# This script installs to /usr/local only. To install elsewhere you can just
# untar https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/tarball/master anywhere you like or
# change the value of HOMEBREW_PREFIX.
HOMEBREW_PREFIX = "/usr/local".freeze
HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY = "/usr/local/Homebrew".freeze
HOMEBREW_CACHE = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Caches/Homebrew".freeze
HOMEBREW_OLD_CACHE = "/Library/Caches/Homebrew".freeze
BREW_REPO = "https://github.com/Homebrew/brew".freeze
CORE_TAP_REPO = "https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core".freeze # no analytics during installation
module_function def blue
bold 34
end def red
bold 31
end def reset
escape 0
end def bold(n = 39)
escape "1;#{n}"
end def underline
escape "4;39"
end def escape(n)
"\033[#{n}m" if STDOUT.tty?
end class Array
def shell_s
cp = dup
first = cp.shift
cp.map { |arg| arg.gsub " ", "\\ " }.unshift(first).join(" ")
end def ohai(*args)
puts "#{Tty.blue}==>#{Tty.bold} #{args.shell_s}#{Tty.reset}"
end def warn(warning)
puts "#{Tty.red}Warning#{Tty.reset}: #{warning.chomp}"
end def system(*args)
abort "Failed during: #{args.shell_s}" unless Kernel.system(*args)
end def sudo(*args)
args.unshift("-A") unless ENV["SUDO_ASKPASS"].nil?
ohai "/usr/bin/sudo", *args
system "/usr/bin/sudo", *args
end def getc # NOTE only tested on OS X
system "/bin/stty raw -echo"
if STDIN.respond_to?(:getbyte)
system "/bin/stty -raw echo"
end def wait_for_user
puts "Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort"
c = getc
# we test for \r and \n because some stuff does \r instead
abort unless (c == 13) || (c == 10)
end class Version
include Comparable
attr_reader :parts def initialize(str)
@parts = str.split(".").map(&:to_i)
end def <=>(other)
parts <=> self.class.new(other).parts
end def force_curl?
end def macos_version
@macos_version ||= Version.new(`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp[/10\.\d+/])
end def should_install_command_line_tools?
return false if force_curl?
return false if macos_version < "10.9"
developer_dir = `/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path 2>/dev/null`.chomp
developer_dir.empty? || !File.exist?("#{developer_dir}/usr/bin/git")
end def git
return false if force_curl? @git ||= if ENV["GIT"] && File.executable?(ENV["GIT"])
elsif Kernel.system "/usr/bin/which -s git"
exe = `xcrun -find git 2>/dev/null`.chomp
exe if $? && $?.success? && !exe.empty? && File.executable?(exe)
end return unless @git
# Github only supports HTTPS fetches on 1.7.10 or later:
# https://help.github.com/articles/https-cloning-errors
`#{@git} --version` =~ /git version (\d\.\d+\.\d+)/
return if $1.nil?
return if Version.new($1) < "1.7.10" @git
end def user_only_chmod?(d)
return false unless File.directory?(d)
mode = File.stat(d).mode & 0777
# u = (mode >> 6) & 07
# g = (mode >> 3) & 07
# o = (mode >> 0) & 07
mode != 0755
end def chmod?(d)
File.exist?(d) && !(File.readable?(d) && File.writable?(d) && File.executable?(d))
end def chown?(d)
end def chgrp?(d)
end # Invalidate sudo timestamp before exiting (if it wasn't active before).
Kernel.system "/usr/bin/sudo -n -v 2>/dev/null"
at_exit { Kernel.system "/usr/bin/sudo", "-k" } unless $?.success? # The block form of Dir.chdir fails later if Dir.CWD doesn't exist which I
# guess is fair enough. Also sudo prints a warning message for no good reason
Dir.chdir "/usr" ####################################################################### script
abort "See Linuxbrew: http://linuxbrew.sh/" if RUBY_PLATFORM.to_s.downcase.include?("linux")
abort "MacOS too old, see: https://github.com/mistydemeo/tigerbrew" if macos_version < "10.6"
abort "Don't run this as root!" if Process.uid.zero?
abort <<-EOABORT unless `dsmemberutil checkmembership -U "#{ENV["USER"]}" -G admin`.include? "user is a member"
This script requires the user #{ENV["USER"]} to be an Administrator.
# Tests will fail if the prefix exists, but we don't have execution
# permissions. Abort in this case.
abort <<-EOABORT if File.directory?(HOMEBREW_PREFIX) && (!File.executable? HOMEBREW_PREFIX)
The Homebrew prefix, #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}, exists but is not searchable. If this is
not intentional, please restore the default permissions and try running the
installer again:
sudo chmod 775 #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}
EOABORT ohai "This script will install:"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew"
puts HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY.to_s group_chmods = %w[ bin bin/brew etc Frameworks include lib sbin share var
etc/bash_completion.d lib/pkgconfig var/log
share/aclocal share/doc share/info share/locale share/man
share/man/man1 share/man/man2 share/man/man3 share/man/man4
share/man/man5 share/man/man6 share/man/man7 share/man/man8].
map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }.
select { |d| chmod?(d) }
# zsh refuses to read from these directories if group writable
zsh_dirs = %w[share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions].
map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }
user_chmods = zsh_dirs.select { |d| user_only_chmod?(d) }
chmods = group_chmods + user_chmods
chowns = chmods.select { |d| chown?(d) }
chgrps = chmods.select { |d| chgrp?(d) }
mkdirs = %w[Cellar Homebrew Frameworks bin etc include lib opt sbin share share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions var].
map { |d| File.join(HOMEBREW_PREFIX, d) }.
reject { |d| File.directory?(d) } unless group_chmods.empty?
ohai "The following existing directories will be made group writable:"
unless user_chmods.empty?
ohai "The following existing directories will be made writable by user only:"
unless chowns.empty?
ohai "The following existing directories will have their owner set to #{Tty.underline}#{ENV["USER"]}#{Tty.reset}:"
unless chgrps.empty?
ohai "The following existing directories will have their group set to #{Tty.underline}admin#{Tty.reset}:"
unless mkdirs.empty?
ohai "The following new directories will be created:"
end wait_for_user if STDIN.tty? && !ENV["TRAVIS"] if File.directory? HOMEBREW_PREFIX
sudo "/bin/chmod", "u+rwx", *chmods unless chmods.empty?
sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *group_chmods unless group_chmods.empty?
sudo "/bin/chmod", "755", *user_chmods unless user_chmods.empty?
sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], *chowns unless chowns.empty?
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *chgrps unless chgrps.empty?
sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", HOMEBREW_PREFIX
sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", "root:wheel", HOMEBREW_PREFIX
end unless mkdirs.empty?
sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", *mkdirs
sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *mkdirs
sudo "/bin/chmod", "755", *zsh_dirs
sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], *mkdirs
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *mkdirs
sudo "/bin/mkdir", "-p", cache unless File.directory? cache
sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", cache if chmod? cache
sudo "/usr/sbin/chown", ENV["USER"], cache if chown? cache
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", cache if chgrp? cache
end if should_install_command_line_tools?
ohai "Searching online for the Command Line Tools"
# This temporary file prompts the 'softwareupdate' utility to list the Command Line Tools
clt_placeholder = "/tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress"
sudo "/usr/bin/touch", clt_placeholder
clt_label = `softwareupdate -l | grep -B 1 -E "Command Line (Developer|Tools)" | awk -F"*" '/^ +\\*/ {print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//' | tail -n1`.chomp
ohai "Installing #{clt_label}"
sudo "/usr/sbin/softwareupdate", "-i", clt_label
sudo "/bin/rm", "-f", clt_placeholder
sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--switch", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools"
end # Headless install may have failed, so fallback to original 'xcode-select' method
if should_install_command_line_tools? && STDIN.tty?
ohai "Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup):"
sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--install"
puts "Press any key when the installation has completed."
sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select", "--switch", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools"
end abort <<-EOABORT if `/usr/bin/xcrun clang 2>&1` =~ /license/ && !$?.success?
You have not agreed to the Xcode license.
Before running the installer again please agree to the license by opening
Xcode.app or running:
sudo xcodebuild -license
EOABORT ohai "Downloading and installing Homebrew..."
if git
# we do it in four steps to avoid merge errors when reinstalling
system git, "init", "-q" # "git remote add" will fail if the remote is defined in the global config
system git, "config", "remote.origin.url", BREW_REPO
system git, "config", "remote.origin.fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" # ensure we don't munge line endings on checkout
system git, "config", "core.autocrlf", "false" args = git, "fetch", "origin", "master:refs/remotes/origin/master",
"--tags", "--force"
args << "--depth=1" unless ARGV.include?("--full") || !ENV["HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER"].nil?
system(*args) system git, "reset", "--hard", "origin/master" system "ln", "-sf", "#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew", "update", "--force"
# -m to stop tar erroring out if it can't modify the mtime for root owned directories
# pipefail to cause the exit status from curl to propagate if it fails
curl_flags = "fsSL"
core_tap = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core"
system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} #{BREW_REPO}/tarball/master | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'" system "ln", "-sf", "#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" system "/bin/mkdir", "-p", core_tap
Dir.chdir core_tap do
system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} #{CORE_TAP_REPO}/tarball/master | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'"
end warn "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin is not in your PATH." unless ENV["PATH"].split(":").include? "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin" ohai "Installation successful!"
puts # Use the shell's audible bell.
print "\a" # Use an extra newline and bold to avoid this being missed.
ohai "Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate user behaviour analytics."
puts <<-EOS
#{Tty.bold}Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here:
#{Tty.underline}https://docs.brew.sh/Analytics.html#{Tty.reset} EOS if git
system git, "config", "--local", "--replace-all", "homebrew.analyticsmessage", "true"
end ohai "Next steps:" if macos_version < "10.9" && macos_version > "10.6"
`/usr/bin/cc --version 2> /dev/null` =~ /clang-(\d{2,})/
version = $1.to_i
if version < 425
puts "- Install the #{Tty.bold}Command Line Tools for Xcode:"
puts " #{Tty.underline}https://developer.apple.com/downloads#{Tty.reset}"
elsif !File.exist? "/usr/bin/cc"
puts "- Install #{Tty.bold}Xcode:"
puts " #{Tty.underline}https://developer.apple.com/xcode#{Tty.reset}"
end unless git
puts "- Run `brew update --force` to complete installation by installing:"
puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew"
puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1"
puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew"
puts " #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew"
end puts "- Run `brew help` to get started"
puts "- Further documentation: "
puts " #{Tty.underline}https://docs.brew.sh#{Tty.reset}"
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