Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource.

  URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
  hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-rootless
/ path-empty
\_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
| | | | |
scheme authority path query fragment
| _____________________|__
/ \ / \
"Uniform Resource Locator" (URL):
  Refers to the subset of URIs, in addition to identifying a resource, provide a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism.
"Uniform Resource Name"  (URN):
  Intended to serve as persistent,location-independent, resource identifiers.
  All URNs have the following syntax (phrases enclosed in quotes are

                     <URN> ::= "urn:" <NID> ":" <NSS>

   where <NID> is the Namespace Identifier, and <NSS> is the Namespace Specific String.

Refer below:

HTTP Protocol - URI的更多相关文章

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