We can't give up trying. The fight was worth it.


When doing researches in some cutting-edge fileds, like autonomous-driving, it is inevitable to encounter innumerable difficulties and setbacks.

Sometimes, when you think your solutions would work, but the results may turn out to be disappointing.

That is often the case, that would make you feel despair, either to give up trying, or to keep on going forward.

Sometimes, when you think you couldn't even go on trying, but a little more efforts would bring you some amazing breakthroughs.

To givp up, stop making changes and live the rest of life in a dishornoralbe way with infinite sorrow and regret?

No, that is the life I never choose to live, maybe killing me is better.

I never give up whether there is hope or not.

I always have a feeling that every thing will come right for us one day, if only we can keep on fighting for our dreams.

It will worth it.

A misery is not to be measured from the nature of the evil, but from the temper of the sufferer.


From Joseph Addison.

Is it an excuse for those who have committed evils?

The suffering is real and always can be measured by the common-value of our human beings.

We can't justify any villainy for any reason.

But if other people can endure the hardships, why can't it?

Sometimes patientce is the same meaning with forbearance and longsuffering.

Now that we can't change the sufferings, why not become capable of handling sufferings and be more component?

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