Given a string S, return the "reversed" string where all characters that are not a letter stay in the same place, and all letters reverse their positions.


Example 1:

Input: "ab-cd"
Output: "dc-ba"

Example 2:

Input: "a-bC-dEf-ghIj"
Output: "j-Ih-gfE-dCba"

Example 3:

Input: "Test1ng-Leet=code-Q!"
Output: "Qedo1ct-eeLg=ntse-T!"


  1. S.length <= 100
  2. 33 <= S[i].ASCIIcode <= 122
  3. S doesn't contain \ or "


class Solution {
string reverseOnlyLetters(string S) {
string ans = "";
vector<char> v;
int len = S.length();
for(int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
if(S[i] >= 'a' && S[i] <= 'z' || S[i] >= 'A' && S[i] <= 'Z')
} int rec = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
if(S[i] >= 'a' && S[i] <= 'z' || S[i] >= 'A' && S[i] <= 'Z') {
char c = v[rec];
ans += c;
rec ++;
else ans += S[i];
} return ans;


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