
  1. -- export
  2. declare @xml xml
  3. set @xml = (select * from (
  4. select TableName = 'Schema',
  5. xmlData = ( select * from [Schema] where id = 337 for xml auto, root('Schemas') )
  6. union
  7. select 'SchemaFile',
  8. ( select Id, SchemaId,
  9. Data = convert(varchar(max), Data),
  10. FileName, Fullpath, RelativePath
  11. from SchemaFile where SchemaId = 337 for xml auto, root('SchemaFiles') ) ) SchemaExport
  12. for xml auto, root('SchemaExports') )
  14. select @xml


  1. -- now import
  3. declare @idoc int
  5. declare @tableName varchar(255)
  6. declare @xmlData xml
  8. declare @mappingExport table (TableName varchar(255), xmlData xml)
  10. exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, @xml
  11. insert into @mappingExport
  12. select *
  13. from openxml (@idoc, '/SchemaExports/SchemaExport')
  14. with (TableName varchar(255),
  15. xmlData nvarchar(max))
  16. exec sp_xml_removedocument @idoc output
  18. declare exportCursor cursor
  19. for select TableName, xmlData
  20. from @mappingExport
  22. open exportCursor
  24. fetch from exportCursor into @tableName, @xmlData
  26. while @@fetch_status <> -1
  27. begin
  28. exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, @xmlData
  30. if (@tableName = 'Schema')
  31. begin
  32. print 'Copying Schema'
  34. select *
  35. from openxml (@idoc, '/Schemas/Schema')
  36. with (Id int,
  37. TenantId int,
  38. VersionNo int,
  39. ResponseSchemaId int,
  40. SchemaName nvarchar(200),
  41. SOAPActino varchar(200),
  42. LastUpdatedUTC datetime,
  43. IsCanonical bit,
  44. DocumentType nvarchar(512) )
  45. end
  46. else if (@tableName = 'SchemaFile')
  47. begin
  48. print 'Copying SchemaFile'
  49. select *, datalength(data), convert(xml, data)
  50. from openxml (@idoc, '/SchemaFiles/SchemaFile')
  51. with (Id int,
  52. SchemaId int,
  53. Data varchar(max),
  54. FileName nvarchar(255),
  55. FullPath nvarchar(255),
  56. RelativePath nvarchar(255) )
  57. end
  58. exec sp_xml_removedocument @idoc
  59. fetch next from exportCursor into @tableName, @xmlData
  60. end
  62. select datalength(data), convert(xml, data)
  63. from schemafile
  64. where schemaid = 337

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