
This variable contains the value of who sent the SIP BYE message. Some examples from XML CDRs:


Interpretation of these values differs on incoming and outgoing calls since FreeSWITCH is at different ends of the session.

Value Incoming Outgoing
send_bye FS sent BYE to the caller (we hung up) FS sent BYE to the endpoint (we hung up)
recv_bye FS received BYE from the caller (they hung up) FS received BYE from the endpoint (they hung up)
send_refuse FS rejected the call (e.g. 4xx or 5xx) Endpoint rejected the call (e.g. 4xx or 5xx)
send_cancel n/a FS aborted the call (we sent CANCEL)


Look in CDR for the value; only valid after call has ended.



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