explain extended select count(*) from (select id from states where country_id < 100 union (select id from countries where id > 10 and name='aaa')) t;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4356 | 100.00 | NULL |
| 2 | DERIVED | states | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4120 | 100.00 | Using where |
| 3 | UNION | countries | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 236 | 100.00 | Using where |
| NULL | UNION RESULT | <union2,3> | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | Using temporary |
QUERY: explain extended select count(*) from (select id from states where country_id < 100 union (select id from countries where id > 10 and name='aaa')) t
"steps": [
"join_preparation": {
"select#": 2,
"steps": [
"expanded_query": "/* select#2 */ select `states`.`id` AS `id` from `states` where (`states`.`country_id` < 100)"
"join_preparation": {
"select#": 3,
"steps": [
"expanded_query": "/* select#3 */ select `countries`.`id` AS `id` from `countries` where ((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))"
"creating_tmp_table": {
"tmp_table_info": {
"table": "intermediate_tmp_table",
"row_length": 5,
"key_length": 4,
"unique_constraint": false,
"location": "memory (heap)",
"row_limit_estimate": 3355443
"join_preparation": {
"select#": 1,
"steps": [
"expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select count(0) AS `count(*)` from (/* select#2 */ select `states`.`id` AS `id` from `states` where (`states`.`country_id` < 100) union (/* select#3 */ select `countries`.`id` AS `id` from `countries` where ((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa')))) `t`"
"join_optimization": {
"select#": 1,
"steps": [
"join_optimization": {
"select#": 2,
"steps": [
"condition_processing": {
"condition": "WHERE",
"original_condition": "(`states`.`country_id` < 100)",
"steps": [
"transformation": "equality_propagation",
"resulting_condition": "(`states`.`country_id` < 100)"
"transformation": "constant_propagation",
"resulting_condition": "(`states`.`country_id` < 100)"
"transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
"resulting_condition": "(`states`.`country_id` < 100)"
"table_dependencies": [
"table": "`states`",
"row_may_be_null": false,
"map_bit": 0,
"depends_on_map_bits": [
"ref_optimizer_key_uses": [
"rows_estimation": [
"table": "`states`",
"table_scan": {
"rows": 4120,
"cost": 12
"considered_execution_plans": [
"plan_prefix": [
"table": "`states`",
"best_access_path": {
"considered_access_paths": [
"access_type": "scan",
"rows": 4120,
"cost": 836,
"chosen": true
"cost_for_plan": 836,
"rows_for_plan": 4120,
"chosen": true
"attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
"original_condition": "(`states`.`country_id` < 100)",
"attached_conditions_computation": [
"attached_conditions_summary": [
"table": "`states`",
"attached": "(`states`.`country_id` < 100)"
"refine_plan": [
"table": "`states`",
"access_type": "table_scan"
"join_optimization": {
"select#": 3,
"steps": [
"condition_processing": {
"condition": "WHERE",
"original_condition": "((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))",
"steps": [
"transformation": "equality_propagation",
"resulting_condition": "((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))"
"transformation": "constant_propagation",
"resulting_condition": "((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))"
"transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
"resulting_condition": "((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))"
"table_dependencies": [
"table": "`countries`",
"row_may_be_null": false,
"map_bit": 0,
"depends_on_map_bits": [
"ref_optimizer_key_uses": [
"rows_estimation": [
"table": "`countries`",
"range_analysis": {
"table_scan": {
"rows": 246,
"cost": 52.3
"potential_range_indices": [
"index": "PRIMARY",
"usable": true,
"key_parts": [
"setup_range_conditions": [
"group_index_range": {
"chosen": false,
"cause": "not_group_by_or_distinct"
"analyzing_range_alternatives": {
"range_scan_alternatives": [
"index": "PRIMARY",
"ranges": [
"10 < id"
"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,
"rowid_ordered": true,
"using_mrr": false,
"index_only": false,
"rows": 236,
"cost": 48.419,
"chosen": true
"analyzing_roworder_intersect": {
"usable": false,
"cause": "too_few_roworder_scans"
"chosen_range_access_summary": {
"range_access_plan": {
"type": "range_scan",
"index": "PRIMARY",
"rows": 236,
"ranges": [
"10 < id"
"rows_for_plan": 236,
"cost_for_plan": 48.419,
"chosen": true
"considered_execution_plans": [
"plan_prefix": [
"table": "`countries`",
"best_access_path": {
"considered_access_paths": [
"access_type": "range",
"rows": 236,
"cost": 95.619,
"chosen": true
"cost_for_plan": 95.619,
"rows_for_plan": 236,
"chosen": true
"attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
"original_condition": "((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))",
"attached_conditions_computation": [
"attached_conditions_summary": [
"table": "`countries`",
"attached": "((`countries`.`id` > 10) and (`countries`.`name` = 'aaa'))"
"refine_plan": [
"table": "`countries`",
"access_type": "range"
"table_dependencies": [
"table": " `t`",
"row_may_be_null": false,
"map_bit": 0,
"depends_on_map_bits": [
"rows_estimation": [
"table": " `t`",
"table_scan": {
"rows": 4356,
"cost": 227
"considered_execution_plans": [
"plan_prefix": [
"table": " `t`",
"best_access_path": {
"considered_access_paths": [
"access_type": "scan",
"rows": 4356,
"cost": 1099,
"chosen": true
"cost_for_plan": 1099,
"rows_for_plan": 4356,
"chosen": true
"attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
"original_condition": null,
"attached_conditions_computation": [
"attached_conditions_summary": [
"table": " `t`",
"attached": null
"refine_plan": [
"table": " `t`",
"access_type": "table_scan"
"join_explain": {
"select#": 1,
"steps": [
"creating_tmp_table": {
"tmp_table_info": {
"table": " `t`",
"row_length": 5,
"key_length": 0,
"unique_constraint": false,
"location": "memory (heap)",
"row_limit_estimate": 3355443
"join_explain": {
"select#": 2,
"steps": [
"join_explain": {
"select#": 3,
"steps": [
"join_preparation": {
"select#": "fake",
"steps": [
"expanded_query": "/* select#fake */ select `id` AS `id` from dual"
"join_optimization": {
"select#": "fake",
"steps": [
"table_dependencies": [
"table": "``.``",
"row_may_be_null": false,
"map_bit": 0,
"depends_on_map_bits": [
"rows_estimation": [
"table": "``.``",
"table_scan": {
"rows": 0,
"cost": 10
"considered_execution_plans": [
"plan_prefix": [
"table": "``.``",
"best_access_path": {
"considered_access_paths": [
"access_type": "scan",
"rows": 0,
"cost": 10,
"chosen": true
"cost_for_plan": 10,
"rows_for_plan": 0,
"chosen": true
"attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
"original_condition": null,
"attached_conditions_computation": [
"attached_conditions_summary": [
"table": "``.``",
"attached": null
"refine_plan": [
"table": "``.``",
"access_type": "table_scan"
"join_explain": {
"select#": "fake",
"steps": [

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