WSGI是Web Service Gateway Interface的缩写。

WSGI标准在PEP(Python Enhancement Proposal)中定义并被许多框架实现,其中包括现广泛使用的django框架。

PythonWeb服务器接口(Python Web Server Gateway Interface,缩写为WSGI)是Python应用程序或框架和Web服务器之间的一种接口,已经被广泛接受, 它已基本达成它的可移植性方面的目标。


"""This is a simple example of running a wsgi application with eventlet.
For a more fully-featured server which supports multiple processes,
multiple threads, and graceful code reloading, see:
""" import eventlet
from eventlet import wsgi def hello_world(env, start_response):
if env['PATH_INFO'] != '/':
start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Not Found\r\n']
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Hello, World!\r\n'] wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 8090)), hello_world)

SSL方式(Secure Socket Layer)

wsgi.server(eventlet.wrap_ssl(eventlet.listen(('', 8090)),





def server(sock,  # Server socket, must be already bound to a port and listening(IP和端口并开启监听).
site, # WSGI application function(事件处理函数,发送start_response响应头然后返回响应内容)
log=None, # File-like object that logs should be written to.If not specified, sys.stderr is used.(日志处理,默认为sys.stderr用来重定向标准错误信息的)
environ=None, # Additional parameters that go into the environ dictionary of every request(每次请求的参数,写入一个字典中)
max_size=None, #Maximum number of client connections opened at any time by this server.(默认为1024)
max_http_version=DEFAULT_MAX_HTTP_VERSION, # Set to "HTTP/1.0" to make the server pretend it only supports HTTP 1.0.
                                # This can help with applications or clients that don't behave properly using HTTP 1.1.(HTTP协议版本,默认为HTTP/1.1)
protocol=HttpProtocol, # Protocol class.(协议类,默认为HttpProtocol)
server_event=None, # Used to collect the Server object(搜集服务器对象信息)
minimum_chunk_size=None, # Minimum size in bytes for http chunks.  This can be used to improve performance of applications which yield many small strings, though
                      # using it technically violates the WSGI spec. This can be overridden on a per request basis by setting environ['eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size'].
                      # 设置最小的Chunk大小,可以通过设置environ['eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size']来覆盖.Chunk表示服务器发送给客户端的分块传输编码(Chunked transfer encoding)
log_x_forwarded_for=True, # If True (the default), logs the contents of the x-forwarded-for header in addition to the actual client ip address in the 'client_ip' field of the log line.
                      # 默认为True,记录客户端IP日志,X-Forwarded-For(XFF)是用来识别通过HTTP代理或负载均衡方式连接到Web服务器的客户端最原始的IP地址的HTTP请求头字段。
custom_pool=None, # A custom GreenPool instance which is used to spawn client green threads.If this is supplied, max_size is ignored.(协程池,如果启用则可以忽略前面的max_size参数)
keepalive=True, # If set to False, disables keepalives on the server; all connections will be closed after serving one request.(控制客户端连接数是否保持alive)
log_output=True, # A Boolean indicating if the server will log data or not.(确定服务端是否输出日志)
log_format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, # A python format string that is used as the template to generate log lines.(日志输出格式)
url_length_limit=MAX_REQUEST_LINE, # A maximum allowed length of the request url. If exceeded, 414 error is returned.(最大的url长度限制,默认为8192)
debug=True, # True if the server should send exception tracebacks to the clients on 500 errors.If False, the server will respond with empty bodies.(是否发送调式信息给客户端)
socket_timeout=None, # Timeout for client connections' socket operations. Default None means wait forever.(Socket超时时间设置,单位是秒)
capitalize_response_headers=True) # Normalize response headers' names to Foo-Bar(是否标准化相应头)


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