
1  执行和1相同的任务,不过排除掉10.1.6.159这台机器

  1. 1 #!/usr/bin/python
  2. 2 from fabric.api import *
  3. 3 from fabric.context_managers import *
  4. 4
  5. 5 env.hosts=['','']
  6. 6 env.password='xxxxxx'
  7. 7 env.exclude_hosts=['']
  8. 8
  9. 9 def task1():
  10. 10 with cd('/home/guol'):
  11. 11 run('ls -l')
  13. fab task1

2 执行和2相同任务,再增加一个task2,并且把taskN伪装成meta任务执行

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. from fabric.api import *
  3. from fabric.colors import *
  4. from fabric.context_managers import *
  6. env.hosts=['','']
  7. env.password='xxxxxx'
  8. env.exclude_hosts=['']
  10. def task1():
  11. with cd('/home/guol'):
  12. run('ls -l')
  14. def task2():
  15. print(green("I'm fabric"))
  17. def deploy():
  18. execute(task1)
  19. execute(task2)
  21. ##执行
  22. root@vm11:/tmp# fab deploy

3 不同的机器执行不同的task

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. from fabric.api import *
  3. from fabric.colors import *
  4. from fabric.context_managers import *
  6. env.roledefs={'web1':[''],'web2':['']}
  7. env.password='xxxxxx'
  9. @roles('web1')
  10. def task1():
  11. with cd('/home/guol'):
  12. run('ls -l')
  13. @roles('web2')
  14. def task2():
  15. print(green("I'm fabric"))
  17. def deploy():
  18. execute(task1)
  19. execute(task2)
  20. ##执行
  21. root@vm11:/tmp# fab deploy

4 把159的/home/guol/159-remote拉取到186的 /home/guol/目录下

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. from fabric.api import *
  3. from fabric.colors import *
  4. from fabric.context_managers import *
  5. env.hosts=['']
  6. env.password='xxxxxx'
  8. def task1():
  9. print(green("I'm 186 /home/guol/"))
  10. local('ls -l /home/guol')
  11. def task2():
  12. print(green("I'm get 159's 159-remote file to 186"))
  13. get('/home/guol/159-remote','/home/guol')
  14. print(yellow("I'm 186 /home/guol/"))
  15. local('ls -l /home/guol')
  17. def deploy():
  18. execute(task1)
  19. execute(task2)
  21. ##执行
  22. root@vm11:/tmp# fab deploy
  23. [] Executing task 'deploy'
  24. [] Executing task 'task1'
  25. I'm 186 /home/guol/
  26. [localhost] local: ls -l /home/guol
  27. total 0
  28. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 21 13:32 186-local
  29. [] Executing task 'task2'
  30. I'm get 159's 159-remote file to 186
  31. [] download: /home/guol/159-remote <- /home/guol/159-remote
  32. I'm 186 /home/guol/
  33. [localhost] local: ls -l /home/guol
  34. total 0
  35. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 21 14:28 159-remote
  36. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 21 13:32 186-local
  38. Done.
  39. Disconnecting from done.

5 把186的/home/guol/ 186-local推送到159的 /home/guol/目录下

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. from fabric.api import *
  3. from fabric.colors import *
  4. from fabric.context_managers import *
  5. env.hosts=['']
  6. env.password='xxxxxx'
  8. def task1():
  9. print(green("I'm 159 /home/guol/"))
  10. with cd('/home/guol'):
  11. run('ls -l')
  12. def task2():
  13. print(green("I'm put 186's 186-local file to 159"))
  14. put('/home/guol/186-local','/home/guol')
  15. print(yellow("I'm 159 /home/guol/"))
  16. with cd('/home/guol'):
  17. run('ls -l')
  18. def deploy():
  19. execute(task1)
  20. execute(task2)
  22. ##执行
  23. root@vm11:/tmp# fab deploy
  24. [] Executing task 'deploy'
  25. [] Executing task 'task1'
  26. I'm 159 /home/guol/
  27. [] run: ls -l
  28. [] out: total 0
  29. [] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 21 13:32 159-remote
  30. [] out:
  32. [] Executing task 'task2'
  33. I'm put 186's 186-local file to 159
  34. [] put: /home/guol/186-local -> /home/guol/186-local
  35. I'm 159 /home/guol/
  36. [] run: ls -l
  37. [] out: total 0
  38. [] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 21 13:32 159-remote
  39. [] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 21 14:33 186-local
  40. [] out:
  42. Done.
  43. Disconnecting from done.

7  在186上打开一个159的交互式的shell

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. from fabric.api import *
  3. from fabric.colors import *
  4. from fabric.context_managers import *
  5. env.hosts=['']
  6. env.password='xxxxxx'
  7. def task3():
  8. open_shell("ifconfig eth0|grep ''")
  9. def deploy():
  10. execute(task3)
  11. ##执行
  12. root@vm11:/tmp# fab deploy
  13. [] Executing task 'deploy'
  14. [] Executing task 'task3'
  15. Welcome to Ubuntu 12.10 (GNU/Linux 3.5.0-17-generic x86_64)
  16. Last login: Fri Dec 21 14:39:39 2012 from
  17. ifconfig eth0|grep ''
  18. root@vm12:~# ifconfig eth0|grep ''
  19. inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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