1. FFMpeg ver 20160213-git-588e2e3 滤镜中英文对照 2016.02.17 by 1CM
  3. T.. = Timeline support
  4. 支持时间轴
  5. .S. = Slice threading
  6. 分段线程
  7. ..C = Command support
  8. 支持命令传送
  9. A = Audio input/output
  10. 音频 输入/输出
  11. V = Video input/output
  12. 视频 输入/输出
  13. N = Dynamic number and/or type of input/output
  14. 可输入动态值
  15. | = Source or sink filter
  16. 源或场景过滤
  18. Audio Filters
  19. 音频滤镜
  21. ... acompressor A->A Audio compressor.
  22. 压缩音频.
  23. ... acrossfade AA->A Cross fade two input audio streams.
  24. 交叉混合输入的两个音频流.
  25. T.. adelay A->A Delay one or more audio channels.
  26. 延迟单个或多个音频通道.
  27. ... aecho A->A Add echoing to the audio.
  28. 音频上追加回波.
  29. ... aemphasis A->A Audio emphasis.
  30. 音频补偿.
  31. ... aeval A->A Filter audio signal according to a specified expression.
  32. 根据指定的表达式修改音频信号.
  33. T.. afade A->A Fade in/out input audio.
  34. 淡入/淡出 输入的音频.
  35. ... afftfilt A->A Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain.
  36. 将任意表达式应用到采样频域.
  37. ... aformat A->A Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats.
  38. 指定格式转换输入的音频.
  39. ... agate A->A Audio gate.
  40. 音频通道.
  41. ... ainterleave N->A Temporally interleave audio inputs.
  42. 时间交叠输入音频.
  43. ... alimiter A->A Audio lookahead limiter.
  44. 音频超前限制.
  45. ... allpass A->A Apply a two-pole all-pass filter.
  46. 应用到一个两极全通滤镜.
  47. ... amerge N->A Merge two or more audio streams into a single multi-channel stream.
  48. 两个或两个以上的音频流合并到一个多通道流.
  49. T.. ametadata A->A Manipulate audio frame metadata.
  50. 操控音频帧的元数据.
  51. ... amix N->A Audio mixing.
  52. 多个输入音频混合到单个音频输出.
  53. ..C anequalizer A->N Apply high-order audio parametric multi band equalizer.
  54. 应用到每个通道高阶参数多波段均衡器.
  55. ... anull A->A Pass the source unchanged to the output.
  56. 不改变音频源进行输出.
  57. T.. apad A->A Pad audio with silence.
  58. 无声填充模板.
  59. ... aperms A->A Set permissions for the output audio frame.
  60. 允许设置输出的音频帧.
  61. ... aphaser A->A Add a phasing effect to the audio.
  62. 给输入音频添加调相效果.
  63. ... apulsator A->A Audio pulsator.
  64. 音频震动器.
  65. ... arealtime A->A Slow down filtering to match realtime.
  66. 减慢过滤作用,近似实时匹配.
  67. ... aresample A->A Resample audio data.
  68. 重新采样音频数据.
  69. ... areverse A->A Reverse an audio clip.
  70. 反转音频素材.
  71. ... aselect A->N Select audio frames to pass in output.
  72. 选择音频帧赋予输出.
  73. ... asendcmd A->A Send commands to filters.
  74. 给滤镜发送命令,必须插入到两个音频之间,只对具有该功能的滤镜命令有效.
  75. ... asetnsamples A->A Set the number of samples for each output audio frames.
  76. 设置每个输出音频帧的采样数.
  77. ... asetpts A->A Set PTS for the output audio frame.
  78. 设置输出音频的表示时间戳(PTS).
  79. ... asetrate A->A Change the sample rate without altering the data.
  80. 设置采样率,但不改变PCM数据.
  81. ... asettb A->A Set timebase for the audio output link.
  82. 设置时间轴用于音频输出帧的时间戳.
  83. ... ashowinfo A->A Show textual information for each audio frame.
  84. 显示每个音频帧的文本信息.
  85. ... asplit A->N Pass on the audio input to N audio outputs.
  86. 输入的音频分配给N个相同的输出.
  87. ... astats A->A Show time domain statistics about audio frames.
  88. 显示音频帧的时域统计信息.
  89. ..C astreamselect N->N Select audio streams.
  90. 多个输入音频流中选择一个音频流,若干个具有相同时间长度的媒体有效.
  91. ..C atempo A->A Adjust audio tempo.
  92. 调整音频播放速度, 其范围是0.5-2.0.
  93. ... atrim A->A Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest.
  94. 从输入音频中挑选连续的组成部分,一直到结束.
  95. ... bandpass A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter.
  96. 应用到一个两极巴特沃斯带通滤波器的主要频率.
  97. ... bandreject A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter.
  98. 应用到一个两极巴特沃斯带阻滤波器的主要频率.
  99. ... bass A->A Boost or cut lower frequencies.
  100. 增加或减少低频.
  101. ... biquad A->A Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients.
  102. 应用到双二次滤镜的特定系数.
  103. ... bs2b A->A Bauer stereo-to-binaural filter.
  104. 鲍尔立体声双声道的转换,适合用耳机听立体声音频.
  105. ... channelmap A->A Remap audio channels.
  106. 将输入音频通道重新映射到新的位置.
  107. ... channelsplit A->N Split audio into per-channel streams.
  108. 输入音频流的每个音频通道分为不同的输出流.
  109. ... chorus A->A Add a chorus effect to the audio.
  110. 给音频添加合唱效果.
  111. ... compand A->A Compress or expand audio dynamic range.
  112. 压缩或展开音频的动态范围.
  113. ... compensationdelay A->A Audio Compensation Delay Line.
  114. 给音频补偿延迟线.
  115. T.. dcshift A->A Apply a DC shift to the audio.
  116. 应用到DC偏置(可能由硬件问题引起的录音通路)的音频.
  117. ... dynaudnorm A->A Dynamic Audio Normalizer.
  118. 动态音频的标准化.
  119. ... earwax A->A Widen the stereo image.
  120. 扩展到用耳机听到立体感.
  121. ... ebur128 A->N EBU R128 scanner.
  122. EBU R128 音频可视化扫描滤镜.
  123. ... equalizer A->A Apply two-pole peaking equalization (EQ) filter.
  124. 应用到两极峰值均衡器(EQ)滤镜.
  125. ... extrastereo A->A Increase difference between stereo audio channels.
  126. 给左右音频通道线性增加某种"现场"回放效果.
  127. ... flanger A->A Apply a flanging effect to the audio.
  128. 翻边效果应用到音频中.
  129. ... highpass A->A Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.
  130. 应用到3db点频率的高通滤镜.
  131. ... join N->A Join multiple audio streams into multi-channel output.
  132. 多输入音频流连接到一个多通道输出流.
  133. ... lowpass A->A Apply a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.
  134. 应用到3db点频率的低通滤镜.
  135. ... pan A->A Remix channels with coefficients (panning).
  136. 混合特定增益电平的通道(填充).
  137. ... replaygain A->A ReplayGain scanner.
  138. 显示增益和峰值的扫描滤镜.
  139. ... sidechaincompress AA->A Sidechain compressor.
  140. 侧链压缩器,需要两个输入流,返回一个输出流.
  141. ... sidechaingate AA->A Audio sidechain gate.
  142. 音频侧链的增益.
  143. ... silencedetect A->A Detect silence.
  144. 检测音频流中的无声部分.
  145. ... silenceremove A->A Remove silence.
  146. 删除无声部分,从开始到结束.
  147. ... stereotools A->A Apply various stereo tools.
  148. 应用到不同立体感的功能.
  149. ... stereowiden A->A Apply stereo widening effect.
  150. 应用到扩展立体效果.
  151. ... treble A->A Boost or cut upper frequencies.
  152. 增加或减少上频率.
  153. ... tremolo A->A Apply tremolo effect.
  154. 应用到震音效果,有一点回音效果.
  155. ... vibrato A->A Apply vibrato effect.
  156. 应用到颤音效果.
  157. T.C volume A->A Change input volume.
  158. 改变输入音频的音量.
  159. ... volumedetect A->A Detect audio volume.
  160. 检测输入音频的音量.
  161. ... aevalsrc |->A Generate an audio signal generated by an expression.
  162. 根据指定的表达式生成一个音频信号.
  163. ... anoisesrc |->A Generate a noise audio signal.
  164. 生成一个噪声音频信号.
  165. ... anullsrc |->A Null audio source, return empty audio frames.
  166. 生成无声音频源,返回未处理的空音频帧.
  167. ... sine |->A Generate sine wave audio signal.
  168. 生成一个正弦波音频信号.
  169. ... anullsink A->| Do absolutely nothing with the input audio.
  170. 无声音频接收器,与输入音频无关.
  171. ... adrawgraph A->V Draw a graph using input audio metadata.
  172. 利用音频的元数据画曲线图.
  173. ... ahistogram A->V Convert input audio to histogram video output.
  174. 输入音频转换为视频输出,显示音量直方图.
  175. ... aphasemeter A->V Convert input audio to phase meter video output.
  176. 输入音频转换为相位表视频输出.
  177. ... avectorscope A->V Convert input audio to vectorscope video output.
  178. 输入音频转换为矢量色度显示视频输出.
  179. ... showcqt A->V Convert input audio to a CQT (Constant/Clamped Q Transform) spectrum video output.
  180. 输入音频转换为 固定/固支 Q 变换(CQT) 频谱视频输出.
  181. ... showfreqs A->V Convert input audio to a frequencies video output.
  182. 输入音频转换为音频功率谱视频输出.
  183. ... showspectrum A->V Convert input audio to a spectrum video output.
  184. 输入音频转换为音频频谱视频输出.
  185. ... showspectrumpic A->V Convert input audio to a spectrum video output single picture.
  186. 输入音频转换为单张音谱图片.
  187. ... showvolume A->V Convert input audio volume to video output.
  188. 输入音频音量转换为视频输出.
  189. ... showwaves A->V Convert input audio to a video output.
  190. 输入音频转换为波形视频输出.
  191. ... showwavespic A->V Convert input audio to a video output single picture.
  192. 输入音频转换为单张波形图片.
  193. ... spectrumsynth VV->A Convert input spectrum videos to audio output.
  194. 输入视频谱转换为音频输出.
  195. ... abuffer |->A Buffer audio frames, and make them accessible to the filterchain.
  196. 缓冲音频帧,并用于滤镜链.
  197. ... abuffersink A->| Buffer audio frames, and make them available to the end of the filter graph.
  198. 缓冲音频帧,并用于滤镜图的结束.
  199. ... afifo A->A Buffer input frames and send them when they are requested.
  200. 缓冲输入帧,若需求时.
  201. ... amovie |->N Read audio from a movie source.
  202. 从视频源读入音频.
  204. Video Filters
  205. 视频滤镜
  207. ... alphaextract V->N Extract an alpha channel as a grayscale image component.
  208. 从灰度级测视图中提取阿尔法α通道分量.
  209. ... alphamerge VV->V Copy the luma value of the second input into the alpha channel of the first input.
  210. 使用第一个输入视频的阿尔法α通道分量,添加或替换的第二个输入视频亮度值.
  211. TS. atadenoise V->V Apply an Adaptive Temporal Averaging Denoiser.
  212. 自适应时间平均降噪功能应用在输入的视频.
  213. ... ass V->V Render ASS subtitles onto input video using the libass library.
  214. 使用libass程序库给输入视频渲染ASS字幕.
  215. T.. bbox V->V Compute bounding box for each frame.
  216. 视频的每一个帧上计算边界框.
  217. ... blackdetect V->V Detect video intervals that are (almost) black.
  218. 检测视频中完全(几乎)黑色的时间间隔.
  219. ... blackframe V->V Detect frames that are (almost) black.
  220. 检测完全(几乎)黑色的帧.
  221. TS. blend VV->V Blend two video frames into each other.
  222. 两个视频帧混合到另一个帧上.
  223. T.. boxblur V->V Blur the input.
  224. 模糊处理输入视频.
  225. TS. chromakey V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on YUV colors.
  226. YUV颜色空间中针对一些颜色做透明处理,应用与抠图功能,比 colorkey 滤镜边界更柔和.
  227. T.. codecview V->V Visualize information about some codecs.
  228. 导出一些解码器的可视化信息.
  229. T.. colorbalance V->V Adjust the color balance.
  230. 修改输入帧的三原色(红、绿、蓝)信号亮度.
  231. T.. colorchannelmixer V->V Adjust colors by mixing color channels.
  232. 调整输入视频帧的混合颜色通道.
  233. TS. colorkey V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.
  234. RGB颜色空间中针对一些颜色做透明处理,边界较为生硬.
  235. T.. colorlevels V->V Adjust the color levels.
  236. 调整输入视频帧的颜色信号电平.
  237. TS. colormatrix V->V Convert color matrix.
  238. 转换颜色矩阵.
  239. T.. convolution V->V Apply convolution filter.
  240. 使用卷积3x35x5滤镜,适用于锐化,模糊,边缘增强,边缘检测和浮雕等处理.
  241. ... copy V->V Copy the input video unchanged to the output.
  242. 复制输入视频,原封不动输出,主要是用于测试目的.
  243. ... cover_rect V->V Find and cover a user specified object.
  244. 查找并覆盖用户指定的矩形对象.
  245. ..C crop V->V Crop the input video to given dimensions.
  246. 剪切输入视频显示区域,并给于新的尺寸.
  247. T.. cropdetect V->V Auto-detect crop size.
  248. 自动检测剪切大小.
  249. TS. curves V->V Adjust components curves.
  250. 利用曲线功能调整颜色分量,也可以利用图象处理软件的曲线文件来处理颜色.
  251. TS. dctdnoiz V->V Denoise frames using 2D DCT.
  252. 使用二维频域过滤(2D DCT)对帧进行降噪处理.
  253. TS. deband V->V Debands video, Remove banding artifacts from input video.
  254. 从输入视频中移除带状伪像.
  255. ... decimate N->V Decimate frames (post field matching filter).
  256. 定期删除重复的帧(后场匹配滤镜).
  257. T.. deflate V->V Apply deflate effect.
  258. 适用于紧缩效果.
  259. ... dejudder V->V Remove judder produced by pullup.
  260. 删除动作产生的部分颤抖.
  261. T.. delogo V->V Remove logo from input video.
  262. 对指定区域做模糊处理,比如能移除输入视频中的标识.
  263. ... deshake V->V Stabilize shaky video.
  264. 试图修改水平或垂直的移位,降低颤抖让视频更稳定,这个滤镜有助于减小手持相机抖动影响.
  265. ... detelecine V->V Apply an inverse telecine pattern.
  266. 适用于电视电影的精确反向操作,颜色边界有锯齿效果.
  267. T.. dilation V->V Apply dilation effect.
  268. 膨胀效果应用于视频.
  269. T.. displace VVV->V Displace pixels.
  270. 移走像素,需要三个视频输入流和一个视频输出流,第一个输入源,第二和第三个输入位移的映射.
  271. T.. drawbox V->V Draw a colored box on the input video.
  272. 输入视频图像上绘制彩色的矩形区域.
  273. ... drawgraph V->V Draw a graph using input video metadata.
  274. 利用输入视频的元数据绘制图表.
  275. T.. drawgrid V->V Draw a colored grid on the input video.
  276. 在输入视频上绘制彩色网格.
  277. T.C drawtext V->V Draw text on top of video frames using libfreetype library.
  278. 使用 libfreetype 程序库,在顶层帧上绘制文本字符串,文本内容可从指定文件中读取.
  279. T.. edgedetect V->V Detect and draw edge.
  280. 检测并绘制边缘.
  281. ... elbg V->V Apply posterize effect, using the ELBG algorithm.
  282. 使用增强型LBG(ELBG)算法,用于多色调分色印效果.
  283. ..C eq V->V Adjust brightness, contrast, gamma, and saturation.
  284. 调整亮度、对比度、灰度和饱和度.
  285. T.. erosion V->V Apply erosion effect.
  286. 侵蚀效果应用于视频,类似油画处理.
  287. ... extractplanes V->N Extract planes as grayscale frames.
  288. 从输入视频流中提取颜色通道分量用在单独灰度视频流的帧上.
  289. .S. fade V->V Fade in/out input video.
  290. 适用于输入视频的淡入/淡出效果.
  291. ... fftfilt V->V Apply arbitrary expressions to pixels in frequency domain.
  292. 频域内将任意表达式用于采样的像素集.
  293. ... field V->V Extract a field from the input video.
  294. 使用步进算法,从输入视频里的隔行图像中提取单场.
  295. ... fieldmatch N->V Field matching for inverse telecine.
  296. 场匹配滤镜适用于电视电影的反向操作.
  297. T.. fieldorder V->V Set the field order.
  298. 改变输入视频的场顺序.
  299. ... find_rect V->V Find a user specified object.
  300. 寻找用户指定的矩形区域.
  301. ... format V->V Convert the input video to one of the specified pixel formats.
  302. 输入视频转换为指定的像素格式.
  303. ... fps V->V Force constant framerate.
  304. 强制设定固定帧频.
  305. ... framepack VV->V Generate a frame packed stereoscopic video.
  306. 生成帧叠加的立体视频.
  307. ... framerate V->V Upsamples or downsamples progressive source between specified frame rates.
  308. 上采样或下采样顺序渐进的视频源之间设定指定帧频.
  309. T.. framestep V->V Select one frame every N frames.
  310. N 个帧中选一个帧,设置帧步.
  311. ... frei0r V->V Apply a frei0r effect.
  312. 使用 frei0r 滤镜.
  313. T.. fspp V->V Apply Fast Simple Post-processing filter.
  314. 用于快速和简单的后处理滤镜.
  315. T.. geq V->V Apply generic equation to each pixel.
  316. 利用一般表达式改变每个像素点的特征.
  317. T.. gradfun V->V Debands video quickly using gradients.
  318. 利用梯度快速移除带状伪像.
  319. TS. haldclut VV->V Adjust colors using a Hald CLUT.
  320. 利用哈尔德查色表调整颜色.
  321. .S. hflip V->V Horizontally flip the input video.
  322. 水平翻转显示输入视频.
  323. T.. histeq V->V Apply global color histogram equalization.
  324. 适用于全局颜色直方图均衡化.
  325. ... histogram V->V Compute and draw a histogram.
  326. 计算并绘制颜色分布直方图.
  327. T.. hqdn3d V->V Apply a High Quality 3D Denoiser.
  328. 使用高质量三维降噪滤镜.
  329. .S. hqx V->V Scale the input by 2, 3 or 4 using the hq*x magnification algorithm.
  330. 利用高质量放大算法缩放视频显示大小,可输入2,34.
  331. ... hstack N->V Stack video inputs horizontally.
  332. 把若干个输入视频合并到一个水平显示的输出视频.
  333. T.C hue V->V Adjust the hue and saturation of the input video.
  334. 调整输入视频的色相和饱和度.
  335. ... idet V->V Interlace detect Filter.
  336. 检测视频的交叉类型滤镜.
  337. T.. il V->V Deinterleave or interleave fields.
  338. 允许处理不交叉的隔行图像场.
  339. T.. inflate V->V Apply inflate effect.
  340. 膨胀效果用于视频.
  341. ... interlace V->V Convert progressive video into interlaced.
  342. 转化为分段视频用于隔行处理,颜色边界有锯齿效果.
  343. ... interleave N->V Temporally interleave video inputs.
  344. 能执行时间场交叉的各种类型.
  345. ... kerndeint V->V Apply kernel deinterlacing to the input.
  346. 对输入的视频进行内核反交叉处理.
  347. .S. lenscorrection V->V Rectify the image by correcting for lens distortion.
  348. 矫正图像用于校正透镜畸变.
  349. TS. lut3d V->V Adjust colors using a 3D LUT.
  350. 利用三维查色表调整颜色.
  351. T.. lut V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB/YUV input video.
  352. 利用查表计算处理 RGB/YUV 格式输入的视频.
  353. T.. lutrgb V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB input video.
  354. 利用查表计算处理 RGB 格式输入的视频.
  355. T.. lutyuv V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the YUV input video.
  356. 利用查表计算处理 YUV 格式输入的视频.
  357. T.. maskedmerge VVV->V Merge first stream with second stream using third stream as mask.
  358. 合并前二个输入视频,掩模到第三个输入视频,透明合并三个视频.
  359. ... mcdeint V->V Apply motion compensating deinterlacing.
  360. 适用于运动补偿反交叉.
  361. ... mergeplanes N->V Merge planes.
  362. 合并多个视频流的颜色通道分量.
  363. T.. metadata V->V Manipulate video frame metadata.
  364. 操作视频帧的元数据,用于调试.
  365. ... mpdecimate V->V Remove near-duplicate frames.
  366. 移除近似重复的帧.
  367. T.. negate V->V Negate input video.
  368. 取消输入视频的阿尔法通道分量,滤镜效果类似底片.
  369. T.. nnedi V->V Apply neural network edge directed interpolation intra-only deinterlacer.
  370. 使用神经网络边缘插值法进行反隔行处理,需要加权重的二进制文件.
  371. ... noformat V->V Force libavfilter not to use any of the specified pixel formats for the input to the next filter.
  372. 取消指定的像素格式,用于下一个滤镜.
  373. TS. noise V->V Add noise.
  374. 视频输入帧上添加噪声.
  375. ... null V->V Pass the source unchanged to the output.
  376. 不改变视频源进行输出.
  377. T.C overlay VV->V Overlay a video source on top of the input.
  378. 把一个视频覆盖到另一个视频上面,需要两个输入和一个输出.
  379. T.. owdenoise V->V Denoise using wavelets.
  380. 利用小波降噪法进行降噪处理.
  381. ... pad V->V Pad the input video.
  382. 给输入视频添加填充新的显示区域.
  383. ... palettegen V->V Find the optimal palette for a given stream.
  384. 生成最佳调色板,用于给定的视频流.
  385. ... paletteuse VV->V Use a palette to downsample an input video stream.
  386. 下采样输入视频流中使用调色板,适用于生成 GIF 动态图.
  387. ... perms V->V Set permissions for the output video frame.
  388. 给输出视频帧设置读/写权限.
  389. TS. perspective V->V Correct the perspective of video.
  390. 校正视频的透视.
  391. T.. phase V->V Phase shift fields.
  392. 对隔行视频延迟单场时间,便于场序的变化.
  393. ... pixdesctest V->V Test pixel format definitions.
  394. 像素格式描述符测试滤镜,主要用于内部测试.
  395. T.C pp V->V Filter video using libpostproc.
  396. 使用 libpostproc 后处理程序库进行过滤.
  397. T.. pp7 V->V Apply Postprocessing 7 filter.
  398. 使用后处理滤镜7.
  399. ... psnr VV->V Calculate the PSNR between two video streams.
  400. 计算两个视频流之间的峰值信噪比(PSNR).
  401. ... pullup V->V Pullup from field sequence to frames.
  402. 折叠场序用于输出帧,退回到电视电影效果.
  403. T.. qp V->V Change video quantization parameters.
  404. 改变视频量化参数(QP).
  405. ... random V->V Return random frames.
  406. 从内部缓存刷新出视频帧的随机帧.
  407. ... realtime V->V Slow down filtering to match realtime.
  408. 减慢过滤速度,接近实时效果.
  409. TS. removegrain V->V Remove grain.
  410. 移除纹理,对步进视频进行降噪处理.
  411. T.. removelogo V->V Remove a TV logo based on a mask image.
  412. 利用掩模图像移除电视徽标,掩模图像的大小必须与视频相同,黑色是透明.
  413. ... repeatfields V->V Hard repeat fields based on MPEG repeat field flag.
  414. 根据运动图象专家组(MPEG)重复场标志,硬执行重复场.
  415. ... reverse V->V Reverse a clip.
  416. 倒放一段视频片段,需要把整个片段装入内存缓冲区.
  417. TSC rotate V->V Rotate the input image.
  418. 任意角度旋转视频,用弧度表示的单位.
  419. T.. sab V->V Apply shape adaptive blur.
  420. 形状自适应模糊滤镜.
  421. ..C scale V->V Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format.
  422. 缩放输入视频的尺寸并/或改变图像格式,使用libswscale库.
  423. ..C scale2ref VV->VV Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format to the given reference.
  424. 缩放输入视频的尺寸并/或改变图像格式用于引用视频,使用libswscale库.
  425. ... select V->N Select video frames to pass in output.
  426. 选择视频帧用于下一个滤镜.
  427. TS. selectivecolor V->V Apply CMYK adjustments to specific color ranges.
  428. 利用青色,品红色,黄色和黑色(CMYK)调整特定范围的颜色.
  429. ... sendcmd V->V Send commands to filters.
  430. 给滤镜发送命令,必须插入到两个视频之间,只对具有该功能的滤镜命令有效.
  431. ... separatefields V->V Split input video frames into fields.
  432. 分解输入视频帧进场,产生一个新的一半高度剪辑帧.
  433. ... setdar V->V Set the frame display aspect ratio.
  434. 设置视频的显示纵横比.
  435. ... setfield V->V Force field for the output video frame.
  436. 改变输出视频帧的属性,不改变视频帧的数据.
  437. ... setpts V->V Set PTS for the output video frame.
  438. 设置输出视频帧的显示时间戳(PTS),可以用于快放或慢放等.
  439. ... setsar V->V Set the pixel sample aspect ratio.
  440. 设置像素采样纵横比.
  441. ... settb V->V Set timebase for the video output link.
  442. 设置时间轴用于视频输出帧的时间戳,主要用于测试时间轴配置.
  443. ... showinfo V->V Show textual information for each video frame.
  444. 显示每个视频帧的文本信息.
  445. T.. showpalette V->V Display frame palette.
  446. 显示每一帧的 256 色调色板.
  447. T.. shuffleframes V->V Shuffle video frames.
  448. 打乱视频帧,重新排序和/或重复视频帧.
  449. ... shuffleplanes V->V Shuffle video planes.
  450. 打乱视频映射平面,重新排序和/或重复视频映射平面.
  451. .S. signalstats V->V Generate statistics from video analysis.
  452. 分析视频过程中生成统计信息.
  453. T.. smartblur V->V Blur the input video without impacting the outlines.
  454. 模糊处理输入视频而不影响轮廓.
  455. ... split V->N Pass on the input to N video outputs.
  456. 输入的视频分配给N个相同的视频输出.
  457. T.C spp V->V Apply a simple post processing filter.
  458. 简单的后处理滤镜,设置压缩品质对视频进行压缩.
  459. ... ssim VV->V Calculate the SSIM between two video streams.
  460. 计算两个输入视频之间的结构相似度(SSIM).
  461. .S. stereo3d V->V Convert video stereoscopic 3D view.
  462. 视频转换成具有不同立体图像格式的三维视觉视频.
  463. ..C streamselect N->N Select video streams
  464. 多个输入视频流中选择一个视频流,若干个具有相同时间长度的媒体有效.
  465. ... subtitles V->V Render text subtitles onto input video using the libass library.
  466. 使用 libass 程序库输入视频上绘制字幕.
  467. ... super2xsai V->V Scale the input by 2x using the Super2xSaI pixel art algorithm.
  468. 利用像素艺术扩展算法把输入视频平滑放大两倍.
  469. T.. swaprect V->V Swap 2 rectangular objects in video.
  470. 视频流中交换两个矩形对象.
  471. ... swapuv V->V Swap U and V components.
  472. 交换 U V 映射平面分量.
  473. .S. tblend V->V Blend successive frames.
  474. 两个视频帧混合到另一个帧上.
  475. ... telecine V->V Apply a telecine pattern.
  476. 使用电视电影模式,颜色边界有锯齿效果.
  477. ... thumbnail V->V Select the most representative frame in a given sequence of consecutive frames.
  478. 在给定的连续帧序列中选择具有代表性帧.
  479. ... tile V->V Tile several successive frames together.
  480. 瓦状布局若干个连续的帧,类似视频缩略图.
  481. ... tinterlace V->V Perform temporal field interlacing.
  482. 使用不同的隔行模式处理每一个帧.
  483. .S. transpose V->V Transpose input video.
  484. 翻转输入视频,默认垂直翻转.
  485. ... trim V->V Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest.
  486. 从输入视频中挑选连续的组成部分,一直到结束.
  487. T.. unsharp V->V Sharpen or blur the input video.
  488. 锐化或模糊处理输入视频.
  489. T.. uspp V->V Apply Ultra Simple / Slow Post-processing filter.
  490. 超慢/简单的后处理滤镜,设置压缩品质对视频进行压缩.
  491. ... vectorscope V->V Video vectorscope.
  492. 显示输入视频的两个颜色分量值的二维图(矢量显示).
  493. ... vflip V->V Flip the input video vertically.
  494. 垂直翻转显示输入视频.
  495. ... vidstabdetect V->V Extract relative transformations,for stabilization.
  496. 提取视频的相对地变化,绘制矩形图矩阵内的箭头方向来显示变化趋势.
  497. ... vidstabtransform V->V Video stabilization/deshaking.
  498. 平滑/反锐化处理视频.
  499. T.. vignette V->V Make or reverse a vignette effect.
  500. 生成或扭转镜头自然渐晕效果.
  501. ... vstack N->V Stack video inputs vertically.
  502. 把若干个输入视频垂直放置,所有视频的像素格式和宽度必须相同.
  503. TS. w3fdif V->V Apply Martin Weston three field deinterlace.
  504. 使用马丁韦斯顿三场反隔行滤镜。
  505. ... waveform V->V Video waveform monitor.
  506. 视频波形监视器.
  507. .S. xbr V->V Scale the input using xBR algorithm.
  508. 应用xBR算法放大输入视频,默认是放大三倍.
  509. TS. yadif V->V Deinterlace the input image.
  510. 对输入图像进行反隔行处理.
  511. T.. zoompan V->V Apply Zoom & Pan effect.
  512. 用于缩放和填充效果.
  513. ..C zscale V->V Apply resizing, colorspace and bit depth conversion.
  514. 用于重新调整大小,改变色隙和色彩深度.
  515. ... allrgb |->V Generate all RGB colors.
  516. 生成大小为 4096x4096 的包含所有 RGB 颜色表,需要大量内存.
  517. ... allyuv |->V Generate all yuv colors.
  518. 生成大小为 4096x4096 的包含所有 yuv 颜色表,需要大量内存.
  519. ... cellauto |->V Create pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton.
  520. 利用初级多孔自动生成器创建一个图案,指定模式生成无数小三角形矩阵.
  521. ..C color |->V Provide an uniformly colored input.
  522. 提供了一个单色输入视频源.
  523. ... frei0r_src |->V Generate a frei0r source.
  524. 提供frei0r接口,frei0rffmpeg的子滤镜.
  525. ... haldclutsrc |->V Provide an identity Hald CLUT.
  526. 给哈尔德查色表源提供单位特征.
  527. ... life |->V Create life.
  528. 生成随机花纹的图案.
  529. ... mandelbrot |->V Render a Mandelbrot fractal.
  530. 生成一个曼德尔勃特集合分形,逐渐放大到指定点.
  531. ... mptestsrc |->V Generate various test pattern.
  532. 生成各种测试图案,静/动态小方块矩阵和圆形图案.
  533. ... nullsrc |->V Null video source, return unprocessed video frames.
  534. 生成空视频源,返回未处理的空视频帧.
  535. ... rgbtestsrc |->V Generate RGB test pattern.
  536. 生成 RGB 测试图案,横向红绿蓝三条图案.
  537. ... smptebars |->V Generate SMPTE color bars.
  538. 生成 SMPTE 颜色条图案,像电视测试信号视频.
  539. ... smptehdbars |->V Generate SMPTE HD color bars.
  540. 生成 SMPTE HD 颜色条图案.
  541. ... testsrc |->V Generate test pattern.
  542. 生成测试图案.
  543. ... testsrc2 |->V Generate another test pattern.
  544. 生成另一个测试图案.
  545. ... nullsink V->| Do absolutely nothing with the input video.
  546. 生成空视频模板,与输入视频无关.
  547. ... concat N->N Concatenate audio and video streams.
  548. 连接音频和视频流.
  549. ... movie |->N Read from a movie source.
  550. 从视频源读入视频.
  551. ... buffer |->V Buffer video frames, and make them accessible to the filterchain.
  552. 缓冲视频帧,并用于滤镜链.
  553. ... buffersink V->| Buffer video frames, and make them available to the end of the filter graph.
  554. 缓冲视频帧,并用于滤镜图的结束.
  555. ... fifo V->V Buffer input images and send them when they are requested.
  556. 缓冲输入帧,若需要时.

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