Zipcode class:
//3 variables: zipcode, city, county, and compare by county
//define getter and setter so that it could be used to get the variable
//two variables: county and count, and define the getters & setters
// the files,
//no need to define here since it was passed later on
//use += for string
compare the zipcode by the county?
compare the county by their count
//read file by passing into file's name
//define two lists to use
//3 initialize zipcode
//sort the list using the Collections.sort
//4 initialize cities
//append the new county's name to the string's name
//split up all the country words, 5.count the zipcode
//new up a number list to store the number accounts
//count the numbers one by one
//append the count to the number list
//new up a county object and add it to the state list 6. count the cities
//sort after appended to the list using Collections.sort
//print out the state's names
【Zipcode Hashmap】
//initialize variables : city/country/zipcode, same constructor
//split the words and set up zipmap object
//dirty number? add only if they equal in both city and county
//add to indicate duplication for further query
//just one city/county equal?
//using printf to format output
Genre class:
//define variables: string and arraylist
//define compare to method and compare via one variable
//if o comes later, from small to big
//override the hashcode method
//override the equals method
Movie class:
MyFlix class:
load movie information and the movie genres information
//loadGenres://use iterator to parse all the movies, //get next movie, //get next genre,
//if not contain the genre, add to the new list,
//if contains the genre, add to the list
//rewrite, add to result if it contains
//rewrite: print by using iteration
//define toString here : word + ": " + meaning
//should notice the lower case situation
Dictionary class:
//re: put into map according to the requirement
//get a new word
//add up on
//or add a new list
//re: find in the wordList, use found variable to controll
//print out the results found in the map
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