一篇关于介绍php的几个user 认证相关的几个包
By Imran Iqbal In Authentication, Packages - September 3,2014 - Comments(0) - Views(2515)
Tags : laravel packages, laravel authentication, laravel authentication packages, sentry, laravel confide, lavarel verify, laravel tutorials, php laravel
When we talk about Laravel Authentication Sentry wins the game everytime but there are many new comers in the market so its good to test them all . Some of them are listed below
Sentry is a simple, powerful and easy to use authorization and authentication package. It provides additional features such as groups, permissions, custom hashing algorithms and additional security features.
It is a simple role/permission authentication package for Laravel 4 .
Confide is a authentication solution for Laravel4 made to eliminate repetitive tasks involving the management of users: Account creation, login, logout, confirmation by e-mail, password reset, etc.
Confide aims to be simple to use, quick to configure and flexible.
- Account confirmation (through confirmation link).
- Password reset (sending email with a change password link).
- Easily render forms for login, signup and password reset.
- Generate customizable routes for login, signup, password reset, confirmation, etc.
- Generate a customizable controller that handles the basic user account actions.
- Contains a set of methods to help basic user features.
- Integrated with the Laravel Auth component/configs.
- Field/model validation (Powered by Ardent).
- Login throttling.
- Redirecting to previous route after authentication.
- Checks for unique email and username in signup
Entrust provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel4.Entrust works very well with Confide in order to eliminate repetitive tasks involving the management of users: Account creation, login, logout, confirmation by e-mail, password reset, etc.
Authority is an authorization system for PHP that focuses more on the concept of activities and resources rather than roles. Using different user roles is still completely possible and often needed, but rather than determining functionality based on roles throughout your app, Authority allows you to simply check if a user is allowed to perform an action on a given resource or activity.
Some packages may overkill your application and some may have all features which you need . So select which package will perform better in your environment .
- See more at: http://kodeinfo.com/post/laravel-authentication-packages#sthash.HGwtiBTo.dpuf
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