1 introduction

1.2 Asynchronous by design

two most common ways to work with or implement an asynchronous API,

1.2.1 Callbacks


move the execution of these methods from the “caller” thread to some other thread.
There is no guarantee whenever one of the methods of the FetchCallback will be called.


lead to spaghetti code when you chain many asynchronous method calls with different callbacks


1.2.2 Futures

A Future is an abstraction, which represents a value that may become available at some point.
A Future object either holds the result of a computation or, in the case of a failed computation, an exception.


ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

Runnable task1 = new Runnable() { }

Future<?> future1 = executor.submit(task1);
Future<Integer> future2 = executor.submit(task2);
while (!future1.isDone() || !future2.isDone()) {
// do something else


Sometimes using futures can feel ugly because you need to check the state of the Future in intervals to see if it is completed yet, whereas with a callback you’re notified directly after it’s done.


1.3 Blocking versus non-blocking IO on the JVM


To do networking-related tasks in Java, you can take one of two approaches:

-  use IO , also known as blocking IO

-  use NIO, also known as new/non-blocking IO


1.3.1 EchoServer based on blocking IO

public class PlainEchoServer {
public void serve(int port) throws IOException {
final ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(port); #1
while (true) {
final Socket clientSocket = socket.accept(); #2 new Thread(new Runnable() { #3
public void run() {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
while(true) { #4
} }



1.3.2 Non-blocking IO basics



A ByteBuffer is fundamental to both NIO APIs and, indeed, to Netty. A ByteBuffer can either be allocated on the heap or directly


flip操作用于reset offset,便于读取现有数据


WORKING With NIO Selectors

A selector is a NIO component that determines if one or more channels are ready for reading and/or writing, thus a single select selector can be used to handle multiple connections


To use selectors, you typically complete the following steps.

1. Create one or more selectors to which opened channels (sockets) can be registered.

2. When a channel is registered, you specify which events you’re interested in listening in.

The four available events (or Ops/operations) are:

- OP_ACCEPT—Operation-set bit for socket-accept operations

- OP_CONNECT—Operation-set bit for socket-connect operations

- OP_READ—Operation-set bit for read operations

- OP_WRITE—Operation-set bit for write operations

3. When channels are registered, you call the Selector.select() method to block until one of these events occurs.

4. When the method unblocks, you can obtain all of the SelectionKey instances (which hold the reference to the registered channel and to selected Ops) and do something.

What exactly you do depends on which operation is ready. A SelectedKey can include more than one operation at any given time.

创建selectors 让channels (sockets)可以注册上





1.3.3 EchoServer based on NIO


ServerSocketChannel serverChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open(); //创建channel
ServerSocket ss = serverChannel.socket(); //channel创建和绑定socket
InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(port);
Selector selector = Selector.open(); //创建selector
serverChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); //将channel注册到selector,监听Accept事件


while (true) {
try {
selector.select(); //Block until something is selected
} catch (IOException ex) {
// handle in a proper way
} Set readyKeys = selector.selectedKeys(); //Get all SelectedKey instances
Iterator iterator = readyKeys.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) iterator.next();
iterator.remove(); //Remove the SelectedKey from the iterator
try {
if (key.isAcceptable()) {
ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel();
SocketChannel client = server.accept(); //Accept the client connection
client.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE | SelectionKey.OP_READ, ByteBuffer.allocate(100)); //accept后,需要继续注册读写OP
if (key.isReadable()) {
SocketChannel client = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
ByteBuffer output = (ByteBuffer) key.attachment();
if (key.isWritable()) {
SocketChannel client = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
ByteBuffer output = (ByteBuffer) key.attachment();





1.3.4 EchoServer based on NIO.2




Unlike the original NIO implementation, NIO.2 allows you to issue IO operations and provide what is called a completion handler (CompletionHandler class).

It also guarantees that only one CompletionHandler is executed for channel at the same time.

This approach helps to simplify the code because it removes the complexity that comes with multithreaded execution.

public class PlainNio2EchoServer {
public void serve(int port) throws IOException {
final AsynchronousServerSocketChannel serverChannel = AsynchronousServerSocketChannel.open(); //注意这里是异步ServerSocketChannel
InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(port);
serverChannel.bind(address); serverChannel.accept(null, //触发accept操作,以CompletionHandler为callback
new CompletionHandler<AsynchronousSocketChannel, Object>() {
public void completed(final AsynchronousSocketChannel channel, Object attachment) { //当accept完成时异步调用
serverChannel.accept(null, this); //再次触发accept操作,接受其他的connection
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(100);
channel.read(buffer, buffer, new EchoCompletionHandler(channel)); //触发读操作,并以EchoCompletionHandler为callback
public void failed(Throwable throwable, Object attachment) {
try {
serverChannel.close(); //IO失败时候的处理
} catch (IOException e) {
// ingnore on close
} private final class EchoCompletionHandler implements CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer> {
private final AsynchronousSocketChannel channel; @Override
public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer buffer) { //当读操作完成时调用
channel.write(buffer, buffer, //触发写操作
new CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer>() {
public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer buffer) { //写操作完成后的callback
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
channel.write(buffer, buffer, this); //如果buffer里面还有数据,继续写
} else {
channel.read(buffer, buffer, EchoCompletionHandler.this); //如果没有,继续触发读操作,并以EchoCompletionHandler为callback
} @Override
public void failed(Throwable exc, ByteBuffer attachment) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ingnore on close



1.4 NIO problems and how Netty comes to the rescue


1.4.1 Cross-platform and compatibility issues

NIO is low level and depends on how the operating system (OS) handles IO.

When using NIO you often find that your code works fine on Linux, for example, but has problems on Windows.

Ideal as NIO.2 may seem, it’s only supported in Java 7, and if your application runs on Java 6, you may not be able to use it. Also, at the time of writing, there is no NIO.2 API for datagram channels (for UDP applications), so its usage is limited to TCP applications only.

Java NIO和系统和Java版本相关


1.4.2 Extending ByteBuffer ... or not

As you saw previously, ByteBuffer is used as data container. Unfortunately, the JDK doesn’t contain a ByteBuffer implementation that allows wrapping an array of ByteBuffer instances. This functionality is useful if you want to minimize memory copies. If you ‘rethinking I’ll implement it myself, don’t waste your time; ByteBuffer has a private constructor, so it isn’t possible to extend it.





Bootstrapping in Netty is the process by which you configure your Netty application.

You use a bootstrap when you need to connect a client to some host and port, or bind a server to a given port.

As the previous statement implies, there are two types of Bootstraps, one typically used for clients, but is also used for DatagramChannel (simply called Bootstrap) and one for servers (aptly named ServerBootstrap).






EventLoopGroup A's only purpose is to accept connections and hand them over to EventLoopGroup B.




所以Netty Server可以说是非阻塞异步IO


Bootstrap client


The bootstrap is responsible for client and/or connectionless-based channels, so it will create the channel after bind(...) or connect(...) is called.



Server Bootstrap

As you may have noticed, the methods in the previous section are similar to what you saw in the bootstrap class.

There is only one difference, which makes a lot of sense once you think about it.

While ServerBootstrap has handler(...), attr(...), and option(...) methods, it also offers those with the child prefix.

This is done as the ServerBootstrap bootstraps ServerChannel implementations, which are responsible for creating child channels.

Those channels represent the accepted connections. ServerBootstrap offer the child* methods in order to make applying settings on accepted channels as easy as possible.



Adding multiple ChannelHandlers during a bootstrap



A ChannelPipeline is a list of ChannelHandler instances that handle or intercept inbound and outbound operations of a channel.



Inbound operations


Outbound operations




Now if you’d like to have the event flow through the whole ChannelPipeline, there are two different ways of doing so:

- Invoke methods on the Channel.

- Invoke methods on the ChannelPipeline.







ChannelHandlers and their types







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