public class Solution
public int HammingDistance(int x, int y)
int[] aryA = new int[];
int[] aryB = new int[]; int i = ;
int j = ; do
aryA[i] = x % ;//将10进制转换为2进制
x = x / ;
while (x != ); do
aryB[j] = y % ;//将10进制转换为2进制
y = y / ;
while (y != ); int result = ;
for (int k = ; k < ; k++)
if (aryA[k] != aryB[k])//查找对应的二进制位,如果一个是0一个是1
return result;



 class Solution:
def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
z = x ^ y
cnt =
mask =
for i in range():
t = z & mask
mask <<=
if t != :
cnt +=
return cnt


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