using AnfleCrawler.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AnfleCrawler.DataAnalyzer
internal class Mytophome : AnalyzerBase
protected override void AnalyzeInternal(PageLandEntity current)
var lander = Crawler.Lander;
var pHandler = CreateContentHandler(current);
switch (current.Depth)
case :
var dom = lander.GetDocument(pHandler);
var nextNode = QueryNode(dom.DocumentNode, "nobr").ParentNode;
nextNode.SetAttributeValue("id", PagingHack);
DoPerPaging(current, dom.DocumentNode, string.Format("#{0}", PagingHack)); foreach (var node in QueryNodes(dom.DocumentNode, ".deD_ctt li"))
var Nset = QueryNodes(node, "span").ToArray();
var hUrl = GetHref(QueryNode(Nset[], "a"), current.Url);
var query = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(hUrl.Query);
string shid = query["estateId"];
hUrl = new Uri(string.Format("http://{0}/wiki/{1}/detail.html", hUrl.Authority, shid));
Guid housesID;
CheckHouses(hUrl, out housesID);
catch (HtmlNodeMissingException ex)
App.LogError(ex, "OrgUrl={0} HousesUrl={1}", shid, hUrl);
} var vals = Nset.Select(p => p.InnerText.HtmlTrim()).ToArray();
DateTime? transactionDate = null;
DateTime dump;
if (DateTime.TryParse(vals.Last(), out dump))
transactionDate = dump;
if (vals.Length == )
Repository.SaveHouselisting(new HouselistingEntity()
HousesID = housesID,
TransactionDate = transactionDate,
BuildingName = vals[],
Area = string.Format("{0}平方", vals[]),
SoldPriceOrRent = string.Format("{0}万", vals[]),
UnitPriceOrLease = string.Format("{0}元/平方", vals[]),
Repository.SaveHouselisting(new HouselistingEntity()
HousesID = housesID,
TransactionDate = transactionDate,
Area = string.Format("{0}平方", vals[]),
SoldPriceOrRent = string.Format("{0}万", vals[]),
UnitPriceOrLease = string.Format("{0}元/平方", vals[]),
Crawler.OutWrite("保存小区出售记录 {0}", housesID);
} private void CheckHouses(Uri housesUrl, out Guid housesID)
var pHandler = CreateContentHandler(new PageLandEntity()
Url = housesUrl,
Depth = DataDepth.Houses
var dom = Crawler.Lander.GetDocument(pHandler);
var attrs = new AttributeFiller(); attrs.Append(QueryTexts(dom.DocumentNode, ".xxjs_rbar_ct li")); housesID = GenHashKey(housesUrl.OriginalString);
var bo = Crawler.Repository.LoadHouses(housesID);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bo.SiteID))
bo.SiteID = "";
bo.PageUrl = housesUrl.OriginalString;
bo.CityName = Crawler.Config.CityName;
attrs.FillEntity(bo, new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"楼盘名称", "小区名称"},
{"楼盘地址", "小区地址"},
{"发展商", "开发商"},
{"物管公司", "物业公司"},
{"物管电话", "物业办公电话"},
Crawler.OutWrite("保存楼盘 {0}", bo.小区名称);

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