LeetCode —— Merge k Sorted Lists
** 算法的思路:
** 1.将k个链表的首元素进行建堆
** 2.从堆中取出最小的元素,放到链表中
** 3.如果取出元素的有后续的元素,则放入堆中,若没有则转步骤2,直到堆为空
*/ #include <stdio.h> struct ListNode
int val;
struct ListNode *next;
}; #define PARENT(i) (((i)-1)/2)
#define LEFT(i) ((i)*2+1)
#define RIGHT(i) ((i)*2+2) typedef struct ListNode * ListNodePointer; void MinHeapify(ListNodePointer lists[], int nListSize, int nParentIndex );
void BuildMinHeap(ListNodePointer lists[], int nListSize );
ListNodePointer ExtractMin( ListNodePointer lists[], int *pListSize );
void InsertHeap(ListNodePointer lists[], int *pListSize, ListNodePointer pNode );
struct ListNode* mergeKLists(struct ListNode** lists, int listsSize); int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
{ struct ListNode list[] = {{.next=NULL,.val=}, {.next=NULL, .val=-}};
ListNodePointer pListPointerArray[] = {&list[], NULL, &list[]}; ListNodePointer header = mergeKLists(pListPointerArray, ); ListNodePointer pList = header;
while( NULL != pList )
printf("%d ", pList->val);
pList = pList->next;
printf("\n"); return ;
} void MinHeapify(ListNodePointer lists[], int nListSize, int nParentIndex )
{ int nLeftIndex; //左节点下标
int nRightIndex; //右节点下标
int nMinIndex; //最小节点下标
ListNodePointer pNodePtrTmp; do
nLeftIndex = LEFT(nParentIndex);
nRightIndex = RIGHT(nParentIndex);
nMinIndex = nParentIndex; if ( nLeftIndex < nListSize && lists[nLeftIndex]->val < lists[nMinIndex]->val )
nMinIndex = nLeftIndex;
} if ( nRightIndex < nListSize && lists[nRightIndex]->val < lists[nMinIndex]->val )
nMinIndex = nRightIndex;
} if ( nMinIndex != nParentIndex )
pNodePtrTmp = lists[nMinIndex];
lists[nMinIndex] = lists[nParentIndex];
lists[nParentIndex] = pNodePtrTmp; nParentIndex = nMinIndex; }else
} }while( );
} //建堆
void BuildMinHeap(ListNodePointer lists[], int nListSize )
{ int i;
for ( i = nListSize/; i >= ; i-- )
MinHeapify(lists, nListSize, i);
} //从堆中取出最小的元素
ListNodePointer ExtractMin( ListNodePointer lists[], int *pListSize )
{ ListNodePointer pMinNode = lists[]; (*pListSize)--;
lists[] = lists[*pListSize]; MinHeapify(lists, *pListSize, ); return pMinNode;
} //向堆中添加元素
void InsertHeap(ListNodePointer lists[], int *pListSize, ListNodePointer pNode )
{ int nCurNodeIndex = *pListSize;
int nParentIndex = PARENT(nCurNodeIndex);
ListNodePointer pNodePtrTmp; lists[nCurNodeIndex] = pNode;
(*pListSize)++; while ( nCurNodeIndex > && lists[nParentIndex]->val > lists[nCurNodeIndex]->val )
pNodePtrTmp = lists[nParentIndex];
lists[nParentIndex] = lists[nCurNodeIndex];
lists[nCurNodeIndex] = pNodePtrTmp; nCurNodeIndex = nParentIndex;
nParentIndex = PARENT(nCurNodeIndex);
} struct ListNode* mergeKLists(struct ListNode** lists, int listsSize)
{ ListNodePointer *pListPointerArray = (ListNodePointer *) malloc( sizeof(ListNodePointer)*listsSize );
struct ListNode header = {.next=NULL};
ListNodePointer pTail = NULL; int i;
int nHeapSize = ; for( i=; i<listsSize; i++ )
if ( lists[i] != NULL )
pListPointerArray[nHeapSize] = lists[i];
} if ( nHeapSize == )
return NULL;
} BuildMinHeap(pListPointerArray, nHeapSize); //这里为预处理
header.next = ExtractMin(pListPointerArray, &nHeapSize);
pTail = header.next;
if ( NULL != pTail && pTail->next != NULL )
InsertHeap(pListPointerArray, &nHeapSize, pTail->next );
} while( nHeapSize != )
pTail->next = ExtractMin(pListPointerArray, &nHeapSize); pTail = pTail->next; if ( NULL != pTail && NULL != pTail->next )
InsertHeap(pListPointerArray, &nHeapSize, pTail->next );
} free(pListPointerArray); return header.next;
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