<!-- 导航 -->
<view class="navSec flexBox">
<text class="navItem {{ selectIndex == 1 ? 'selectedNav' : 'nothing' }}" data-index="1" bindtap="changeNav">发货扫码</text>
<text class="navItem {{ selectIndex == 2 ? 'selectedNav' : 'nothing' }}" data-index="2" bindtap="changeNav">货运扫描</text>
<text class="navItem {{ selectIndex == 3 ? 'selectedNav' : 'nothing' }}" data-index="3" bindtap="changeNav">货运查询</text>
<text class="navItem {{ selectIndex == 4 ? 'selectedNav' : 'nothing' }}" data-index="4" bindtap="changeNav">发货查询</text>
</view> <!-- 发货扫码 -->
<view class="contentWrapper wrapper1 {{ selectIndex == 1 ? 'showWrapper' : 'nothing' }}">
<view class="scanContain flexBox radius10">
<label class="tipLabel">出货单号:</label>
<input class="inputBox radius10" bindinput="getInputTxt1" value="{{obj1.deliveryNo}}" type="text" placeholder="请输入单号或扫码输入" placeholder-class="inputHolder"/>
<button class="scanBtn btnActive" data-index="1" bindtap="scanCode">扫描<image class="iconScan" src="QHImage/iconScan.png" mode="widthFix"></image></button>
<view class="imgContain radius10">
<view class="tipFile">附件<text class="tipNum">最多上传5张</text></view>
<block wx:for="{{obj1.imgLst}}" wx:key="id">
<view class="imgItem radius10">
<label class="delImgBtn" data-info="1" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="deleteImg">+</label>
<image class="uploadImg" data-info="1" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="previewImg" src="{{item}}" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="uploadImgBtn radius10" data-index="1" bindtap="uploadImg" wx:if="{{obj1.imgLst.length < 5}}">
<image class="uploadIcon" src="QHImage/iconUpload.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="uploadTip">添加图片</text>
<view class="fixFoot {{!!obj1.deliveryNo ? 'showFoot' : 'hideFoot'}}">
<button class="submitBtn btnActive" bindtap="submitPartOne">提交</button>
</view> <!-- 货运扫描 -->
<view class="contentWrapper wrapper2 {{ selectIndex == 2 ? 'showWrapper' : 'nothing' }}">
<view class="scanContain flexBox radius10">
<label class="tipLabel">出货单号:</label>
<input class="inputBox radius10" bindinput="getInputTxt2" value="{{obj2.deliveryNo}}" type="text" placeholder="请输入单号或扫码输入" placeholder-class="inputHolder"/>
<button class="scanBtn btnActive" data-index="2" bindtap="scanCode">扫描<image class="iconScan" src="QHImage/iconScan.png" mode="widthFix"></image></button>
<view class="scanContain flexBox radius10">
<label class="tipLabel">物流单号:</label>
<input class="inputBox radius10" bindinput="getInputTxt3" value="{{obj2.logisticsNo}}" type="text" placeholder="请输入单号或扫码输入" placeholder-class="inputHolder"/>
<button class="scanBtn btnActive" data-index="3" bindtap="scanCode">扫描<image class="iconScan" src="QHImage/iconScan.png" mode="widthFix"></image></button>
<view class="imgContain radius10">
<view class="tipFile">附件<text class="tipNum">最多上传5张</text></view>
<block wx:for="{{obj2.imgLst}}" wx:key="id">
<view class="imgItem radius10">
<label class="delImgBtn" data-info="2" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="deleteImg">+</label>
<image class="uploadImg" data-info="2" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="previewImg" src="{{item}}" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="uploadImgBtn radius10" data-index="2" bindtap="uploadImg" wx:if="{{obj2.imgLst.length < 5}}">
<image class="uploadIcon" src="QHImage/iconUpload.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="uploadTip">添加图片</text>
<view class="fixFoot {{!!obj2.deliveryNo && !!obj2.logisticsNo ? 'showFoot' : 'hideFoot'}}">
<button class="submitBtn btnActive" bindtap="submitPartTwo">提交</button>
</view> <!-- 货运查询 -->
<view class="contentWrapper wrapper3 {{ selectIndex == 3 ? 'showWrapper' : 'nothing' }}">
<view class="scanContain logisticsScanContain flexBox">
<label class="tipLabel">单号:</label>
<input class="inputBox radius10" bindinput="getInputTxt4" value="{{obj3.logisticsNo}}" type="text" placeholder="请输入单号或扫码输入" placeholder-class="inputHolder"/>
<button class="scanBtn logisticsScanBtn btnActive" data-index="4" bindtap="scanCode">扫描<image class="iconScan" src="QHImage/iconScan.png" mode="widthFix"></image></button>
<button class="logisticsSearchBtn btnActive radius10" bindtap="searchLogistics">查询</button>
<!-- 物流详情 -->
<view class="logisticsContain radius10" wx:if="{{obj3.logisticsInfo.stateArr.length > 0}}">
<view class="logisticsAddr">
<image class="iconAddr" src="QHImage/iconAddr.png" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<text class="logisticsAddrTxt">收货地址:{{obj3.logisticsInfo.address}}</text>
<block wx:for="{{obj3.logisticsInfo.stateArr}}" wx:key="id">
<view class="logisticsItem">
<view class="logisticsTimeLeft">
<text class="logisticsTime">{{item.time}}</text>
<text class="logisticsDate">{{item.date}}</text>
<view class="logisticsTxtRight">
<text class="logisticsState">{{item.state}}</text>
<text class="logisticsTxt">{{item.stateTxt}}</text>
</view> <!-- 发货查询 -->
<view class="contentWrapper wrapper4 {{ selectIndex == 4 ? 'showWrapper' : 'nothing' }}">
<view class="dateFilterContain">
<text class="filterTip">查询日期</text>
<view class="dateBox flexBox">
<picker class="startDate {{obj4.startDate ? 'noEmptyDate' : 'nothing'}}" end="{{obj4.endDate}}"
mode="date" bindchange="startDateChange">{{obj4.startDate ? obj4.startDate : "开始时间"}}</picker>
<picker class="endDate {{obj4.endDate ? 'noEmptyDate' : 'nothing'}}" start="{{obj4.startDate}}"
mode="date" bindchange="endDateChange">{{obj4.endDate ? obj4.endDate : "结束时间"}}</picker>
<button class="shipmentSearchBtn searchBtn btnActive" bindtap="searchOrder">查询</button>
<view class="shipmentOrderContain" wx:if="{{obj4.orderLst.length > 0}}">
<block wx:for="{{obj4.orderLst}}" wx:key="id">
<view class="shipmentItem">
<text class="shipmentNo">出货单号:{{item.orderNo}}</text>
<view class="dataRow">
<text class="customerName itemTxt">客户简称:{{item.customerName}}</text>
<text class="shipmentNum itemTxt">出货件数:{{item.goodNum}}</text>
<view class="dataRow">
<text class="statistics itemTxt">金额统计:<text class="orderAmount">¥{{item.amount}}</text></text>
<text class="createTime itemTxt">提交日期:{{item.createTime}}</text>
<!-- 为空提示 -->
<view class="nothingBox" wx:if="{{obj4.isEmpty == 1 && obj4.orderLst.length == 0}}">
<image class="nothingPic" src="QHImage/nothingPic.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="nothingTip">没有查询到产品信息</text>
</view> <!-- 操作提示 -->
<view class="operateTip {{operateTip.isShowTip ? 'showOperateTip' : 'nothing'}}">{{operateTip.tipTxt}}</view>
// pages/YT/productShipment.js
Page({ /**
* 页面的初始数据
data: {
selectIndex: 1,
operateTip: {
isShowTip: false,
tipTxt: ""
obj1: { // 发货扫码
deliveryNo: "",
imgLst: []
}, obj2: { // 货运扫描
deliveryNo: "",
logisticsNo: "",
imgLst: []
}, obj3: { // 货运查询
logisticsNo: "",
logisticsInfo: ""
}, obj4: { // 发货查询
startDate: "",
endDate: "",
orderLst: []
}, /**
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function (options) {
var that = this;
}, // 切换
changeNav: function(e) {
var that = this;
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
selectIndex: index
}, // 扫码
scanCode: function(e) {
var that = this;
var inputIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
success(res) {
var shipmentNo = "2021112912312312"; // 假设单号
switch(inputIndex) {
case "1":
"obj1.deliveryNo": shipmentNo
case "2":
"obj2.deliveryNo": shipmentNo
case "3":
"obj2.logisticsNo": shipmentNo
case "4":
"obj3.logisticsNo": shipmentNo
fail(res) {
title: "扫码失败",
icon: "none",
duration: 1300
}, // 发货扫码--出货单号
getInputTxt1: function(e) {
"obj1.deliveryNo": e.detail.value
}, // 货运扫描--出货单号
getInputTxt2: function(e) {
"obj2.deliveryNo": e.detail.value
}, // 货运扫描--物流单号
getInputTxt3: function(e) {
"obj2.logisticsNo": e.detail.value
}, // 图片上传
uploadImg: function(e) {
var that = this;
var imgLstIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
var imgLst1 = that.data.obj1.imgLst;
var imgLst2 = that.data.obj2.imgLst;
var count = imgLstIndex == 1 ? (5 - imgLst1.length) : (5 - imgLst2.length); wx.chooseImage({
count: count,
sizyType: ["original", "compressed"],
sourceType: ["album", "camera"],
success: function(res) {
var imgs = res.tempFilePaths;
switch(imgLstIndex) {
case "1":
"obj1.imgLst": imgLst1.concat(imgs)
case "2":
"obj2.imgLst": imgLst2.concat(imgs)
}, // 查看图片
previewImg: function(e) {
var that = this;
var imgLstIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.info;
var imgIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
if(imgLstIndex == 1) {
current: that.data.obj1.imgLst[imgIndex],
urls: that.data.obj1.imgLst
} else {
current: that.data.obj2.imgLst[imgIndex],
urls: that.data.obj2.imgLst
}, // 删除图片
deleteImg: function(e) {
var that = this;
var imgLstIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.info;
var imgIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; if(imgLstIndex == 1) {
var imgLst1 = that.data.obj1.imgLst;
imgLst1.splice(imgIndex, 1);
"obj1.imgLst": imgLst1
} if(imgLstIndex == 2) {
var imgLst2 = that.data.obj2.imgLst;
imgLst2.splice(imgIndex, 1);
"obj2.imgLst": imgLst2
}, // 提交--发货扫码
submitPartOne: function() {
var that = this;
"obj1.deliveryNo": "",
"obj1.imgLst": [],
"operateTip.isShowTip": true,
"operateTip.tipTxt": "已提交审核",
}, // 提交--货运扫描
submitPartTwo: function() {
var that = this;
"obj2.deliveryNo": "",
"obj2.logisticsNo": "",
"obj2.imgLst": [],
"operateTip.isShowTip": true,
"operateTip.tipTxt": "已提交审核",
}, // 上传图片至服务器
upImgFile: function(imgArr) {
var i;
for(i = 0; i < imgArr.length; i++) {
url: "",
filePath: imgArr[i],
name: "file",
success(res) {
}, // 获取货运单号
getInputTxt4: function(e) {
"obj3.logisticsNo": e.detail.value
}, // 货运查询
searchLogistics: function() {
var that = this;
var logisticsNo = that.data.obj3.logisticsNo;
if(!!logisticsNo) {
} else {
"operateTip.isShowTip": true,
"operateTip.tipTxt": "请输入单号",
}, // 物流信息
loadLogisticsData: function() {
var that = this;
var logisticsJson = {
address: "广东省东莞市厚街镇家具大道30号广东省 东莞市厚街镇家具大道30号",
stateArr: [
{ time: "16:20", date: "0-05", state: "签收", stateTxt: "快递已送达广东省东莞市厚街镇家具大道30 号 签收人:詹某某" },
{ time: "13:20", date: "03-05", state: "派件中", stateTxt: "" },
{ time: "12:20", date: "01-05", state: "运输中", stateTxt: "货物正在派件请注意查收" },
{ time: "11:20", date: "01-04", state: "运输中", stateTxt: "货物到达某站点" },
{ time: "09:20", date: "01-03", state: "运输中", stateTxt: "货物离开南康物流中心,前往东莞物流中心" },
{ time: "23:20", date: "01-02", state: "已揽收", stateTxt: "" },
{ time: "12:20", date: "01-02", state: "卖家已发货", stateTxt: "" }
}; if(logisticsJson.stateArr.length > 0) {
"obj3.logisticsInfo": logisticsJson
} else {
"operateTip.isShowTip": true,
"operateTip.tipTxt": "查询不到该单号物流信息",
}, // 选择时间
startDateChange: function(e) {
var that = this;
"obj4.startDate": e.detail.value
}, endDateChange: function(e) {
"obj4.endDate": e.detail.value
}, // 发货查询
searchOrder: function() {
var that = this;
var startDate = that.data.obj4.startDate;
var endDate = that.data.obj4.endDate; if(!!startDate && !!endDate) {
} else {
"operateTip.isShowTip": true,
"operateTip.tipTxt": "请选择时间",
}, loadOrderData: function() {
var that = this;
var orderInfo = [
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021", "customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850", "createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"},
{"orderNo": "YTXCX2021","customerName": "晨希纳","goodNum": "12345","amount": "26850","createTime": "2021/12/10"}
]; // 数据项为 0 时,显示为空提示
var isEmpty = orderInfo.length > 0 ? 0 :1; that.setData({
"obj4.orderLst": orderInfo,
"obj4.isEmpty": isEmpty
}, // 关闭操作提示
hideOperateTip: function() {
var that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
"operateTip.isShowTip": false,
"operateTip.tipTxt": "",
}, 1000)
}, /**
* 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
onReady: function () { }, /**
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function () { }, /**
* 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
onHide: function () { }, /**
* 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
onUnload: function () { }, /**
* 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /**
* 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
onReachBottom: function () { }, /**
* 用户点击右上角分享
onShareAppMessage: function () { }, })
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border-radius: 35rpx
} /* 出货项 */
.shipmentItem {
width: 92%;
padding: 26rpx 20rpx 10rpx 30rpx;
margin: 0 auto 30rpx;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 10rpx;
} .shipmentNo {
display: block;
padding-bottom: 26rpx;
line-height: inherit;
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 1.3;
word-break: break-all;
word-wrap: break-word;
color: #333;
} .dataRow {
display: flex; margin-bottom: 14rpx;
} .itemTxt {
display: block;
flex-shrink: 0;
line-height: 1.3;
word-break: break-all;
word-wrap: break-word;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #7F7F7F;
} .customerName, .statistics {
min-width: 320rpx;
max-width: 400rpx;
padding-right: 20rpx;
} .orderAmount {
font-weight: 700; color: #399EFF;
} .shipmentNum, .createTime { flex: 1 0 0; } /* 为空提示 */
.nothingBox {
width: 400rpx;
padding-top: 120rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
} .nothingPic {
width: 400rpx; height: 400rpx;
} .nothingTip {
font-size: 26rpx; color: #7f7f7f;
} /* 操作提示 */
.operateTip {
position: fixed;
left: 50%;
bottom: 128rpx;
min-width: 192rpx;
height: 57rpx;
padding: 0 20rpx;
line-height: 57rpx;
font-size: 30rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #fff;
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
background-color: rgba(51,51,51,.7);
border-radius: 10rpx;
transform: translateX(-50%);
} .showOperateTip {
animation: showTip 1s ;
} @keyframes showTip {
0% { visibility: hidden;opacity: 0; }
100% { visibility: visible;opacity: 1; }
- Authing新功能——小程序扫码登录
近期,Authing 发布了新功能--小程序扫码登录. 小程序扫码登录指使用Authing小程序身份管家在网页端或其它客户端执行微信登录,目前的SDK仅支持客户端JavaScript.其它语言若想使用 ...
- 微信小程序~扫码
为了让用户减少输入,我们可以把复杂的信息编码成一个二维码,利用宿主环境wx.scanCode这个API调起微信扫一扫,用户扫码之后,wx.scanCode的success回调会收到这个二维码所对应的字 ...
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通过微信扫小程序码,跳转到应用小程序内, 如何解析小程序码的参数呢? 一般小程序码会跳转到设置的页面,如首页, 可以直接跳转到小程序首页,然后解析小程序携带的参数,再打开某个页面. (小程序码的路径要 ...
- 微信小程序——扫码后提示“打开失败缺少ID”
解决步骤: 进入通讯录tab->点击右上角添加朋友->搜索框输入:recover,拉到最底下选择小程序进行修复操作 参考:https://developers.weixin.qq.com/ ...
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1.view 代码 <view class="v-main-scan"> <uni-icons @click="scanCode" clas ...
- 【转】反编译获取任何微信小程序源码(完)
一.前言最近在学习微信小程序开发,半个月学习下来,很想实战一下踩踩坑,于是就仿写了一个阿里妈妈淘宝客小程序的前端实现,过程一言难尽,差不多两周时间过去了,发现小程序的坑远比想象的要多的多!!在实际练手 ...
- 反编译获取线上任何微信小程序源码(转)
看到人家上线的小程序的效果,纯靠推测,部分效果在绞尽脑汁后能做出大致的实现,但是有些细节,费劲全力都没能做出来.很想一窥源码?查看究竟?看看大厂的前端大神们是如何规避了小程序的各种奇葩的坑?那么赶紧来 ...
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为了让用户能尽可能多地使用小程序,也算是沉淀用户,现在很多小程序中,都有引导用户"添加到我的小程序"的操作提示,而且大多都是有动画效果.在高清壁纸推荐小程序首页,用户每次进入,都会 ...
- (SSM框架)实现小程序图片上传(配小程序源码)
阅读本文约"2分钟" 又是一个开源小组件啦! 因为刚好做到这个小功能,所以就整理了一下,针对微信小程序的图片(文件)上传! 原业务是针对用户反馈的图片上传.(没错,本次还提供小程序 ...
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花了点时间陆陆续续,拼拼凑凑将我的小程序版博客搭建完了,这里做个简单的分享和总结. 整体效果 对于博客来说功能页面不是很多,且有些限制于后端服务(基于ghost博客提供的服务),相关样式可以参考截图或 ...
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环境采样: [root@k3master network-scripts]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) ...
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MySQL 集群有两种命名方式,在Mysql5.1版本之前,MySQL 集群是以MySQL版本号命名:MySQL5.1(包括)之后开始以 mysql-mysql_server_version-ndb- ...
- print,printf,println的区别,以及\r,\n,\r\n的区别
1.常用的是println,就是换行输出 2.print,不换行输出 3.printf常使用于格式转化 public class Print { public static void main(Str ...
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前言 vuex作为vue的核心插件,同时在开发中也是必不可少的基础模块,本文来总结一下相关知识点. 正文 1.基于单向数据流问题而产生了Vuex 单向数据流是vue 中父子组件的核心概念,props ...