BEC listen and translation exercise 40
However, recently there's been more and more interest in the development of ostrich farming in other parts of the world.
但是, 最近世界其他地区对养殖鸵鸟的兴趣也日渐浓厚。
Ostrich meat is slightly higher in protein than beef and much lower in fats and cholesterol.
A series of European taste tests found that 82% of people prefer ostrich to beef.
Farmed ostriches don't need African climates, and in fact ostrich farming is now becoming well established in other parts of the world.
However, setting up an ostrich farm isn't something to embark on lightly.
Mature breeding birds are very expensive — even a fertilised ostrich egg isn't cheap so you need quite a bit of capital to begin with.
The young chicks are very dependent on human minders, and need a lot of attention from the people looking after them.
In addition, ostriches can't be intensively farmed — they need space and exercise.
A cow produces only one calf a year whereas a female ostrich can lay an egg every other day.
This is very different from the situation in the wild, where the vast majority of chicks will die or be killed before they grow up into mature ostriches.
So it's possible, once the initial outlay has been made, for the farmer to be looking at very good profit margins indeed.
Ostrich farming is still in its early days outside Africa but we hope that ostrich meat will be freely available soon and before long will be as cheap as beef.
Give me the details 细节 and I'll make a note for everyone at work.
It sounds quite good, don't you think?
He weighed four and a quarter kilos when he was born.
He'll grow up to be over two metres, I'd say.
You know, we should go and visit them in hospital.
I could come and pick you up at your house, if you like.
Just refresh my memory. What's the address again?
So, you'll pick me up at a quarter to one and we'll be there at one easily.
I always think flowers are good to take to someone in hospital, don't you?
Everyone always brings flowers and they don't last.
I think it's much better to take a pot plant, so she can take it home with her.
What about a big box of chocolates?
What do you think of something like baby shampoo or talcum powder?
I think we should get something they wouldn't normally buy.
You must remember how much you paid for the gifts, so I can pay you back for half.
I'd say the chocolates would be about $15 for something nice and not too small and the toy would be around $35 or so, I'd think.
Let's start with this vacuum flask for keeping drinks hot.
It's made of stainless steel which is guaranteed for 20 years.
It's true what the manufacturer claims — that it does maintain heat for 18 hours.
So all in all, my recommendation would be it's got plenty of advantages, but it is rather expensive so I'd say you should maybe buy it.
On the weaker side, I did find the noise unpleasant.
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