D. Tree Requests
time limit per test

2 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Roman planted a tree consisting of n vertices. Each vertex contains a lowercase English letter. Vertex 1 is the root of the tree, each of the n - 1 remaining vertices has a parent in the tree. Vertex is connected with its parent by an edge. The parent of vertex i is vertex pi, the parent index is always less than the index of the vertex (i.e., pi < i).

The depth of the vertex is the number of nodes on the path from the root to v along the edges. In particular, the depth of the root is equal to 1.

We say that vertex u is in the subtree of vertex v, if we can get from u to v, moving from the vertex to the parent. In particular, vertex v is in its subtree.

Roma gives you m queries, the i-th of which consists of two numbers vihi. Let's consider the vertices in the subtree vi located at depthhi. Determine whether you can use the letters written at these vertices to make a string that is a palindrome. The letters that are written in the vertexes, can be rearranged in any order to make a palindrome, but all letters should be used.


The first line contains two integers nm (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 500 000) — the number of nodes in the tree and queries, respectively.

The following line contains n - 1 integers p2, p3, ..., pn — the parents of vertices from the second to the n-th (1 ≤ pi < i).

The next line contains n lowercase English letters, the i-th of these letters is written on vertex i.

Next m lines describe the queries, the i-th line contains two numbers vihi (1 ≤ vi, hi ≤ n) — the vertex and the depth that appear in thei-th query.


Print m lines. In the i-th line print "Yes" (without the quotes), if in the i-th query you can make a palindrome from the letters written on the vertices, otherwise print "No" (without the quotes).

Sample test(s)
6 5
1 1 1 3 3
1 1
3 3
4 1
6 1
1 2

String s is a palindrome if reads the same from left to right and from right to left. In particular, an empty string is a palindrome.

Clarification for the sample test.

In the first query there exists only a vertex 1 satisfying all the conditions, we can form a palindrome "z".

In the second query vertices 5 and 6 satisfy condititions, they contain letters "с" and "d" respectively. It is impossible to form a palindrome of them.

In the third query there exist no vertices at depth 1 and in subtree of 4. We may form an empty palindrome.

In the fourth query there exist no vertices in subtree of 6 at depth 1. We may form an empty palindrome.

In the fifth query there vertices 2, 3 and 4 satisfying all conditions above, they contain letters "a", "c" and "c". We may form a palindrome "cac".



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#define __mk make_pair
using namespace std; const int MAX=500500; vector <int> Tree[MAX];
int Tin[MAX],Tout[MAX];
vector< pair<int,int> >Dep[MAX];
char str[MAX];
int n,m,Time;
int arr[30]; void slove(int root,int dep){
int sz=Tree[root].size();
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++){
int v=Tree[root][i];
} int main(){
int par;
for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
Tree[i].clear(); Dep[i].clear();
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){
int v,h;
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
int l=lower_bound(Dep[h].begin(),Dep[h].end(),__mk(Tin[v],-1))-Dep[h].begin()-1;
int r=lower_bound(Dep[h].begin(),Dep[h].end(),__mk(Tout[v],-1))-Dep[h].begin()-1;
int t=Dep[h][r].second^Dep[h][l].second;
t=t-(t& -t);
else puts("No");
return 0;


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