LCM Cardinality 暴力
Problem F
LCM Cardinality
Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
Time Limit: 2 Seconds
A pair of numbers has a unique LCM but a single number can be the LCM of more than one possible pairs. For example 12 is the LCMof (1, 12), (2, 12), (3,4) etc. For a given positive integer N, the number of different integer pairs with LCM is equal to N can be called theLCM cardinality of that number N. In this problem your job is to find out the LCM cardinality of a number.
The input file contains at most 101 lines of inputs. Each line contains an integer N (0<N<=2*109). Input is terminated by a line containing a single zero. This line should not be processed.
For each line of input except the last one produce one line of output. This line contains two integers N and C. Here N is the input number and C is its cardinality. These two numbers are separated by a single space.
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
2 12 24 101101291 0 |
2 2 12 8 24 11 101101291 5 |
using namespace std;
int gcd(int x,int y)
if(y==)return x;
return gcd(y,x%y);
int lcm(int x,int y)
return x/gcd(x,y)*y;
long long c[];
int main()
int n,nu,i,j,size,ans;
for(i=; i<=size; i++)
for(i=; i<nu; i++)
for(j=i; j<nu; j++)
cout<<n<<" "<<ans<<endl;
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