1. Write a function called square that takes a parameter named t, which is a turtle. It should use the turtle to draw a square.

from TurtleWorld import *
def square(t):
for i in range(4):
lt(t) TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()

2. Add a parameter , named length, to square. Modify the body so length of the sides is length, and then modify the function call to provide a second argument.

from TurtleWorld import *
def square(t,length):
for i in range(4):
lt(t) TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()

3. Provide an argument to that specify the numbers of degrees. For example lt(bob,45) turns bob 45 degrees to the left.

from TurtleWorld import *
def polygon(t,length,degree):
n = int(360/degree)
for i in range(n):
lt(t,degree) TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()

4. Write a function called circle that draws an approximative circle.

from TurtleWorld import *
import math
def circle(t,r):
for i in range(360):
lt(t,1) TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()
bob.delay = 0.01 # speed up bob to draw the circle


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