
  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<Poco/File.h>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. using namespace Poco;
  6. int main(){
  7. File *myfile = new File("/home/ygy/work/poco/file/b.txt");
  9. myfile->createFile();
  11. cout<<"canRead():"<<myfile->canRead()<<endl;
  12. cout<<"canWrite():"<<myfile->canWrite()<<endl;
  13. myfile->copyTo("/home/ygy/work/poco/file/bin");
  15. cout<<"end"<<endl;
  16. }

void copyTo(const std::string & path)const; 将该文件复制到某个目录,将文件内容复制到指定文件。

void createDirectories();   创建所有的目录,即使目录的父目录不存在

bool createDirectory();   在已存在的目录下创建目录。

  Returns true if the directory has been created and false if it already exists

bool createFile(); 创建空文件

  Returns true if the file has been created and false if the file already exists

Timestamp created() const;  这个返回类型还不知道怎么显示时间。

  Returns the creation date of the file.

bool exists() const;

Timestamp getLastModified() const;  上次修改时间

FileSize getSize() const;  返回文件字节数,目录是4096

bool isDevice() const;

  Returns true if and only if the file is a device.

bool isDirectory() const;

  Returns true if and only if the file is a directory.

bool isFile() const;

  Returns true if and only if the file is a regular file.

bool isHidden() const;

bool isLink() const;

  Returns true if and only if the file is a symbolic link

void moveTo( const std::string & path);

void list( std::vector < File > & files) const;    获得所有的File对象

void list( std::vector < std::string > & files) const;  获得所有的name

  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<Poco/File.h>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. using namespace Poco;
  6. int main(){
  7. File *myfile1 = new File("/home/ygy/work/poco/file");
  8. vector<string>files;
  9. vector<File>Files;
  10. myfile1->list(files);
  11. myfile1->list(Files);
  12. cout<<Files.size()<<endl;
  13. for(auto file:files ){
  14. cout<<file<<endl;
  15. }
  16. }



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