
string=s #给定的字符串
list=[] #放入重复的字符
dict={} #重复的字符进行统计

if str !=None:
for i in s:
if list !=None:
if i in list:
if i in dict.keys():


  1. def judge_str(str):
  2. str_list=[]
  3. str_repet={}
  4. if str !=None:
  5. for i in str:
  6. if not list is None:
  7. if i in str_list:
  8. if i in str_repet.keys():
  9. str_repet[i]+=1
  10. else:
  11. str_repet[i]=1
  12. else:
  13. str_list.append(i)
  14. else:
  15. str_list.append(i)
  16. print('该字符串中有%s个字符有重复'%len(str_repet.keys()))
  17. for key,value in str_repet.items():
  18. print('重复的字符为【%s】,共重复了%s次'%(key,value))
  19. else:
  20. print('输入的字符串是空!')


  1. from functools import wraps
  2. import time
  3. def decorator(func):
  4. @wraps(func)
  5. def wrappres(*args,**kwargs):
  6. start=time.time()
  7. func(*args,**kwargs)
  8. end=time.time()
  9. usetime=end-start
  10. print('查找共花费{:.2f}秒'.format(usetime))
  11. return wrappres
  12. class JudgeStr:
  13. def __init__(self,string):
  14. self.str_tuple=()
  15. self.str_repet={}
  16. self.string=string
  17. self.str=self._filter_handler()
  18. def _judge_handler(self):
  19. for i in self.str:
  20. if self.str_list !=None:
  21. if i in self.str_list:
  22. if i in self.str_repet.keys():
  23. self.str_repet[i]+=1
  24. else:
  25. self.str_repet[i]=1
  26. else:
  27. self.str_list.append(i)
  28. else:
  29. self.str_list.append(i)
  30. def _filter_handler(self):
  31. if self.string !=None:
  32. if type(self.string) ==str:
  33. return self.string
  34. else:
  35. raise ValueError('请传入字符串参数')
  36. else:
  37. raise TypeError('参数为空')
  38. @decorator
  39. def result_handler(self):
  40. self._judge_handler()
  41. print('该字符串中有%s个字符有重复'%len(self.str_repet.keys()))
  42. for key,value in self.str_repet.items():
  43. print('重复的字符为【%s】,共重复了%s次'%(key,value))

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