

import {FileUploadModule} from 'primeng/primeng';

Getting Started


<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload"></p-fileUpload>

Multiple Uploads


<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload" multiple="multiple"></p-fileUpload>



Auto Uploads


<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload" multiple="multiple"
accept="image/*" auto="auto"></p-fileUpload>

File Types


<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload" multiple="multiple"

File Size


<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload" multiple="multiple"
accept="image/*" maxFileSize="1000000"></p-fileUpload>

为了自定义默认消息使用invalidfilesizemessagesummary和invalidfilesizemessagedetail选项。总之{ 0}占位符是指文件名和详细的文件大小。

  • invalidFileSizeMessageSummary: '{0}: Invalid file size, '          --(“{ 0 }:无效的文件大小,”)
  • invalidFileSizeMessageDetail: string = 'maximum upload size is {0}.'     --(字符串的最大上传大小是{ 0 })



<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload" multiple="multiple"
accept="image/*" maxFileSize="1000000">
<ng-template pTemplate="toolbar">
<div>Upload 3 Files</div>
<ng-template let-file pTemplate="file">
<div>Custom UI to display a file</div>
<ng-template pTemplate="content">
<div>Custom UI to manage uploaded files</div>

Request Customization



Name  Type Default Description
name string null Name of the request parameter to identify the files at backend.
url string null Remote url to upload the files.
multiple boolean false Used to select multiple files at once from file dialog.
accept string false Pattern to restrict the allowed file types such as "image/*".
disabled boolean false Disables the upload functionality.
auto boolean false When enabled, upload begins automatically after selection is completed.
maxFileSize number null Maximum file size allowed in bytes.
invalidFileSizeMessageSummary string "{0}: Invalid file size, " Summary message of the invalid fize size.
invalidFileSizeMessageDetail string "maximum upload size is {0}." Detail message of the invalid fize size.
invalidFileTypeMessageSummary string "{0}: Invalid file type, " Summary message of the invalid fize type.
invalidFileTypeMessageDetail string "allowed file types: {0}." Detail message of the invalid fize type.
style string null Inline style of the component.
styleClass string null Style class of the component.
previewWidth number 50 Width of the image thumbnail in pixels.
chooseLabel string Choose Label of the choose button.
uploadLabel string Upload Label of the upload button.
cancelLabel string Cancel Label of the cancel button.


 Name Parameters Description
onBeforeUpload event.xhr: XmlHttpRequest instance.
event.formData: FormData object.
Callback to invoke before file upload begins to customize the request
such as post parameters before the files.
onBeforeSend event.xhr: XmlHttpRequest instance.
event.formData: FormData object.
Callback to invoke before file send begins to customize the request
such as adding headers.
onUpload event.xhr: XmlHttpRequest instance.
event.files: Uploaded files.
Callback to invoke when file upload is complete.
onError event.xhr: XmlHttpRequest instance.
event.files: Files that are not uploaded.
Callback to invoke if file upload fails.
onClear -. Callback to invoke when files in queue are removed without uploading.
onSelect event.originalEvent: Original browser event.
event.files: List of selected files.
Callback to invoke when file upload is complete.



 Name Element
ui-fileupload Container element
ui-fileupload-buttonbar Header containing the buttons
ui-fileupload-content Content section

demo code

export class FileUploadDemo {

    msgs: Message[];

    uploadedFiles: any[] = [];

    onUpload(event) {
for(let file of event.files) {
} this.msgs = [];
this.msgs.push({severity: 'info', summary: 'File Uploaded', detail: ''});


<p-growl [value]="msgs"></p-growl>

<p-fileUpload name="demo[]" url="http://localhost:3000/upload" (onUpload)="onUpload($event)"
multiple="multiple" accept="image/*" maxFileSize="1000000">
<ng-template pTemplate type="content">
<ul *ngIf="uploadedFiles.length">
<li *ngFor="let file of uploadedFiles">{{file.name}} - {{file.size}} bytes</li>

FileUploadDemo .html




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