
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
* 命名空间: Hikari
* 类 名: Logger
* CLR版本: 4.0.30319.42000
* 版本 :v1.0
* Copyright (c)
*/ [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "log4net.config", Watch = true)]
namespace Hikari
/// <summary>
/// 功能描述 :Logger
/// 创 建 者 :
/// 创建日期 :2018/10/26 20:44:15
/// 最后修改者 :
/// 最后修改日期:2018/10/26 20:44:15
/// </summary> public sealed class Logger
#region [ 单例模式 ] private static Logger logger;
private static readonly log4net.ILog _Logger4net = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// <summary>
/// 无参私有构造函数
/// </summary>
private Logger()
} /// <summary>
/// 得到单例
/// </summary>
public static Logger Singleton
if (logger == null)
logger = new Logger();
return logger;
} /// <summary>
/// 设置配置
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
public void LogConfiguration(string path)
XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(null, new System.IO.FileInfo(path));
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error:配置日志错误," + ex.Message);
#endregion #region [ 参数 ] public bool IsDebugEnabled
get { return _Logger4net.IsDebugEnabled; }
public bool IsInfoEnabled
get { return _Logger4net.IsInfoEnabled; }
public bool IsWarnEnabled
get { return _Logger4net.IsWarnEnabled; }
public bool IsErrorEnabled
get { return _Logger4net.IsErrorEnabled; }
public bool IsFatalEnabled
get { return _Logger4net.IsFatalEnabled; }
} #endregion #region [ 接口方法 ] #region [ Debug ] public void Debug(string message)
if (this.IsDebugEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Debug, message);
} public void Debug(string message, Exception exception)
if (this.IsDebugEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Debug, message, exception);
} public void DebugFormat(string format, params object[] args)
if (this.IsDebugEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Debug, format, args);
} public void DebugFormat(string format, Exception exception, params object[] args)
if (this.IsDebugEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format(format, args), exception);
} #endregion #region [ Info ] public void Info(string message)
if (this.IsInfoEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, message);
} public void Info(string message, Exception exception)
if (this.IsInfoEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, message, exception);
} public void InfoFormat(string format, params object[] args)
if (this.IsInfoEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, format, args);
} public void InfoFormat(string format, Exception exception, params object[] args)
if (this.IsInfoEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format(format, args), exception);
} #endregion #region [ Warn ] public void Warn(string message)
if (this.IsWarnEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Warn, message);
} public void Warn(string message, Exception exception)
if (this.IsWarnEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Warn, message, exception);
} public void WarnFormat(string format, params object[] args)
if (this.IsWarnEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Warn, format, args);
} public void WarnFormat(string format, Exception exception, params object[] args)
if (this.IsWarnEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Warn, string.Format(format, args), exception);
} #endregion #region [ Error ] public void Error(string message)
if (this.IsErrorEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, message);
} public void Error(string message, Exception exception)
if (this.IsErrorEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, message, exception);
} public void ErrorFormat(string format, params object[] args)
if (this.IsErrorEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, format, args);
} public void ErrorFormat(string format, Exception exception, params object[] args)
if (this.IsErrorEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Error, string.Format(format, args), exception);
#endregion #region [ Fatal ] public void Fatal(string message)
if (this.IsFatalEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Fatal, message);
} public void Fatal(string message, Exception exception)
if (this.IsFatalEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Fatal, message, exception);
} public void FatalFormat(string format, params object[] args)
if (this.IsFatalEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Fatal, format, args);
} public void FatalFormat(string format, Exception exception, params object[] args)
if (this.IsFatalEnabled)
this.Log(LogLevel.Fatal, string.Format(format, args), exception);
#endregion #endregion #region [ 内部方法 ]
/// <summary>
/// 输出普通日志
/// </summary>
/// <param name="level"></param>
/// <param name="format"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
private void Log(LogLevel level, string format, params object[] args)
switch (level)
case LogLevel.Debug:
_Logger4net.DebugFormat(format, args);
case LogLevel.Info:
_Logger4net.InfoFormat(format, args);
case LogLevel.Warn:
_Logger4net.WarnFormat(format, args);
case LogLevel.Error:
_Logger4net.ErrorFormat(format, args);
case LogLevel.Fatal:
_Logger4net.FatalFormat(format, args);
} /// <summary>
/// 格式化输出异常信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="level"></param>
/// <param name="message"></param>
/// <param name="exception"></param>
private void Log(LogLevel level, string message, Exception exception)
switch (level)
case LogLevel.Debug:
_Logger4net.Debug(message, exception);
case LogLevel.Info:
_Logger4net.Info(message, exception);
case LogLevel.Warn:
_Logger4net.Warn(message, exception);
case LogLevel.Error:
_Logger4net.Error(message, exception);
case LogLevel.Fatal:
_Logger4net.Fatal(message, exception);
} #endregion
} }


 public enum LogLevel



 /// <summary>
/// 日志配置文件
/// </summary>
public string LogConfig { get { return logConfig; } set { logConfig = value; LogConfiguration(); } } 还有个方法
/// <summary>
/// 配置日志
/// </summary>
private void LogConfiguration()



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