using namespace std;
 int count=0;
 typedef struct Note{
  char path[50];
  struct Note *next;
 typedef struct Node {
  char name[20];
  unsigned int size;
  struct Node *next;   
 List creat(void);
 void add(List *head,char *Tname,int Tsize);
 void bwrite(char *fn);
 void file_in(char *Path_r,char *Path_w);
 void unzip(char *Path_file,char *Path_out);
 void lookthepack(char *path);
 Lnote Tcreat(void);
 void Tadd(Lnote *Thead,char *Path);
 void zip(char *ar1,char *ar2); 
 void lookthepack(char *path){
  int i,j;
  Node p;
  FILE *fp;
   printf("Can't open %s\n",path);
   printf("打包文件总数为:  %d\n",j);
 void zip(char *ar1,char *ar2){
   char check;
   int l;
   List head=creat();
   Lnote Thead=Tcreat();
     long Handle;
   struct _finddata_t FileInfo;
  /*  以下为路径不包括通配符情况*/
   if (!(strcmp(FileInfo.name, "..")&&strcmp(FileInfo.name,"."))){
  char path_a[40];
/* 以下旨在获取除去通配符后的文件路径 */
  int str_leng,t;
  for(t= str_leng+1;;t--)
  char Tname[20];
   strcat(path_a,Tname);  //获取绝对路径
  FILE *fp_stu,*fp_txt;
   printf("Can't open++++ %s\n",ar2);
   fwrite(&count,sizeof(count),1,fp_stu);  //记录文件总个数为int型,并放在打包文件头
   Node *op;
  Note *pt;
   file_in(pt->path,ar2);     //文件读取及写入
 void unzip(char *Path_file,char *Path_out){
  FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3;
  char ch;
  int num,m=0;
  Node p;
   printf("Can't open %s\n",Path_file);
  else if((fp2=fopen(Path_file,"rb"))==NULL){
   printf("Can't open %s\n",Path_file);
  printf("The file-count is   :    %d\n",num);
  do { m++;
  char fullpath_out[40];
  char name[20];
  int i=0;
   printf("Can't open    %s   \n",fullpath_out);
 void file_in(char *Path_r,char *Path_w){
  FILE *fpr,*fpw;
  char ch;
   printf("Can't open  文件路径  %s\n",Path_r);
   printf("Can't open  打包指向路径 %s\n",Path_w);
   while ((ch=fgetc(fpr))!=EOF)
 Lnote Tcreat(void){
  Lnote Thead=(Lnote)malloc(sizeof(Note));
  return Thead;
 void Tadd(Lnote *Thead,char *Path){
  Note *s,*r;
 List creat(void){
  List head=(List)malloc(sizeof(Node));
  return head;
 void add(List *head,char *Tname,int Tsize){
  int i=0;
  Node *s,*r;
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
     printf("此程序命令行参数如下:  \n");
     printf("命令总数为 %d    \n",argc+1); 
  for(int i=0;i<argc;i++)
      printf("%s     %d\n",argv[i],i);
 /*  以下对应于argv[1]为‘-l’时,表示显示压缩包内的文件 */ 
    char a[20],b[5];
 for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
 /*  以下对应于argv[1]为‘-u’时,表示解压 */ 
    else if(strcmp(b,"-u")==0){
 else { 
  return 0;
//E:\打包事例\test.exe E:\打包事例\Thepack\*.* E:\打包事例\
//E:\打包事例\test.exe -l E:\打包事例\testqq.txt
//E:\打包事例\test.exe -u E:\打包事例\testqq.txt E:\打包事例\zxcv\


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