



<!-- Spring Boot Reids 依赖 -->

</dependency> <!--spring2.0集成redis所需common-pool2-->


port: 6379
timeout: 0
password: # 密码 没有则不填


public class AddressServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl<Address> implements AddressService {
AddressMapper addressMapper; @Autowired
private RedisTemplate<Object,Object> redisTemplate;
public Address selectByPrimaryKey(Object key) {
String redisKey=key.toString();
Address address=(Address) redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(redisKey);
synchronized (this) {
address = (Address) redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(redisKey);
if (address == null) {
address = super.selectByPrimaryKey(key);
redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(redisKey, address);
}else {
return address; }

红色代码是为了防止内存穿透,比如你这个业务方法有10000个人同时访问,如果不加锁。当第一次访问都判断address为空 然后全部去查数据库,正常应该是一个连接查询数据库并设置缓存 后面9999都使用缓存

通过redis Desktop Manager查看结果

因默认key 和value都是用jdk自带的序列化方式JdkSerializationRedisSerializer 可以发现可读性很差


新增一个redisConfig 配置序列化方式

public class RedisConfig { /**
* redisTemplate 序列化使用的jdkSerializeable, 存储二进制字节码, 所以自定义序列化类
* @param redisConnectionFactory
* @return
public RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate(RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {
RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<>();
redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(redisConnectionFactory); // 使用Jackson2JsonRedisSerialize 替换默认序列化
Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer jackson2JsonRedisSerializer = new Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer(Object.class); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
objectMapper.enableDefaultTyping(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL); jackson2JsonRedisSerializer.setObjectMapper(objectMapper); // 设置value的序列化规则和 key的序列化规则
redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
return redisTemplate;




master: myMaster
timeout: 0


public class RedisConfig { @Value("${spring.redis.cluster.nodes}")
private String clusterNodes;
private int timeout; @Bean
public JedisCluster getJedisCluster() {
String[] cNodes = clusterNodes.split(",");
Set<HostAndPort> nodes = new HashSet<HostAndPort>();
// 分割出集群节点
for (String node : cNodes) {
String[] hp = node.split(":");
nodes.add(new HostAndPort(hp[0],Integer.parseInt(hp[1])));
} // 创建集群对象
// JedisCluster jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(nodes,commandTimeout);
JedisCluster jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(nodes);
return jedisCluster;

3.缓存操作 都通过jedisCluster来操作

package com.liqiang.utils;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializable;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.util.SerializationUtils;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.util.StringUtil; import;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map; @Component
public class RedisUtil { protected int DEFAULT_EXPIRED_TIME_SECONDS_OBJECT = 1296000; @Autowired
private JedisCluster jedisCluster; public boolean putString(String sKey, String sValue, int expiredInSeconds) {
boolean result = false; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
this.jedisCluster.set(sKey, sValue);
if (expiredInSeconds > 0) {
this.jedisCluster.expire(sKey, expiredInSeconds);
} result = true;
} return result;
} public boolean putString(String sKey, String sValue) {
return putString(sKey, sValue, this.DEFAULT_EXPIRED_TIME_SECONDS_OBJECT);
} public String getString(String sKey) {
String result = null;
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
result = this.jedisCluster.get(sKey);
} return result;
} public boolean putObject(String sKey, Serializable object, int expiredInSeconds) {
boolean result = false; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
byte[] datas = SerializationUtils.serialize(object);
byte[] arrKey = sKey.getBytes(); this.jedisCluster.set(arrKey, datas);
if (expiredInSeconds > 0) {
this.jedisCluster.expire(arrKey, expiredInSeconds);
} result = true;
} return result;
} public boolean putObject(String sKey, Serializable object) {
return putObject(sKey, object, this.DEFAULT_EXPIRED_TIME_SECONDS_OBJECT);
} public <T> T getObject(String sKey, Class<T> oclass) {
Object result = null;
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) {
return null;
} System.out.println(sKey);
if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
byte[] arrKey = sKey.getBytes(); byte[] datas = this.jedisCluster.get(arrKey); if ((datas != null) && (datas.length > 0)) {
result = SerializationUtils.deserialize(datas);
return (T) result;
} public boolean putMap(String sKey, Map<String, String> oMap, int expiredInSeconds) {
boolean result = false; if ((StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) || (oMap == null) || (oMap.size() <= 0)) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
this.jedisCluster.hmset(sKey, oMap);
if (expiredInSeconds > 0) {
this.jedisCluster.expire(sKey, expiredInSeconds);
} result = true;
} return result;
} public boolean putMap(String sKey, Map<String, String> oMap) {
return putMap(sKey, oMap, this.DEFAULT_EXPIRED_TIME_SECONDS_OBJECT);
} public boolean putMap(String sKey, String sField, String sValue, int expiredInSeconds) {
boolean result = false; if ((StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) || (StringUtil.isEmpty(sField))) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
this.jedisCluster.hset(sKey, sField, sValue);
if (expiredInSeconds > 0) {
this.jedisCluster.expire(sKey, expiredInSeconds);
} result = true;
} return result;
} public boolean putMap(String sKey, String sField, String sValue) {
return putMap(sKey, sField, sValue, this.DEFAULT_EXPIRED_TIME_SECONDS_OBJECT);
} public Map<String, String> getMap(String sKey) {
Map result = null;
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
result = this.jedisCluster.hgetAll(sKey);
} return result;
} public Map<String, String> getMap(String sKey, String[] fields) {
Map result = null; Map mapAll = getMap(sKey);
if ((mapAll != null) && (mapAll.size() > 0) && (fields != null) && (fields.length > 0)) {
result = new LinkedHashMap();
for (String field : fields) {
result.put(field, mapAll.get(field));
} } return result;
} public boolean existsMapItem(String sKey, String sField) {
if ((StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) || (StringUtil.isEmpty(sField))) {
return false;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
return this.jedisCluster.hexists(sKey, sField).booleanValue();
} return false;
} public boolean putMapValueAsObject(String sKey, String sField, Serializable oValue, int expiredInSeconds) {
boolean result = false; if ((StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) || (StringUtil.isEmpty(sField))) {
return result;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
byte[] arrKey = sKey.getBytes(); this.jedisCluster.hset(arrKey, sField.getBytes(), SerializationUtils.serialize(oValue));
if (expiredInSeconds > 0) {
this.jedisCluster.expire(arrKey, expiredInSeconds);
} result = true;
} return result;
} public boolean putMapValueAsObject(String sKey, String sField, Serializable oValue) {
return putMapValueAsObject(sKey, sField, oValue, this.DEFAULT_EXPIRED_TIME_SECONDS_OBJECT);
} public <T> T getMapValueAsObject(String sKey, String sField, Class<T> oClass) {
Object result = null; if ((StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) || (StringUtil.isEmpty(sField))) {
return null;
} if (this.jedisCluster != null) {
byte[] datas = this.jedisCluster.hget(sKey.getBytes(), sField.getBytes());
if ((datas != null) && (datas.length > 0)) {
Object tmpObject = SerializationUtils.deserialize(datas);
result = tmpObject;
} return (T) result;
} public void remove(String sKey) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sKey)) {
} if (this.jedisCluster != null)
} }

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