3.6.3 CentOS 7.9

  26. Installing ELK-7.8.1 on CentOS 7.9

  27. Upgrading kernel-ml-5.6.14 on CentOS 7.9

  28. Upgrading Kernel Passed ELRepo Source on Centos 8.2

  29. Installing Containerd-1.6.5 CentOS 7.9

  30. Initialize the Kubernetes Basic Environment Configuration on CentOS 7.9

  31. Installing Kubernetes-1.25.2 on CentOS 7.9

  32. Installing Nginx-1.23.0 in CentOS 8.2 for use in Kubernetes Clusters

  33. Installing Keepalive-2.2.7 in CentOS 8.2 for use in Kubernetes Clusters

  34. Installing Metrics Server on Kubernetes-1.25.2

  35. Installing Dashboard on Kubernetes-1.25.2

  36. Kubernetes-1.25 Container Image Download

  37. Installing ingress-nginx on Kubernetes-1.25.2

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