This chapter covers
■ The origins of Hadoop, HBase, and NoSQL
■ Common use cases for HBase
■ A basic HBase installation
■ Storing and querying data with HBase






HBase is a database: the Hadoop database. It’s often described as a sparse, distributed, persistent, multidimensional sorted map, which is indexed by rowkey, column key, and timestamp. You’ll hear people refer to it as a key value store, a column family-oriented  database,  and  sometimes  a  database  storing  versioned  maps  of maps. All these descriptions are correct. But fundamentally, it’s a platform for storing and retrieving data with random access, meaning you can write data as you like and read it back again as you need it. HBase stores structured and semistructured data naturally so you can load it with tweets and parsed log files and a catalog of all your  products  right  along  with  their  customer reviews. It can store unstructured data too, as long as it’s not too large. It doesn’t care about types and allows for a dynamic and flexible data model that doesn’t constrain the kind of data you store.

HBase本身界定为数据库:是基于Hadoop框架上的数据库。它采用一种稀疏的、分布式的、持久化的、多维度的、排序的映射(map)存储模式,这种存储模式是基于数据行的主键(row key),数据列的主键(column key)与时间戳(timestamp)来建立索引的。平常人们更倾向于把它看作是键值式(key-valune)的存储系统,面向列式(column family-oriented)存储的数据库,或是保存多版本数据映射(map)的映射(map)的数据库。但是从根本上来讲,它是一个采用随机访问的数据存取平台,你可以基于它来随意写入保存你的数据,同时在需要时把这些数据读取出来。HBase支持存储结构化和半结构化数据,所以你可以用它来存储微博,解析日志文件,分类存储所有的产品信息以及产品的顾客评论。它也可以存储非结构化数据,不过这些数据最好不要太大。它对数据类型并不敏感,允许建立动态灵活的,同时不限制于数据类型的数据模型。

HBase  isn’t  a  relational  database  like  the  ones  to  which  you’re  likely  accustomed. It doesn’t speak SQLor enforce relationships within your data. It doesn’t allow interrow transactions, and it doesn’t mind storing an integer in one row and a string in another for the same column.


HBase is designed to run on a cluster of computers instead of a single computer. The cluster can be built using commodity hardware; HBase scales horizontally as you add more machines to the cluster. Each node in the cluster provides a bit of storage, a bit of cache, and a bit of computation as well. This makes HBase incredibly flexible and forgiving. No node is unique, so if one of those machines breaks down, you simply replace it with another. This adds up to a powerful, scalable approach to data that, until now, hasn’t been commonly available to mere mortals.


Join the community

Unfortunately, no official public numbers specify the largest HBase clusters running in production. This kind of information easily falls under the realm of business confidential and isn’t often shared. For now, the curious must rely on footnotes in publications, bullets in presentations, and the friendly, unofficial chatter you’ll find at user groups, meet-ups, and conferences.

So participate! It’s good for you, and it’s how we became involved as well. HBase is an open source project in an extremely specialized space. It has well-financed competition from some of the largest software companies on the planet. It’s the community that created HBase and the community that keeps it competitive and innovative.

Plus, it’s an intelligent, friendly group. The best way to get started is to join the mailing lists.

1 You can follow the features, enhancements, and bugs being currently worked on using the JIRA site.

2 It’s open source and collaborative, and users like yourself drive the project’s direction and development.

Step up, say hello, and tell them we sent you!

不幸的是,目前没有官方公共数据指出最大的HBase集群生产环境运行情况是什么样的。 这种信息容易属于商业机密的范畴,不是经常会共享出来的。目前,这种好奇心只能是通过查看出版物的备注,演讲PPT的条目摘要,和友好的用户组信息,约会信息和会议信息来满足下。

过来吧,打声招呼,告诉他们,是我们推荐你来的,呵呵 !

Given that HBase has a different design and different goals as compared to traditional  database systems, building applications using HBase involves a different approach as well. This book is geared toward teaching you how to effectively use the features

HBase has to offer in building applications that are required to work with large  amounts of data. Before you set out on the journey of learning how to use HBase, let’s  get historical perspective about how HBase came into being and the motivations

behind it. We’ll then touch on use cases people have successfully solved using HBase.  If you’re like us, you’ll want to play with HBase before going much further. We’ll wrap  up by walking through installing HBase on your laptop, tossing in some data, and pulling it out. Context is important, so let’s start at the beginning.

HBase相比传统的数据库系统有着不同的设计理念和不同的设计目标,构建应用程序使用HBase会涉及到一些不同的设计方法。这本书是针对如何有效地使用 HBase为处理大数据的应用程序服务。在你开始学习如何使用HBase之前,让我们一起从历史的角度出发看看HBase创造出来的动机和它背后的渊源。然后我们将了解一些人们使用HBase成功解决问题的案例。如果你像我们一样,希望把HBase应用得更好。那我们就继续深入,在你的笔记本电脑上安装HBase,插入一些数据,再查询出来。开发学习环境是很重要的,让我们一起从头开始做起吧。

HBase project mailing lists:

HBase JIRA site:

HBase JIRA网站:。

1.HBase In Action 第一章-HBase简介(后续翻译中)的更多相关文章

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