Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.


If you want to be outstanding, you have to be the one setting your own goals and trying the best to achieve them.

Keep moving forward to achieve your goals, otherwise all the goals are nothing but day-dreams.

Once you have achieved them, you will obtain more than what you have anticipated.

Other than your goals themselves, the discipline you learn and the character you build from setting and achieving them will give you more valuable rewards.

Some people say that we'd better to stop setting goals, for they think goals are pure fantasy unless one have a specific plan to achieve them.

Quite right, setting goals is the first step, or just the stage of lifting the foot up. We have to make some plans to achieve them and make great efforts to get close to them.

Remember when our purpose is external, we may never find out it. If we tie our purpose or our meaning to our vocation, our goal, our action, we will be more likely to make it true.

A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.


From the movie God Father.

Just two days ago, my father was ill for hypertension.

At that time, he was on a businesstrip in Xi'an, lived in our house alone.

Maybe he had drinked a lot that day, at night he felt disconfortable and went to hopital.

Today, my mother sent me a picture of him, honestly, I wanted to cry then.

I never grow up into a real man, I never learn to take the responsiblity I ought to.

My parents are getting older, but their son, have not grown up and have not lived up to their expectation, and always made them feel anxious and worry a lot.

How frustrated. I am a sinner, and I deserved all my failures.

But can you forgive me a little?

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