Linux 内核中用到了大量的结构体,在编码规范中也给出了结构体初始化的规则,这篇文章中有对其的解释:,不过,这篇文章中并没有给出实例分析,下面我写了一段测试程序:

#include<string.h> struct test {
int test_value1;
float test_value2;
char *test_value3;
}; int main(void)
int i;
char my_name[] = "DLUTBruceZhang";
char my_school[] = "DLUT"; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
if (i % 2 == 0){
struct test my_test = {
.test_value1 = 10,
.test_value2 = 10.0,
.test_value3 = my_name,
printf("test_value1 = %d, test_value2 = %f,\
test_value3 = %s\n", my_test.test_value1,
my_test.test_value2, my_test.test_value3); } else {
struct test my_test = {
.test_value1 = 100,
.test_value2 = 100.0,
.test_value3 = my_school,
printf("test_value1 = %d, test_value2 = %f,\
test_value3 = %s\n", my_test.test_value1,
my_test.test_value2, my_test.test_value3);
struct test my_test = {
/*.test_value1 = 10,*/
/*.test_value2 = 10.0,*/
/*.test_value3 = my_name,*/
printf("test_value1 = %d, test_value2 = %f,\
test_value3 = %s\n", my_test.test_value1,
my_test.test_value2, my_test.test_value3); return 0;



      struct test {
int test_value1;
float test_value2;
char  *test_value3;
2.两次赋初值,根据情况不同,对其进行赋值,赋值方法采用的是 Linux 内核编码规范中的方法(这里忽略了标识符)

struct test my_test = {
.test_value1 = 10,
.test_value2 = 10.0,
.test_value3 = my_name,

struct test my_test = {
.test_value1 = 100,
.test_value2 = 100.0,
.test_value3 = my_school,

3.不赋初值的情况是整型默认为 0,浮点型默认为 0.0,字符指针默认为 NULL

struct test my_test = {
/*.test_value1 = 10,*/
/*.test_value2 = 10.0,*/
/*.test_value3 = my_name,*/


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